CS 144 Assignment 3. War and Peace solution


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This assignment will give you practice with C++ strings and vectors.
Download and unzip the complete text of War and Peace as an ASCII file from
The file contains over 65,000 lines and over a half million words. This file has already
been uploaded to CodeCheck.
Write a C++ program to search for the following names in the text:
• Makar Alexeevich
• Joseph Bazdeev
• Boris Drubetskoy
Scan (read and search) the input file a line at a time. For each occurrence of each name
in an input line, print:
• The line number (first line is 1).
• The character position of the first letter of the first name (first position is 1).
• The name itself.
Print the names in line number order. A name can be split across two consecutive lines.
In that case, print the line number of the first name. If you find more than one name in a
line, print the names in alphabetical order.
You may assume that the names in the input file are always in the order of the first name
followed by the last name. Between the first and last names, there is either a single
space or a line break. If a name is split across two lines, the first name will be at the end
of one line, although there may be one or two blanks between the last letter and the line
break, and the last name will always be the first character of the next line.
Strings and vectors
You must use C++ strings and not the old C strings, and you must use vectors instead of
arrays. Use the vector at method instead of indexing with [ and ].
For string functions, see http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/
For vector functions, see http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/vector/vector/
You must have good functional decomposition. Follow the convention of declaring your
functions before the main. Include documentation (comments) for each declaration:
• the purpose of the function and any assumptions (preconditions) that it makes
• what each parameter is; use @param
• what is the result (postcondition); use @return if it is not void
Pass nonscalar parameters by reference
to avoid unnecessarily copying argument
values. Mark with const any parameters
whose values the function isn’t supposed
to change. Define the functions after the
main. Document the internals of each
function, but do not repeat the
documentation of its declaration.
Avoid the use of global variables. Use
function parameters instead. Global
constants are OK.
Expected output
CodeCheck will check your output for
correct values and for formatting.
19949 1 Boris Drubetskoy
21906 66 Makar Alexeevich
21953 2 Makar Alexeevich
22173 9 Boris Drubetskoy
23910 62 Boris Drubetskoy
23982 39 Boris Drubetskoy
24033 54 Boris Drubetskoy
29439 31 Boris Drubetskoy
29614 28 Boris Drubetskoy
33007 1 Boris Drubetskoy
41110 22 Boris Drubetskoy
46593 60 Joseph Bazdeev
46612 19 Joseph Bazdeev
46622 28 Makar Alexeevich
46626 18 Makar Alexeevich
46626 39 Joseph Bazdeev
46642 20 Joseph Bazdeev
46689 11 Makar Alexeevich
48300 11 Makar Alexeevich
48314 42 Makar Alexeevich
48317 10 Makar Alexeevich
48323 68 Makar Alexeevich
48326 38 Makar Alexeevich
48331 60 Makar Alexeevich
48336 13 Makar Alexeevich
48347 28 Makar Alexeevich
48407 53 Makar Alexeevich
48409 19 Makar Alexeevich
48415 8 Makar Alexeevich
48433 24 Makar Alexeevich
48435 1 Makar Alexeevich
48468 68 Makar Alexeevich
Write the first version of your program to find only names contained in a single line. Your
second version can find names that are split across two lines.
If you search each line for the names in alphabetical order and there are more than
name in the line, you will find the names in alphabetical order.
Criteria Max points
Good output (as determined by CodeCheck)
• Correct output values.
• Correct output formatting.
• 20
• 10
Good program design
• Good use of C++ strings
• Good use of vectors.
• Good functional decomposition.
• Good use of reference and const parameters.
• Good choice of variable and function names.
• 15
• 15
• 10
• 10
• 10
Good program style
• Function declarations before the main with documentation,
definitions after the main with internal documentation.
• Minimal use of global variables.
• 5
• 5
You can submit as many times as necessary to get satisfactory results, and the number
of submissions will not affect your score. When you’re done with your program, click the
“Download” link at the very bottom of the Report screen to download a signed zip file of
your solution.
Submit the signed zip file without renaming it into Canvas:
Assignment #3. War and Peace.
Academic integrity
You may study together and discuss the assignments, but what you turn in must be
your individual work. Assignment submissions will be checked for plagiarism using
Moss (http://theory.stanford.edu/~aiken/moss/). Copying another student’s
program or sharing your program is a violation of academic integrity. Moss is
not fooled by renaming variables, reformatting source code, or re-ordering functions.
Violators of academic integrity will suffer severe sanctions, including academic
probation. Students who are on academic probation are not eligible for work as
instructional assistants in the university or for internships at local companies.