COMP 2210 Assignment 3: Empirical Analysis solved


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This assignment is a departure from previous assignments insomuch as its focus is not on program construction, but is instead on experimentation, analysis, critical thinking, and applying the scientific method. The provided resources for this assignment are the following. • a3resources.jar — A jar file containing the TimingLab class for which you have to experimentally determine time complexity of a method, and the SortingLab class for which you have to experimentally determine the sorting algorithms implemented in various methods. • — Source code of a Java class that illustrates basic use of the TimingLab class. This class is for illustration only. You can modify and use it for your own purposes or you can use it as an example to create a different but similar class of your own. • — Source code of a class that illustrates basic calls to public methods of SortingLab. This class is for illustration only. You can modify and use it for your own purposes or you can use it as an example to create a different but similar class of your own. • sample_report.pdf — A sample report that you are required to use as a style, structure, and formatting guide for the deliverables that you submit for this assignment. There are two parts to this assignment. Each has its own deliverable and is to be done independently of the other. Part A: Experimental Discovery of Time Complexity You must develop and perform a repeatable experimental procedure that will allow you to empirically discover the time complexity (in term of big-Oh) of the timeTrial(int N) method in the TimingLab class. The parameter N represents the problem size. Thus, by iteratively calling timeTrial with successively larger values of N, you can collect timing data that is useful for characterizing the method’s time complexity. The constructor TimingLab(int key) will create a TimingLab object whose timeTrial method is tailored specifically to the given key value. You will use your group number in Canvas as the key required by the constructor. For example, group 42 would invoke the constructor TimingLab(42) and group 23 would invoke the constructor TimingLab(23). This will create two distinct objects whose timeTrial methods would (very likely) have different time complexities. You are guaranteed that for any key value used, the associated time complexity will be proportional to Nk for some positive integer k. Thus, you can take advantage of the following property of polynomial time complexity functions T(N). T(N) ∝ N k =⇒ T(2N) T(N) ∝ (2N) k Nk = 2 kNk Nk = 2k (1) 1 COMP 2210 Spring 2016 This property tells us that as N is successively doubled, the ratio of the method’s running time on the current problem size to the method’s running time on the previous problem size (i.e., T(2N)/T(N)) converges to a numerical constant, call it R, that is equal to 2 k , and thus k = log2R. As an example, consider the data shown in Table 1. Each row in this table records data for a given run of some method being timed. The first column (N) records the problem size, the second column (Time) records the time taken for the method to run on this problem size, the third column (R) is the ratio discussed above (i.e., T imei/T imei−1), and the third column (k) is log2R. From Property 1 and Table 1 we can hypothesize that the method being timed has O(N4 ) time complexity. Table 1: Running-time data and calculations N Time R k 8 0.04 — — 16 0.08 2.25 1.17 32 0.84 10.37 3.37 64 7.59 9.03 3.18 128 113.56 14.97 3.91 256 1829.28 16.11 4.01 512 29689.21 16.23 4.02 You are required to use System.nanoTime(), as illustrated in, to generate timing data like that shown in Table 1. Running time values must be expressed in seconds. To document your work you must write a lab report that fully describes the experiment used to discover the big-Oh time complexity of the given method. The lab report must discuss the experimental procedure (what you did), data collection (all the data you gathered), data analysis (what you did with the data), and interpretation of the data (what conclusions you drew from the data). The lab report must be well written, it must exhibit a high degree of professionalism, and it must be structured like the provided sample. Your experiment must be described in enough detail that it could be reproduced by someone else. Part B: Experimental Identification of Sorting Algorithms You must develop and perform a repeatable experimental procedure that will allow you to empirically discover the sorting algorithms implemented by the five methods of the SortingLab class — sort1, sort2, sort3, sort4, sort5. The five sorting algorithms implemented are merge sort, randomized quicksort, nonrandomized quicksort, selection sort, and insertion sort. Insertion sort, selection sort, and merge sort are implemented exactly as described in lecture and the associated note set. Quicksort has two implementations, randomized and non-randomized. Both implementations choose the pivot in the same way: the pivot is always the left-most element (i.e., a[left]) of the current partition. Both algorithms also use the same algorithm for the partitioning operation (although it is slightly different than the one presented in lecture). The two implementations are different, however, in the following way. The randomized quicksort implementation makes the worst case probabilistically unlikely by randomly permuting the the array elements before the quicksort algorithm begins. The non-randomized quicksort exposes the algorithm’s worst case by never shuffling the array elements. To generate timing data you are required to use System.nanoTime(), as illustrated in Running time values must be expressed in seconds. Although timing data will be an important part of your experimental procedure, it will (likely) not be sufficient to distinguish between merge sort and randomized quicksort. To do this you should think about stability. The constructor SortingLab(int key) will create a SortingLab object whose sort method implementations are tailored specifically to the given key value. You will use your group number in Canvas as the key required by the constructor. For example, group 42 would invoke the constructor SortingLab(42) and Page 2 of 5 COMP 2210 Spring 2016 group 23 would invoke the constructor SortingLab(23), creating two distinct objects whose sort methods would have different implementations. To document your work you must write a lab report that fully describes the experiments used to discover the the sorting algorithm associated with each of the five sort methods. The lab report must discuss the experimental procedure (what you did), data collection (all the data you gathered), data analysis (what you did with the data), and interpretation of the data (what conclusions you drew from the data). The lab report must be well written, it must exhibit a high degree of professionalism, and it must be structured like the provided sample. Your experiment must be described in enough detail that it could be reproduced by someone else. Teamwork and Grading You are required to complete this assignment in teams of two, as assigned in Canvas. Each person must contribute to each part of the assignment in roughly equal amounts. Two rubrics (Experimentation Rubric and Written Communication Rubric, both available on Canvas) will be used to score each lab report. Marks of Little/No Ability, Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced are worth 1, 2, 3, and 4 points respectively. The lab report scores will account for 90% of your assignment grade. The remaining 10% will come from your attendance and participation in two mandatory lab sessions for this assignment: Thursday, February 18 and Tuesday, February 23. An official University excuse will be required for missing either lab. If you are not present for both labs and you do not have an approved excuse, you will earn zero points for the assignment. Table 2 shows a sample assignment scoring with a final numeric grade calculated. Note that you are required to structure and style your reports according to the sample provided. Significant deviation from this sample will negatively impact your grade. Using a3resources.jar To compile and run the provided source files and any of your own that might use for this assignment, you will need to include a3resources.jar on the classpath. You can do this from the command line or from within your IDE. From the command line. In the following example, > represents the command line prompt and it is assumed that the current working directory contains both the source code and the jar file. The example applies to both source code files although only one is used for illustration. > javac -cp .:a3resources.jar > java -cp .:a3resources.jar TimingLabClient From the jGRASP IDE. 1. Create a project for the assignment (suppose you call it A3Project), and include and 2. Click on Settings → PATH/CLASSPATH → Project → . 3. Click on the CLASSPATHS button. 4. Click New. 5. In the “Path or JAR File” text box, use the Browse button to navigate to a3resources.jar and select it. 6. Click on OK. Page 3 of 5 COMP 2210 Spring 2016 Table 2: Sample assignment scoring. Mark Score Part A: Experiment Rubric 3.125 Experimental Design Advanced 4 Data Collection Intermediate 3 Data Analysis Intermediate/Basic 2.5 Interpretation Intermediate 3 Part A: Writing Rubric 3.2 Content Intermediate 3 Organization Advanced 4 Style Basic 2 Grammar Intermediate 3 Figures and Tables Advanced 4 Part B: Experiment Rubric 3.625 Experimental Design Advanced 4 Data Collection Intermediate 4 Data Analysis Intermediate/Basic 2.5 Interpretation Intermediate 4 Part B: Writing Rubric 3.2 Content Intermediate 3 Organization Advanced 4 Style Basic 2 Grammar Intermediate 3 Figures and Tables Advanced 4 Tue 23 Feb attendance Present 5 Thu 25 Feb attendance Present 5 Total Score 85.5 Page 4 of 5 COMP 2210 Spring 2016 7. Click on Apply. 8. Click on OK. Assignment Submission To submit your work, you must upload a single zip file per group to Canvas. This zip file must contain two PDF documents, one being the lab report for Part A and the other being the lab report for Part B. Submissions made within the 24 hour period after the published deadline will be assessed a late penalty of 15 points. No submissions will be accepted more than 24 hours after the published deadline. Page 5 of 5