Assignment 1 COMP9021 A pivoting die solution


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2. A pivoting die

Consider the board below, which can be imagined as being infinite, so only a small part is represented. A
die is placed on cell number 1 of the board in the position indicated: 3 at the top, 2 at the front (towards cell
number 4 of the board), and 1 on the right (towards cell number 2 of the board).

Also, 4 is opposite to 3, 5 is
opposite to 2, and 6 is opposite to 1. The die can be moved from cell 1 to cell 2, then to cell 3, then to cell 4. . . ,
each time pivoting by 90 degrees in the appropriate direction (to the right, forwards, to the left, or backwards).

For instance, after it has been moved from cell 1 to cell 2, 2 is still at the front but 6 is at the top and 3 is on
the right.
1 2
5 4 3
7 8 9 10
17 16 15 14 13
21 22 23 24 25 26
37 36 35 34 33 32 31
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Write a python program, named, that prompts the user for a natural number N at least
equal to 1, and outputs the numbers at the top, the front and the right after the die has been moved to cell N.

Here is a possible interaction.
$ python3
Enter the desired goal cell number: A
Incorrect value, try again
Enter the desired goal cell number:
Incorrect value, try again
Enter the desired goal cell number: -1
Incorrect value, try again
Enter the desired goal cell number: 0
Incorrect value, try again

Enter the desired goal cell number: 1
On cell 1, 3 is at the top, 2 at the front, and 1 on the right.
$ python3
Enter the desired goal cell number: 29
On cell 29, 3 is at the top, 2 at the front, and 1 on the right.
$ python3
Enter the desired goal cell number: 2006
On cell 2006, 4 is at the top, 1 at the front, and 2 on the right.

3. Rubik’s rectangle

Write a program, stored in a file named, that performs the following task.
• Prompts the user to input the digits 1 to 8 (with possibly whitespace inserted anywhere), in some order,
say d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8, without repetition; if the input is incorrect, then the program outputs an
error message and exits.

• Finds the minimal number of steps needed to go from the initial state, represented as
1 2 3 4
8 7 6 5
to the final state, represented as
d1 d2 d3 d4
d8 d7 d6 d5
following a sequence of transformations named row exchange, right circular shift and middle clockwise
rotation, that transform a configuration of the form
k1 k2 k3 k4
k8 k7 k6 k5
– for row exchange:
k8 k7 k6 k5
k1 k2 k3 k4
– for right circular shift:
k4 k1 k2 k3
k5 k8 k7 k6
– for middle clockwise rotation:
k1 k7 k2 k4
k8 k6 k3 k5

For instance, if the final configuration is 26845731 then 7 steps are sufficient (and necessary):
– Initial configuration
1 2 3 4
8 7 6 5
– followed by right circular shift
4 1 2 3
5 8 7 6
– followed by middle clockwise rotation
4 8 1 3
5 7 2 6
– followed by row exchange
5 7 2 6
4 8 1 3
– followed by right circular shift
6 5 7 2
3 4 8 1
– followed by middle clockwise rotation
6 4 5 2
3 8 7 1
– followed by middle clockwise rotation
6 8 4 2
3 7 5 1
– followed by right circular shift
2 6 8 4
1 3 7 5
which is the final configuration.

• Outputs the number of steps needed to reach the final configuration (this is always possible), using a
message whose grammatical form depends on whether the number of steps is 0 or 1, or at least 2.

Here is a sample run of the program.
$ python3
Input final configuration: 01234567
Incorrect configuration, giving up…
$ python3
Input final configuration: 12345678
0 step is needed to reach the final configuration.
$ python3

Input final configuration: 2 6 8 4 5 7 3 1
7 steps are needed to reach the final configuration.
$ python3
Input final configuration: 7215 4368
16 steps are needed to reach the final configuration.
$ python3
Input final configuration: 1 5 3 2 4 6 7 8
18 steps are needed to reach the final configuration.

4. A word game

Write a program, stored in a file named, that performs the following task.
• Prompts the user to input between 3 and 10 lowercase letters (with possibly whitespace inserted anywhere); if the input contains too few or too many lowercase letters or any character which is neither a
lowercase letter nor whitespace, then the program outputs an error message and exits.

• Finds in the file wordsEn.txt, assumed to be stored in the working directory, the words built from the
letters input by the user (with the exclusion of any other character) with highest score, if any; the score
of a word is defined as the sum of the values of the letters that make up that word, the value of each
letter being defined as follows:
a 2 b 5 c 4 d 4 e 1 f 6
g 5 h 5 i 1 j 7 k 6 l 3
m 5 n 2 o 3 p 5 q 7 r 2
s 1 t 2 u 4 v 6 w 6 x 7
y 5 z 7

• Outputs a specific message if there is no such word; otherwise, outputs the highest score and all words
with that score, one word per line, with a different introductory message depending on whether there
is a unique such word (in which case the introductory message is on the same line as the word) or at
least two such words (in which case the introductory message is on a line of its own and all words are
preceded with 4 spaces).

Here is a sample run of the program.
$ python3
Enter between 3 and 10 lowercase letters: abc2ef
Incorrect input, giving up…
$ python3
Enter between 3 and 10 lowercase letters: ab
Incorrect input, giving up…
$ python3
Enter between 3 and 10 lowercase letters: abcdefghijk

Incorrect input, giving up…
$ python3
Enter between 3 and 10 lowercase letters: zz zz zz
No word is built from some of those letters.
$ python3
Enter between 3 and 10 lowercase letters: a a a
The highest score is 2.
The highest scoring word is a
$ python3
Enter between 3 and 10 lowercase letters: a e i o u

The highest score is 8.
The highest scoring words are, in alphabetical order:
$ python3
Enter between 3 and 10 lowercase letters: prmgroa
The highest score is 24.
The highest scoring word is program
$ python3
Enter between 3 and 10 lowercase letters: a b e o r a t
The highest score is 16.
The highest scoring word is abator
$ python3
Enter between 3 and 10 lowercase letters: r a m m o x y
The highest score is 17.
The highest scoring words are, in alphabetical order:
$ python3
Enter between 3 and 10 lowercase letters: eaeo rtsmn
The highest score is 17.
The highest scoring words are, in alphabetical order:

5. Poker dice

Write a program named that simulates the roll of 5 dice, at most three times, as described
at as well as a given number of rolls of the 5 dice to evaluate
the probabilities of the various hands.
The next three pages show a possible interaction.
The following observations are in order.

• Your program has to define the functions play() and simulate(), but of course it will likely include
other functions.
• The hands are displayed in the order Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10 and 9.
• All dice can be kept by inputting either all, or All, or the current hand in any order.
• No die is kept by inputting nothing.
• We have control over what is randomly generated by using the seed() function at the prompt, but do
not make use of seed() in the program.

• To roll a die, we use randint(0, 5) with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 corresponding to Ace, King, Queen,
Jack, 10 and 9, respectively.
$ python3
Python 3.6.2 …
>>> from random import seed
>>> import poker_dice
>>> seed(0)
The roll is: Ace Queen Jack Jack 10
It is a One pair
Which dice do you want to keep for the second roll? all
Ok, done.
The roll is: Queen Queen Jack Jack Jack
It is a Full house
Which dice do you want to keep for the second roll? All
Ok, done.
The roll is: King King Queen 10 10
It is a Two pair
Which dice do you want to keep for the second roll? King 10 Queen King 10
Ok, done.
The roll is: Ace King Queen 10 10
It is a One pair

Which dice do you want to keep for the second roll? 10 11
That is not possible, try again!
Which dice do you want to keep for the second roll? ace
That is not possible, try again!
Which dice do you want to keep for the second roll? 10 10
The roll is: King 10 10 10 9
It is a Three of a kind
Which dice do you want to keep for the third roll? all
Ok, done.
The roll is: Ace Ace Queen 9 9
It is a Two pair
Which dice do you want to keep for the second roll? Ace

The roll is: Ace Ace Queen Jack 10
It is a One pair
Which dice do you want to keep for the third roll? Ace
The roll is: Ace Queen Queen Jack 10
It is a One pair
>>> seed(2)
The roll is: Ace Ace Ace King Queen
It is a Three of a kind
Which dice do you want to keep for the second roll? Ace Ace Ace

The roll is: Ace Ace Ace 9 9
It is a Full house
Which dice do you want to keep for the third roll? all
Ok, done.
The roll is: King Queen Queen 10 10
It is a Two pair
Which dice do you want to keep for the second roll?
The roll is: Ace King Jack 10 9
It is a Bust
Which dice do you want to keep for the third roll?

The roll is: Queen Jack 10 9 9
It is a One pair
>>> seed(10)
The roll is: Ace Jack Jack 10 10
It is a Two pair
Which dice do you want to keep for the second roll? Jack 10 Jack 10
The roll is: Ace Jack Jack 10 10
It is a Two pair
Which dice do you want to keep for the third roll? Jack 10 Jack 10
The roll is: King Jack Jack 10 10
It is a Two pair
>>> seed(20)
The roll is: King Queen 9 9 9
It is a Three of a kind
Which dice do you want to keep for the second roll? 9 King 9 9
The roll is: King 9 9 9 9
It is a Four of a kind
Which dice do you want to keep for the third roll? 9 9 9 9
The roll is: Ace 9 9 9 9
It is a Four of a kind
>>> seed(0)
>>> poker_dice.simulate(10)
Five of a kind : 0.00%
Four of a kind : 0.00%
Full house : 10.00%
Straight : 0.00%
Three of a kind: 0.00%
Two pair : 20.00%
One pair : 60.00%
>>> poker_dice.simulate(100)
Five of a kind : 0.00%
Four of a kind : 0.00%
Full house : 3.00%
Straight : 4.00%
Three of a kind: 14.00%
Two pair : 28.00%
One pair : 45.00%
>>> poker_dice.simulate(1000)
Five of a kind : 0.10%
Four of a kind : 2.50%
Full house : 3.80%
Straight : 3.40%
Three of a kind: 17.20%
Two pair : 20.60%
One pair : 46.30%
>>> poker_dice.simulate(10000)
Five of a kind : 0.08%
Four of a kind : 1.99%
Full house : 3.93%
Straight : 3.33%
Three of a kind: 14.88%
Two pair : 23.02%
One pair : 46.58%
>>> poker_dice.simulate(100000)
Five of a kind : 0.08%
Four of a kind : 1.94%
Full house : 3.85%
Straight : 3.17%
Three of a kind: 15.47%
Two pair : 23.02%
One pair : 46.31%