Assignment 1 Veterinarian Clinic System Milestone 3 solution


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Milestone – 3 (Code: weight 5.0%)

Milestone-3 completes the veterinary clinic system with the addition of appointment management functionality and the importing of patient and appointment information from data text files.

You will need to create additional data structures along with several functions that will be responsible for carrying out the new appointment management menu options that perform specific tasks in the management of appointment data.


Like Milestone-2, it is important to note that this code will not compile until you copy your work from Milestone-2 into the provided files for Milestone-3. You will also need to create some new data types, as well as define the mandatory uncoded function prototypes and definitions that are new to Milestone-3.

Three clinic module/library functions have been completely supplied for you: “displayScheduleHeader”, “displayScheduleData”, and “menuAppointment”, along with two function prototypes: “importPatients” and “importAppointments” (responsible for data import). These functions provide you with the necessary framework to get started in this final milestone.

In this milestone, it is expected you will create additional functions as you see fit to help you get the job done. It is also expected you will follow and adhere to the structured design principles (Functions | Introduction to C (

When you create your own functions, be sure to organize them into the established commented sections for each module/library so you can easily find and maintain them: Core • User Interface • User Input • Utility Clinic • Display Functions • Menu & Item Selection • Utility • User Input • File Recommended Approach You need to get the project ready for development so it can compile and test your new functions with actual data.

It is recommended you develop the new components in the following sequence: 1. Create/define the new data types: Time, Date, and Appointment 2. Code the importPatients and importAppointments function definitions. The main function requires these functions to be working so the application can start with data preloaded. 3. Create the function prototypes and empty function definitions (stubs) for those functions called within the menuAppointment function.

Clinic Module In this milestone, you will be working almost exclusively with the clinic module unless you find reason to add more generalized functions to the core module. Data Structures A few new data structures will be needed to represent the appointment information. This includes a Time, a Date, and an Appointment type. These types need to be defined in the clinic.h file (review the comments in the clinic.h file for placement).

Hint Review the following resources to help you determine the members for these new data types: • Function: “displayScheduleData” (clinic.c file) • Data file: “appointmentData.txt” (see description in next section) Data Files There are two data files you will need to import into the application. One contains patient data, while the other contains appointment information. These files are provided along with the project files on GitHub. patientData.txt

The data fields for the patient data are separated by a pipe (|) character in the following order: • Patient number • Patient name • Contact phone description • Contact phone number appointmentData.txt The data fields for the appointment data are separated by a comma (,) character in the following order: • Patient number • Appointment year • Appointment month • Appointment day • Appointment hour • Appointment minute Functions Data Import (text files)

You must create the “importPatients” and “importAppointments” function definitions (in the clinic.c file) that will read-in the text data and store the data to their respective struct Patient and struct Appointment arrays. Review the main function to see how they are called. The function prototypes for these functions have been provided for you located in the clinic.h header file.

Here is a brief overview of how these functions should work. Both import functions should do the following: • Read the data file (file name is provided in the first argument) • Store the data to the second argument, an array of the respective struct data type • Respect the array size specified by the 3rd argument even when the data file has more records

• Must return the total number of records read from the file and stored to the array, which may be less than the total number of records in the file Appointment Management To get you started, the appointment management menu and display functions have been provided for you: • menuAppointment • displayScheduleHeader • displayScheduleData Hints

• Create temporary empty function shells for the following functions: o viewAllAppointments o viewAppointmentSchedule o addAppointment o removeAppointment All these functions are called from the “menuAppointment” function and will need to exist for you to be able to compile your code. • Review the sample output text file (a1ms3_output.txt) that came with the project files to see how these menu options should work viewAllAppointments

• Carefully review the sample output text file (a1ms3_output.txt) that came with the project files and notice the order of the data is not presented in the order it is positioned in the appointments array. • At some point in the logic for this menu option, you will need to call the “displayScheduleHeader” and “displayScheduleData” functions viewAppointmentSchedule • This process should display only the appointments scheduled for a specific date.

Therefore, the user must be prompted for a specific date (year, month, and day) prior to displaying the results. • Date input prompting and validations must accurately determine the number of days in a given month and accommodate leap years • Carefully review the sample output text file (a1ms3_output.txt) that came with the project files and notice the order of the data is not presented in the order it is positioned in the appointments array. • At some point in the logic for this menu option, you will need to call the “displayScheduleHeader” and “displayScheduleData” functions

addAppointment • This process should test if there is an available element in the appointments array for a new appointment to be added. Available appointments can be determined by testing the patient number which must be less than 1 to indicate an empty/available element. • Validation of the entered patient number must be performed

• Appointment times must adhere to the following rules: o Operation hours are determined based on macro’s that define the start and end hours so they can be modified in one place without affecting the code logic o The effective appointment start times must fall within the inclusive hour range defined by the macros mentioned above (example: 9:00 – 16:00, so the last valid appointment time can be 16:00) o

The entered minute value must align with the set appointment minute interval which should be represented as a macro so it can be modified in a single place and not affect the code logic (example: if appointments are in 15-minute intervals it is only possible to have appointments starting at 0, 15, 30, or 45 minutes on the hour) o Only ONE appointment can occupy a time slot for the given year, month, and day (no double booking or overlap is allowed)

• Again, carefully review the sample output text file (a1ms3_output.txt) that came with the project files to see how this process should work. removeAppointment • Appointments are removed by patient number and a specific date (year, month, and day). • The entered patient number must be validated as a patient who has not been removed from the patients array or the removal should be denied (this will ensure that past appointment data will remain intact).

• When an appointment match occurs (based on the entered patient number and date), the patient information details should be displayed, and user confirmation must be received to remove the appointment • To mark an appointment as removed, the appropriate appointments array element must be set to a safe empty state. • Again, carefully review the sample output text file (a1ms3_output.txt) that came with the project files to see how this process should work.

A1-MS3: Sample Output Please review the provided text file for this milestone (on GitHub) “a1ms3_output.txt”

Reflection (Weight: 5.0%) Academic Integrity It is a violation of academic policy to copy content from the course notes or any other published source (including websites, work from another student, or sharing your work with others). Failure to adhere to this policy will result in the filing of a violation report to the Academic Integrity Committee. Instructions • Create a text file named “reflect.txt” be sure to include your confirmation of authenticity and personal information at the beginning of the file and record your answers to the below questions in this file.

• Refer to the reflection rubric link noted at the beginning of this document on page 3 • Answer each question in sentence/paragraph form unless otherwise instructed. • Do not include the question in your response. • A minimum 600 overall word count is required and must be concise with no repetition. • Whenever possible, be sure to justify your answers with a brief example to demonstrate your view(s).

1. This milestone required you to create additional functions that were not specified or provided for you. Briefly describe three functions you created and include the purpose and value those functions contributed towards the application.

Organize your answer for each function by first including the function prototype (not the definition) followed by your explanation. (Minimum: 300 words)

2. If you coded your solution correctly, there should be at most only one “scanf” function call in the client.c source code file – explain why the number of scanf function calls were purposely and significantly minimized in this module. (Minimum: 150 words)

3. In question one above you identified three functions you created. For each function, explain what module you placed it in and why? What factors and considerations contributed towards your decision? (Minimum: 150 words)

Milestone – 3 Submission

1. Upload (file transfer) your all header and source files including your reflection: core.h core.c clinic.h clinic.c a1ms3.c reflect.txt 2. Login to matrix in an SSH terminal and change directory to where you placed your source code. 3. Manually compile and run your program to make sure everything works properly: gcc -Wall a1ms3.c core.c clinic.c -o ms3 If there are no error/warnings are generated, execute it: ms3 4. Run the submission command below (replace profname.proflastname with your professors Seneca userid and replace NAA with your section): ~profName.proflastname/submit 144a1ms3/NAA_ms3 5. Follow the on-screen submission instructions.