CS 1C Assignment 3 Pointers solution


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Develop software using dynamic arrays (using the new and
delete operators) that allows a user to enter the names of the
athletic equipment below.
1. If Mark purchases four pairs of Nike basketball shoes,
five Under Armour T-shirts, six Under Armour shorts, and
one pair of Asics running shoes; print a receipt for the
purchase including the total cost before and after tax.
Assume the tax rate is 7.75%
2. Print an inventory list before and after Mark’s purchase.
3. Your program must use at one pointer variable.
4. Put all your variables in a user defined namespace.
5. Your program must use at least three preprocessor
directives other than #include.
Name of equipment Cost Quantity
Nike basketball shoes $179.99 25
Under Armour T-shirt $29.99 88
Brooks running shoes $121.44 13
Asics running shoes $165.88 12
Under Armour shorts $45.77 35