Assignment 3: Markov Random Field Models solution


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In this assignment you’ll implement two different computer vision algorithms that can be posed using the
same underlying mathematical and algorithmic framework: Markov Random Fields (MRFs).
The first algorithm is for semi-supervised segmentation. The program will take a color image and a set of
“seed points” that indicate where some of the foreground and background pixels in the image are located.
These seed points could be quick strokes drawn manually by a human, like in Figure 1. The program will
then use these seeds in an MRF model to produce a complete segmentation of the image, partitioning the
image into foreground and background (Figure 1). The second algorithm is for resolving stereo: given two
images of the same scene taken from two different camera angles, infer the depth of each pixel by computing
disparities between the two images.
Despite the fact that these two algorithms seem quite different, they can both be posed as MRF inference
problems “under the hood,” so that much of the code can be shared between the two programs.
You may work on this project individually or in groups of two. If you work in a group, you should turn in
a single project report and single set of source code files. Both members of a group will receive the same
We recommend using C/C++ for this assignment, and we have prepared some skeleton code that may help
you get you started (see details below). We recommend using C/C++ because computer vision algorithms
tend to be compute-intensive, and your code may be frustratingly slow when implemented in higher-level
languages (like Matlab, Java, Python, etc.). However you may choose to use a different programming
language, with the restriction that you must implement the image processing and computer vision operations
yourself. You do not have to re-implement image I/O routines (i.e. you may use Matlab’s imread and imwrite
functions). You may use built-in or third party libraries for routines not related to image processing (e.g.
data structures, sorting/searching algorithms, etc.).
Please use the Forums on the OnCourse site to ask questions about this assignment, and monitor the forums
for answers to frequently asked questions.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 1: Sample semi-supervised segmentation problem and results: (a) input image, (b) foreground (blue)
and background (red) strokes drawn by a human, indicating roughly where the foreground and background
regions of the image are, (c) foreground image produced by segmentation, (d) background image produced
by segmentation.
What to do
1. Download the skeleton code and test images from OnCourse and make the sample program:
tar -xzf a3-skel.tar.gz
cd a3/
The code has been tested in the Linux machines in the School of Informatics, so we suggest using one
of those. You may use another development platform (Windows, MacOS, etc.), but you may have to
modify the skeleton code to get it to compile.
There are two skeleton programs here. One is called “segment” and takes an input to be segmented,
and then a second image that specifies seed points. The seed points image is just a blank image with
a few red and blue areas, that show the background and foreground seed points, respectively. This
program should run foreground vs background segmentation on the input image using the seed points,
and then output two images, one containing the foreground pixels and the other the background pixels.
Run the program like this:
./segment input.png seeds.png
The second program is called “stereo” and takes a left image, a right image, and (optionally) a third
image which is a ground-truth disparity map. The goal of this program is to compute a disparity map
between the left and right images, output the disparity map as a png file, and compute a quantitative
error measure by comparing the disparity map to the ground-truth. The current skeleton code computes
the disparity map completely randomly. Run the program like this:
./stereo left.png right.png gt.png
and then look at the resulting output files.
2. Let’s work on segment first. What we’d like to do here is to assign each pixel a label that is either a 1
or 0: 1 if the pixel is in the foreground and 0 if in the background. The existing skeleton code doesn’t
do very much – it just computes a random segmentation.
As a first step towards a better segmentation algorithm, we should at least make use of the seed points
provided to the program. The seed points are a set F ∈ I of pixels of image I known to be foreground
points, and a set B ∈ I of points known to be background points. Based on the set of points in F,
we can build a simple appearance model of what foreground pixels “look like,” for instance by simply
estimating means µ = [µR µG µB]
T and variances Σ = diag(σR, σG, σB) of the RGB color values in
F. Let L(p) denote a binary label assigned to pixel p. Then we can define a function that measures
the “cost” of giving a label L(p) to pixel p,
D(L(p), I(p)) =

0 if L(p) = 0 and p ∈ B
0 if L(p) = 1 and p ∈ F
∞ if L(p) = 0 and p ∈ F
∞ if L(p) = 1 and p ∈ B
− log N(I(p); µ, Σ) if L(p) = 1 and p 6∈ F and p 6∈ B
β if L(p) = 0 and p 6∈ F and p 6∈ B,
where β is a constant and N(I(p); µ, Σ) is a Gaussian probability density function evaluated with the
RGB color values at I(p). Intuitively, this says that one pays no cost for assigning a 1 to a pixel in F
or a 0 to a pixel in B, but we pay a very high cost for assigning the wrong label to one of these known
pixels. For a pixel not in B or F, we pay some fixed cost β to assign it to background, and a cost for
assigning it to foreground that depends on how similar its color is to the known foreground pixels.
Implement a function called naive segment() that chooses a most-likely pixel for each pixel given only
the above energy function, i.e. computes the labeling,
L∗ = arg min
D(L(p), I(p)).
To help you test your code, we’ve given you some sample images and seed files in the images/ directory
of the skeleton code archive.
3. The above formulation has a major disadvantage, of course: it doesn’t enforce any sort of spatial
coherence on the segmentation result. To fix this, let’s define a more complicated energy function,
E(L, I) = X
D(L(p), I(p)) + α
V (L(p), L(q))
where α is a constant, N (p) is the set of 4-neighbors of p (i.e. N (p) = {(i − 1, j),(i + 1, j),(i, j −
1),(i, j + 1)} for p = (i, j) not on the image boundary), and V (·, ·) is a pairwise cost function. We
could use various forms for this pairwise cost, but intuitively we want to penalize disagreement between
D(L(p), L(q)) = (L(p) − L(q))2
Now to actually perform segmentation, we simply need to minimize the energy; i.e. find L∗ such that,
L∗ = arg min
E(L, I).
As we saw in class, this is an MRF energy minimization problem. Implement loopy belief propagation to
(approximately) minimize this energy function. Your final program should produce four output images:
foreground and background images produced by the simple procedure of step 2, and foreground and
background images produced by loopy BP in this step.
4. Now to stereo. Recall from class that, to make things easier for the stereo algorithm, image pairs are
typically rectified so that the epipolar lines are parallel and correspond to horizontal scan lines of the
images. Also recall that depth is inversely proportional to disparity; i.e. the depth of a pixel is given
by z = f b/d, where d is the disparity between left and right images at that pixel, f is the focal length
of the camera (assumed to be the same for both images), and b is the distance between camera centers.
The hard part is finding a good estimate of d for each pixel. We’ll thus ignore f and b and instead
concentrate on finding good disparity maps; the output of your code will be a disparity map instead
of a depth map.
As we saw in class, stereo can also be posed as an MRF inference problem. We can define a stereo
energy function that turns out to be nearly identical to that of semi-supervised segmentation,
F(L, I) = X
D2(L(p), IL, IR, p) + α
V2(L(p), L(q)),
except that we’ll define the cost functions D2 and V2 differently, and the set of possible labels is no
longer binary but instead the set of possible disparity values (i.e. an integer greater than or equal to 0
and less than the width of the image). For the pairwise function, one could use the same quadratic cost
function defined in step 3, or one of the variants we saw in class (e.g. Potts or truncated quadratic).
For the unary cost, we need a function that uses image data to infer the disparities — i.e. for each
pixel (i, j) in the left image, estimates the likelihood that it corresponds to pixel (i, j + d) in the right
image, for all possible values of d. As we saw in class, a reasonable way of doing this is to compute
sum-squared differences. The cost function then becomes,
D2(d, IL, IR,(i, j)) =
(IL(i + u, j + v) − IR(i + u, j + v + d))2
Complete stereo by implementing loopy belief propagation to minimize the energy function F. To
help you test your code, we’ve included five stereo pairs in the images/ directory of a3.tar.gz, named
Aloe, Baby, Bowling, Flowerpots, and Monopoly. These pairs have already been rectified. For each
pair, we’ve included left and right images, as well as two ground truth disparity maps. The skeleton
code can compute an error measure (the mean squared difference) between the disparity map you
produce and the ground truth. What is the effect of the window size parameter W on the quality of
the disparity maps, both qualitatively and quantitatively?
Academic integrity
You and your partner may discuss the assignment with other people at a high level, e.g. discussing general
strategies to solve the problem, talking about C/C++ syntax and features, etc. You may also consult
printed and/or online references, including books, tutorials, etc., but you must cite these materials in the
documentation of your source code. However, the code that you (and your partner, if working in a group)
submit must be your own work, which you personally designed and wrote. You may not share written code
with any other students except your own partner, nor may you possess code written by another student who
is not your partner, either in whole or in part, regardless of format.
What to turn in
Turn in two files, via OnCourse:
1. Your C++ source code compressed as a .zip or .tgz file. Make sure your code is thoroughly debugged
and tested. Make sure your code is thoroughly legible, understandable, and commented. Please use
meaningful variable and function names. Cryptic or uncommented code is not acceptable.
2. A separate text report in PDF format. Explain how you implemented it (e.g. what data structures you
used), what design decisions and other assumptions you made. Give credit to any source of assistance
(students with whom you discussed your assignments, instructors, books, online sources, etc.). Make
sure to show the results of your program on our sample test images, by presenting qualitative (i.e.
figures showing the output) and quantitative (i.e. error metrics with respect to ground truth for
We’ll grade based on the correctness, style, and the project report. In particular: Does the code work
as expected? Does it use reasonable algorithms as discussed in class? Did it produce reasonable results?
Was it tested thoroughly? Does it check for appropriate input and fail gracefully? Is the code legible and
understandable? Is the code thoroughly and clearly commented? Is the project report adequate?