Assignment 1 CS3853 Reverse Engineering solution


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This assignment will help you understand the process of reverse engineering as well as deepen your
understanding of x86 assembly programming.
Prerequisites to Review
You should understand the basic operation of the x86 instructions and addressing modes. This material
was covered in lectures and in the tutorial, “A Tiny Guide to Programming in 32-bit x86 Assembly
You can find the x86 tutorial at
Examine the following C code.
#include <stdio.h>
#define BUF_SIZE 13
int foo(){
int i;
int B[BUF_SIZE];
for(i = 0; i < BUF_SIZE; i++)
B[i] = 5;
return i;
int main(){
return 0;
The assembly code produced for these two functions by gcc on Debian Stretch is the following
(depending on the version of gcc being used). The code was produced using the following command:
$ gcc -m32 -c -S -masm=intel code.c
Depending on the system and compiler, additionally options, such as -fno-asynchronousunwind-tables -fno-pie -no-pie, may also be required to simplify the output (disable PIE
code and debug info).
The assembly file (code.s) is available on the Blackboard (use this assembly file—do not compile
the code with your version of gcc).
1. .file “code.c”
2. .intel_syntax noprefix
3. .text
4. .globl foo
5. .type foo, @function
6. foo:
7. push ebp
8. mov ebp, esp
9. sub esp, 64
10. mov DWORD PTR [ebp-4], 0
11. jmp .L2
12. .L3:
13. mov eax, DWORD PTR [ebp-4]
14. mov DWORD PTR [ebp-56+eax*4], 5
15. add DWORD PTR [ebp-4], 1
16. .L2:
17. cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-4], 12
18. jle .L3
19. mov eax, DWORD PTR [ebp-4]
20. leave
21. ret
22. .size foo, .-foo
23. .globl main
24. .type main, @function
25. main:
26. push ebp
27. mov ebp, esp
28. call foo
29. mov eax, 0
30. pop ebp
31. ret
32. .size main, .-main
33. .ident “GCC: (Debian 6.3.0-18+deb9u1) 6.3.0 20170516″
34. .section .note.GNU-stack,””,@progbits
Examine the source code and the assembly language. Relate the assembly code back to the source code.
For example, can you identify the section of the assembly code that corresponds to the for loop in
function foo? After you have developed an understanding of the assembly code answer the following
questions. Please use a text editor to create a text file (called answers.txt ) that has the answers. This
text file is what you will submit. When a question asks for the address of a variable, your answer
should be of the form of the effective address of the variable. For example, [ebp-4], eax.
1. Which lines of code correspond to the for loop of foo?
2. Which register is used to hold the variable i of foo?
3. What is the memory address of the variable i of foo?
4. What is the beginning address of array B?
5. What is the addressing mode for the constant BUF_SIZE when it is used as loop bound?
6. What is the addressing mode for the constant 5?
7. What is the addressing mode used to access each element of B in the loop?
8. What does the code on line 9 (“sub esp, 64”) do?
Items to Submit
1. Submit the file answers.txt to Blackboard.