CSCI 470/502 Assignment 2 – Classes and Objects solution


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Invoice Class
Create a class nameded that a hardware store might use to represent an invoice for an item sold
at the store. An should include four pieces of information as instance variables – a part number
(type ), a part description (type ), a quantity of the item being purchased (type ) and a
price per item ( ).
The class you create should has two constructors. One that initializes the four instance variables and another
that takes no arguments. Provide a set and get method for each instance variable. In addition, provide a
method named that calculates the invoice amount (i.e., multiplies the quantity by the
price per item), then returns the amount as a double value. If the quantity is not positive, it should be set to
0. If the price per item is not positive, it should be set to 0.0.
Write a test app name that demonstrates class ‘s capabilities.
should declare five different invoice instances with different hardware store items. For example, hammer,
phillips head screwdriver, light switch, cordless drill and carpenter’s square.
You are going to be hardcoding the values for the instance variables for each of the five objects. It is not
very realistic but it is okay to do this at this point.
Then, use the get methods to print each invoice, one after the other, as follows:
and so on.
Note that, in the above, the item price for the cordless drill would have been set to 189.00.
Also, note that the class should be used to place a floating dollar sign and commas in the
output subtotal. The code and technique to do this can be found beginning on p. 8 of lecture notes 2. The
maximum subtotal will be $99,999,999.99. This amount will help you determine your edit patter for
DecimalFormat’s method format.
CSCI 470/502 Assignment 2 – Classes and Objects Page 2 of 2
Be sure to add the required doc box to the top of both classes and submit both .java files on Blackboard
before the due date and time.