C2 294 Assignment 1: Imitation Learning solved


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The goal of this assignment is to experiment with imitation learning, including direct behavior cloning
and the DAgger algorithm. In lieu of a human demonstrator, demonstrations will be provided via an expert
policy that we have trained for you. Your goals will be to set up behavior cloning and DAgger, and compare
their performance on a few different continuous control tasks from the OpenAI Gym benchmark suite.
Submit a pdf with the indicated learning curve for the warmup question (Section 2) by September 6th.
Turn in your report and code for the full homework as described in Section 6 by September 11th.
Section 1. Getting Set Up
The starter code can be found at https://github.com/berkeleydeeprlcourse/homework/tree/master/
hw1. There are three dependencies described below. For this assignment and others in the course, you may
use whatever deep learning library you wish, but your code should be in Python. We would strongly appreciate avoiding unusual dependencies (beyond Theano, TensorFlow, and other standard DL libraries). If
your code does have particular additional dependencies, please be sure to document these in your submission
email so that we can run your code.
1. TensorFlow: Follow the instructions at https://www.tensorflow.org/get_started/os_setup to
install TensorFlow. We will not require a GPU for assignments in this course, but if you have one,
you may want to consider installing the GPU version along with CUDA and CuDNN. Note that you
don’t have to use TensorFlow for your implementation, but you do need it to run the expert policy for
2. OpenAI Gym: We will use environments in the OpenAI gym, a testbed for reinforcement learning
algorithms. For installation and usage instructions see https://gym.openai.com/docs.
3. MuJoCo: We will use MuJoCo for physics simulation in this assignment. Download version 1.31 from
mujoco.org and obtain a license from the course instructors. Note that we use version 1.31 and not
the latest version 1.50. The python interface to mujoco bundled with OpenAI gym is also compatible
with this version of mujoco.
4. Anaconda: If you are using anaconda, you can take to set up dependencies by running conda create
–name python=3.5 numpy scipy matplotlib theano keras ipython jupyter
followed by installing OpenAI gym. Make sure that the version of mujoco-py installed is 0.5.7.
Section 2. Warmup
1. The starter code provides an expert policy for each of the MuJoCo tasks in OpenAI gym (See
run expert.py). Generate roll-outs from the provided policies, and implement behavioral cloning.
Run behavioral cloning (BC) on the Hopper-v1 environment, and report a learning curve plotting the
loss function for the behavior cloning objective versus number of learning iterations. Your plot should
show the (training) loss as a function of the number of gradient steps, and the loss should be improving
over time. However, there is no other requirement for the warmup – you do not have to report any
measure of final performance, just demonstrate that the network is training and the loss is improving.
Section 3. Behavioral Cloning
1. Run behavioral cloning (BC) and report results on two other tasks – one task where a behavioral
cloning agent achieves comparable performance to the expert, and one task where it does not. When
providing results, report the mean and standard deviation of the return over multiple rollouts in a
table, and state which task was used. Be sure to set up a fair comparison, in terms of network size,
amount of data, and number of training iterations, and provide these details (and any others you feel
are appropriate) in the table caption.
2. Experiment with one hyperparameter that affects the performance of the behavioral cloning agent, such
as the number of demonstrations, the number of training epochs, the variance of the expert policy, or
something that you come up with yourself. For one of the tasks used in the previous question, show a
graph of how the BC agent’s performance varies with the value of this hyperparameter, and state the
hyperparameter and a brief rationale for why you chose it in the caption for the graph.
Section 4. DAgger
1. Implement DAgger. See the code provided in run expert.py to see how to query the expert policy
and perform roll-outs in the environment.
2. Run DAgger and report results on one task in which DAgger can learn a better policy than behavioral
cloning. Report your results in the form of a learning curve, plotting the number of DAgger iterations
vs. the policy’s mean return, with error bars to show the standard deviation. Include the performance
of the expert policy and the behavioral cloning agent on the same plot. In the caption, state which
task you used, and any details regarding network architecture, amount of data, etc. (as in the previous
Section 5. Bonus: Alternative Policy Architectures
1. (Optional) Experiment with a different policy architecture, e.g. using recurrence or changing the size
or nonlinearities used. Compare performance between your new and original policy architectures using
behavioral cloning and/or DAgger, and report your results in the same form as above, with a caption
describing what you did.
Section 6. Turning it in.
1. Your warmup question report should be a PDF with 1 page, containing Figure 1 for question 2.1 with
the indicated learning curve. You do not need to write anything else in the report, just include the
figure with captions describing what the axes are representing.
Turn this in by September 6th 11:59pm.
2. Your full homework report should be a PDF with 1 or 2 pages, containing 3 things: Table 1 for a table
of results from question 3.1, Figure 1 for question 3.2, and Figure 2 for question 4.2. Optionally, you
may include a table or figure for question 5.1.
You do not need to write anything else in the report, just include the figures with captions as described
in each question above.
Turn this in by September 11th 11:59pm.
3. In addition to the pdf, you should turn in one zip file with your code any any special instructions we
need to run it to produce each figure or table below (e.g. “run python myassignment.py -sec2q1” to
generate the result for Section 2 Question 1).
Turn this in by September 11th 11:59pm.
4. Turn in both the warmup and the full assignment by emailing your report and code to
berkeleydeeprlcourse@gmail.com, with the subject lines “Deep RL Assignment 1 Warmup ” and
“Deep RL Assignment 1” respectively.