CPSC 533R Assignment 2: 2D Human Pose Estimation solution


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This assignment focuses on computer vision aspects of deep learning. The goal is to
infer the 2D human pose in a given image, the pixel location of the human body parts as
shown in Figure 1. This assignment will compare three approaches. Straight regression
with a black-box neural network, per-pixel classification in form of heatmap detection,
and a combination of detection and regression via so called integral pose regression [1].
Figure 1: Egocentric images and corresponding pose annotation.
Preliminaries. While PyTorch supports most python expressions for defining a neural network (including control flow), using tensor operations instead of for loops is
favorable, to facilitate parallel execution on GPU and CPU (SIMD operations). We prepared the Assignment2 preliminaries.ipynb notebook to exercise tensor operations. This part is not graded but highly recommended to prepare for the main task.
Main tasks. We provide a dataset of egocentric images and corresponding 2D pose in
form of a pytorch dataset, a pre-defined neural network, and plotting utility functions.
The data stems from the publication [2]. We also provide training code for regressing 2D
pose directly from the image, similar to what you implemented in Assignment 1. Either
start off from the Assignment2.ipynb notebook that we provide or integrate this new
framework into your Assignment 1 solution (which might have additional functionality
such as tensorboard). In both cases, make sure that that the sample trains and gives an
output such as shown in Figure 2. Make sure that you are familiar with the code we
provide before moving on to the subsequent tasks.
Figure 2: Output of the Assignment1.ipynb notebook on the regression task. The
blank graph (center) is a placeholder for displaying heatmaps in the subsequent tasks.
– Task I: Implement human 2D pose detection through heatmap estimation [3]. The
network must output a stack of N = 18 heatmaps, one for each joint of the human
skeleton. It is your task to train the network by matching the output with reference
heatmaps and to read out the predicted keypoint location as the arg max at inference time. The notebook provides skeleton code for the heatmap handling as a
guidance. Proceed step-by-step, e.g., start with the processing of a single heatmap
(as in the preliminaries notebook), later a stack of them, and then a mini batch of
stacks. Entry points for your code are marked with # TODO.
– Task II: Implement human 2D pose regression through heatmap integration [2]. In
this case, the heatmap prediction must be followed by a custom integration layer
that computes the expected location over the heatmap. The loss on the resulting
2D pose can then simply be the MSE to the ground truth joint location, as for the
direct regression methods we provided. The notebook provides a skeleton for the
individual steps. Note, the integration layer must not use a for loop to gain full
points. Make sure that your network trains from scratch, not from the result of
Task I.
– Task III: Compare the three approaches (regression, classification, integral regression) in terms of the mean squared joint position error. Which of them attains the
highest accuracy (lowest error) on the provided validation set? You don’t have to
train for ages, but make sure that you train all models for the same time. Comment
on whether in your setup convergence speed (attaining a decent result early on)
or overall accuracy (best result after training all methods for sufficient time) is the
main factor.
Hints and comments.
• The lecture slides provide instruction of how to use pytorch with GPU support on
UBC servers. Google colab with GPU acceleration enabled works too.
• It is easy to get lost when dealing with high-dimensional tensors. Break your
implementation into individual steps and make sure that each of them works by
printouts of tensor dimensions and tensor values as an image.
• By default, tensor operations are element wise, e.g., A + B generally assumes the
same dimensions for A and B. So called Broadcasting is a powerful operation that
kicks in if the dimensions differ. Make yourself familiar with that concept.
• If your are unfamiliar with tensor operations, implement your function first using
loops and turn it into equivalent tensor operations once your loop version works.
• Aggregation functions, such as torch.sum(mat), compute a single value for an
entire tensor. One or multiple dimensions can be specified to apply the operation only along that axis, e.g., torch.sum(mat, dim=-1). Positive and negative
indices are permitted, with negative ones counting ’from the right’. While this operation returns a tensor with dimension dim removed, it is often useful to specify
keepdim=True to maintain that dimension in the output (with size 1).
• torch.linspace and torch.meshgrid are useful tools for creating sequences
of numbers.
• We utilize a custom dictionary, DeviceDict, to store mini batches from the
dataset and network output. It eases data transfer to and from the GPU.
Optional add-ons if you are curious (not graded):
• Implement functionality to save your neural network weights after every epoch
and to load the most recent version at start time. You can use torch.save(model
.state dict(),PATH) and model.load state dict(torch.load(PATH)).
Highly recommended for google colab users where your session could be terminated at any time.
• Try to tune the hyperparameters: learning rate (scheduler), alternative loss function, additional criteria (e.g., a prior that favors a localized heatmap). Can you
augment the training data (e.g., rotation, color shift, gamma correction) to further
improve? We will create a leader board, who can get the best performance?
Submission. Once finished, submit your jupyter notebook on Canvas. If you have
dependencies, add them to a .zip archive. Name your submission
assignment2x firstName lastName.ipynb (or .zip).
If some of your outputs are displayed with external tools, such as Tensorboard, please
include screenshots of those.
[1] Xiao Sun, Bin Xiao, Fangyin Wei, Shuang Liang, and Yichen Wei Integral Human Pose
Regression, ECCV, 2018.
[2] Helge Rhodin, Christian Richardt, Dan Casas, Eldar Insafutdinov, Mohammad
Shafiei, Hans-Peter Seidel, Bernt Schiele, and Christian Theobalt, EgoCap: Egocentric Marker-less Motion Capture with Two Fisheye Cameras, SIGGRAPH Asia, 2016.
[3] J. Tompson, R. Goroshin, A. Jain, Y. LeCun, and C. Bregler. Efficient object localization
using convolutional networks. CVPR, 2015