Assignment 1: Reverse Number Magic Sequence solution


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A reverse number is a number written in arabic numerals, but where the order of digits is reversed. The
first digit becomes the last and vice versa. For example, the number 1245 when its digits are reversed it
would become 5421. Note that all the leading zeros are omitted. That means if the number ends with a
zero, the zero is lost by reversing (e.g. 1200 gives 21). Also note that the reversed number never has any
trailing zeros. Finally, every single digit number (i.e. 0-9) is its own reverse number.
In order to generate a magic number, we reverse a given original number and store the absolute value
of the difference between the original number and its reversed version. For example, given the number
476, we will generate the reverse number 674 and then compute the absolute value of the difference
between 476 and 674 to be 198. We then reverse 198 to display the number 891; we call that the magic

We need your help to compute the magic numbers of a given sequence. Your task is to calculate the
difference between a given number and its reverse version, and output the reverse of the difference. Of
course, the result is not unique because any particular number is a reversed form of several numbers
(e.g. 21 could be 12, 120 or 1200 before reversing). Thus we must assume that no zeros were lost by
reversing (e.g. assume that the original number was 12).
The input consists of N numbers, where N is an arbitrary positive integer. The first line of the input
contains only a positive integer N. Then follows one or more lines with the N numbers; these numbers
should all be non-negative and may be single or multiple digits. These are the original numbers you need
to generate their N corresponding magic numbers.
For each original number in the sequence, print exactly one integer – its magic number. Omit any
leading zeros in the output. On a separate line, output the largest absolute difference encountered in
the sequence.
Sample Input
24 1 4358 754 305 794
Sample Output
81 0 6714 792 891 792
Specific Requirements: [15 pts]
[ 3 pts] Write a function called reverseInteger, that takes as input an unsigned integer and returns its
reversed digits version as an unsigned integer.
[ 3 pts] Write a function called generateMagicNumber, that takes as input an unsigned integer and
return its magic number as described in the problem.
[ 3 pts] Display the sequence of magic numbers correctly. (shown in the script file)
[ 2 pts] Display the largest absolute difference (shown in the script file)
[ 3 pts] Demonstrate the complete program using a main function capable of processing the input of any
sequence and producing its corresponding output.
[ 1 pt] Compilation on the CS server gcc compiler without errors and warnings.
Failure to properly document your entire code will receive a mark of zero.
You are to submit the following:
– Source code file: assign1.c
– Script file demonstrating the compilation and execution : assign1.txt
To generate the script file use the following command from the CS server:
cp assign1.c assign1.backup
typescript assign1.txt
cc assign1.c
[test your code here with at least 3 different input test cases in addition to the example given]
[These steps will create a file called assign1.txt. Do not edit its contents – just submit it on
This table explains the work done in this example:
Reverse Absolute
(Magic number)
X Xr |X-Xr| |X-Xr|r
24 42 18 81
1 1 0 0
4358 8534 4176 6714
754 457 297 792
305 503 198 891
794 497 297 792
Note that your program should not use arrays and should be able to read a sequence of N size, for any
value of N (a 32 bit integer). Of course, memory space optimization should be considered since there is
no need to store all the N numbers in memory all at once at any given time.