Automated Teller Machine (ATM) solution


Original Work ?
Category: You will Instantly receive a download link for .ZIP solution file upon Payment


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Write a windows console application that simulates an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) menu similar to the following (this program assumes you are uniquely logged in).

Welcome to the DeVry Bank Automated Teller Machine

Check balance

Make withdrawal

Make deposit

View account information

View statement

View bank information


The result of choosing #1 will be the following:
Current balance is: $2439.45

The result of choosing #2 will be the following:
How much would you like to withdraw? $200.50

The result of choosing #3 will be the following:
How much would you like to deposit? $177.32

The result of choosing #4 will be the following:

Name: (Student’s first and last name goes here)

Account Number: 1234554321

The result of choosing #5 will be the following:
01/01/11 – McDonald’s – $6.27

01/15/11 – Kwik Trip – $34.93

02/28/11 – Target – $124.21

The result of choosing #6 will be the following:
Devry Bank, established 2011

(123) 456-7890

12345 1st St.

Someplace, NJ 12345

The result of choosing #7 will be the following:
*Exit the program – terminate console application