A6: Harmonic Model solution


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This assignment on Harmonic model will help you better understand fundamental frequency (f0)
estimation with several sound examples with harmonic content. You will see a practical application of f0 estimation in segmenting a melody. You can optionally also improve the f0 estimation
algorithm in sms-tools. There are four parts to this assignment: 1) Estimate fundamental frequency in an polyphonic audio file 2) Segmentation of stable note regions in an audio signal, 3)
Compute amount of inharmonicity present in a sound 4) Improving the implementation of the two
way mismatch f0 estimation algorithm (Optional)
The last part is optional and will not count towards the final grade. A brief description of the
relevant concepts required to solve this assignment is given below.
Relevant Concepts
Harmonic model parameters: Harmonic model is used for the analysis of harmonic sounds.
The file sms-tools/software/models/harmonicModel.py provides the code for Harmonic model
analysis and synthesis. The key component of the harmonic model is the estimation of the fundamental frequency (f0) and its harmonics. Apart from the parameters such as the window, FFT
size and the peak picking threshold, we have a few additional parameters used by the harmonic
• nH: Maximum number of harmonics. This is the number of harmonics estimated and returned by harmonicModelAnal().
• maxf0: Maximum f0 frequency in Hz.
• minf0: Minimum f0 frequency in Hz. The estimated f0 will not be less than minf0. Setting
the maxf0 and minf0 accurately help to narrow down the f0 candidates used by TWM
algorithm and lead to better f0 estimation.
• f0et: Error threshold in the f0 detection. This is the maximum error allowed in the TWM
algorithm. If the TWM mismatch error is larger than f0et, no f0 is detected and the TWM
algorithm returns f0 = 0 for the frame.
• harmDevSlope: Slope of harmonic deviation allowed in the estimated harmonic frequency,
compared to a perfect harmonic frequency. This is used to compute the threshold to generate
the harmonics.
Melody representation: For computational analysis, melody is represented typically by the
pitch (fundamental frequency). The fundamental frequency (f0) is usually estimated in Hz but
for a musically meaningful representation, we convert f0 from Hz to Cent. Cent is a logarithmic
scale computed as
f0,Cents = 1200 log2


Assuming a tuning frequency of A4 = 440 Hz, the reference frequency used in the Cent scale
is the frequency of the note A1 = 55Hz, i.e. 55Hz = 0 Cent.
Segmentation and transcription: Audio segmentation and transcription are two important
music information retrieval tasks. Audio segmentation aims to segment the audio into musically
meaningful entities. Music Transcription aims to automatically obtain a score-like representation
from a music audio piece. Segmentation is often a preprocessing step in transcription. Both these
tasks have several different approaches that have been explored.
In this assignment, we will consider a simple approach to note level segmentation of melodies.
Given the audio file, we first estimate the pitch (fundamental frequency f0) for the whole file.
We then segment the pitch contour into stable regions. The stable regions most likely correspond
to notes of the melody. We then have the start and end time stamps of each note played in the
melody. A limitation of this approach to segmentation is that it might not work for notes with a
You will only implement the segmentation as described above. However, additionally for each
segment, given a tuning frequency (say A = 440 Hz), you can obtain the notes played in the melody
by quantizing the pitch in each segment to a note – a note level transcription of the melody.
Inharmonicity: In music, inharmonicity is the degree to which the frequencies of the partials
depart from integer multiples of the fundamental frequency (harmonic series). An ideal, homogeneous, infinitesimally thin or infinitely flexible string or column of air has exactly harmonic
modes of vibration. However, in any real musical instrument, the resonant body that produces the music tone – typically a string, wire, or column of air—deviates from this ideal and
has some small or large amount of inharmonicity. You can read more about inharmonicity at
A typical example of an instrument that exhibits inharmonicity is the piano. For the piano,
several models have been proposed to obtain the partials of the piano, which can be used to
estimate the inharmonicity. One of the models proposed by Fletcher (Harvey Fletcher, “Normal
Vibration Frequencies of a Stiff Piano String”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 36, 203 (1964); http:
//dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.1918933) is shown in Equation 2, where fr is the frequency of the r
partial, f0 is the fundamental frequency and B is the inharmonicity coefficient.
fr = rf0
(1 + Br2) (2)
In this assignment, you will measure the inharmonicity in a piano note using the harmonic
model. With the estimates of the fundamental frequency f0 and the harmonics fest for a frame l,
we can obtain a measure of inharmonicity as,
I[l] = 1

est[l] − r f0[l]|

where R is the number of harmonics (the number of harmonics being used to compute inharmonicity), f0[l] is the fundamental frequency estimated at the frame l and f
est[l] is the estimated
frequency of the r
th harmonic at the frame. Note that the first harmonic is the fundamental.
We can then compute the mean inharmonicity in a specific time region between the frame
indexes l1 and l2 as,
Imean =
l2 − l1 + 1
I[l] (4)
TWM algorithm candidate selection: The two way mismatch algorithm implemented in smstools needs a set of f0 candidates to start with. An easy choice of candidates are the peaks of
the magnitude spectrum within a specific range of frequencies. However, this way of choosing f0
candidates fails when there is no peak corresponding to the true f0 value. The generation of f0
candidates can be done better by also including the sub-harmonics of the peak frequencies as f0
Searching numpy arrays: Numpy provides an efficient way to search for a specific element(s) of
an array that satisfy a given condition. You can use np.where() in such cases. e.g. Given a numpy
array a = array([ 0.9193727 , 0.6359579 , 0.8335968 , 0.20568055, 0.13874869]) and
Figure 1: f0 in the time segment 0.5 and 4 seconds for cello-double-2.wav
you want to extract the indexes of elements less than 0.5, you can use np.where(a<0.5)[0]. The
function returns array([3, 4]) corresponding the indexes of the elements in a less than 0.5.
Part-1: Estimate fundamental frequency in an polyphonic
audio file (3 points)
Set the analysis parameters used within the function estimateF0() to obtain a good estimate of
the fundamental frequency (f0) corresponding to one melody within a complex audio signal. The
signal is a cello recording cello-double-2.wav, in which two strings are played simultaneously.
One string plays a constant drone while the other string plays a simple melody. You have to choose
the analysis parameter values such that only the f0 frequency of the simple melody is tracked.
The input argument to the function is the wav file name including the path (inputFile). The
function returns a numpy array of the f0 frequency values for each audio frame. For this question
we take hopSize (H) = 256 samples.
estimateF0() calls f0Detection() function of the harmonicModel.py, which uses the two
way mismatch algorithm for f0 estimation.
estimateF0() also plots the f0 contour on top of the spectrogram of the audio signal for you
to visually analyse the performance of your chosen values for the analysis parameters. In this
question we will only focus on the time segment between 0.5 and 4 seconds. So, your analysis
parameter values should produce a good f0 contour in this time region.
In addition to plotting the f0 contour on the spectrogram, this function also synthesizes the f0
contour (10 harmonics). You can also evaluate the performance of your chosen analysis parameter
values by listening to this synthesized wav file named synthF0Contour.wav
Since there can be numerous combinations of the optimal analysis parameter values, the evaluation is done solely on the basis of the output f0 sequence. Note that only the segment of the
f0 contour between time 0.5 to 4 seconds is used to evaluate the performance of f0 estimation.
Your assignment will be tested on inputFile = ‘../../sounds/cello-double-2.wav’. So
choose the analysis parameters using which the function estimates the f0 frequency contour corresponding to the string playing simple melody and not the drone. There is no separate test case
for this question. You can keep working with the wav file mentioned above and when you think
the performance is satisfactory you can submit the assignment. The plots can help you achieve a
good performance. Your aim should be to get a f0 contour as close to the one shown in Figure 1.
Be cautious while choosing the window size. Window size should be large enough to resolve
the spectral peaks and small enough to preserve the note transitions. Very large window sizes
may smear the f0 contour at note transitions.
Depending on the parameters you choose and the capabilities of the hardware you use, the
function might take a while to run (even half a minute in some cases). For this part of the
assignment please refrain from posting your analysis parameters on the discussion forum.
def estimateF0(inputFile = ’../../sounds/cello-double-2.wav’):
Function to estimate fundamental frequency (f0) in an audio signal.
This function also plots the f0 contour on the spectrogram and synthesize
the f0 contour.
inputFile (string): wav file including the path
f0 (numpy array): array of the estimated fundamental frequency (f0) values
### Change these analysis parameter values marked as XX
window = XX
M = XX
N = XX
f0et = XX
t = XX
minf0 = XX
maxf0 = XX
# Additional code follows…
Part-2: Segmentation of stable note regions in an audio signal (4 points)
Complete the function segmentStableNotesRegions() that identifies the stable regions of notes
in a specific monophonic audio signal. The function returns an array of segments where each
segment contains the starting and the ending frame index of a stable note.
The input argument to the function are the wav file name including the path (inputFile),
threshold to be used for deciding stable notes (stdThsld), minimum allowed duration of a stable note (minNoteDur), number of samples to be considered for computing standard deviation
(winStable), analysis window (window), window size (M), FFT size (N), hop size (H), error threshold used in the f0 detection (f0et), magnitude threshold for spectral peak picking (t), minimum
allowed f0 (minf0) and maximum allowed f0 (maxf0). The function returns a numpy array of
shape (k,2), where k is the total number of detected segments and the two columns in each row
contains the starting and the ending frame indexes of a stable note segment. The segments must
be returned in the increasing order of their start times.
In order to facilitate the assignment we have configured the input parameters to work with a
particular sound ‘../../sounds/sax-phrase-short.wav’. The code and parameters to estimate
the fundamental frequency is completed. Thus you start from an f0 curve obtained using the
f0Detection() function and you will use that to obtain the note segments.
All the steps to be implemented in order to solve this question are indicated in
segmentStableNotesRegions() as comments. Depending on the analysis parameters and the
capabilities of the hardware you use, the function might take a while to run (even half a minute
in some cases). These are the steps:
1. In order to make the processing musically relevant, the f0 values should be converted first
from Hertz to Cents, which is a logarithmic scale.
2. At each time frame (for each f0 value) you should compute the standard deviation of the
past winStable number of f0 samples (including the f0 sample at the current audio frame).
3. You should then apply a deviation threshold, stdThsld, to determine if the current frame
belongs to a stable note region or not. Since we are interested in the stable note regions, the
Figure 2: Note segments obtained for the default parameters on sax-phrase-short.wav
standard deviation of the previous winStable number of f0 samples (including the current
sample) should be less than stdThsld i.e. use the current sample and winStable-1 previous
samples. Ignore the first winStable-1 samples in this computation.
4. All the consecutive frames belonging to the stable note regions should be grouped together
into segments. For example, if the indexes of the frames corresponding to the stable note
regions are 3,4,5,6,12,13,14, we get two segments, first 3-6 and second 12-14.
5. After grouping frame indexes into segments filter/remove the segments which are smaller in
duration than minNoteDur. Return the segments in the increasing order of their start frame
Test case 1: Using inputFile=‘../../sounds/cello-phrase.wav’, stdThsld=10,
minNoteDur=0.1, winStable = 3, window=’hamming’, M=1025, N=2048, H=256, f0et=5.0,
t=-100, minf0=310, maxf0=650, the function segmentStableNotesRegions() should return 9
segments. Please use loadTestcases.load() to check the expected segment indexes in the output.
Test case 2: Using inputFile=‘../../sounds/cello-phrase.wav’, stdThsld=20,
minNoteDur=0.5, winStable = 3, window=’hamming’, M=1025, N=2048, H=256, f0et=5.0,
t=-100, minf0=310, maxf0=650, the function segmentStableNotesRegions() should return 6
segments. Please use loadTestcases.load() to check the expected segment indexes in the output.
Test case 3: Using inputFile=‘../../sounds/sax-phrase-short.wav’, stdThsld=5,
minNoteDur=0.6, winStable = 3, window=’hamming’, M=1025, N=2048, H=256, f0et=5.0,
t=-100, minf0=310, maxf0=650, the function segmentStableNotesRegions() should return
just one segment. Please use loadTestcases.load() to check the expected segment indexes
in the output.
We also provide the function plotSpectogramF0Segments() to plot the f0 contour and the
detected segments on the top of the spectrogram of the audio signal in order to visually analyse
the outcome of your function, see Figure 2 for example.
def segmentStableNotesRegions(inputFile = ‘../../sounds/sax-phrase-short.wav’,
stdThsld=10.0, minNoteDur=0.1, winStable = 3, window=‘hamming’,
M=1024, N=2048, H=256, f0et=5.0, t=-100, minf0=310, maxf0=650):
Function to segment the stable note regions in an audio signal
inputFile (string): wav file including the path
stdThsld (float): threshold for detecting stable regions in the f0 contour
(in cents)
minNoteDur (float): minimum allowed segment length (note duration)
winStable (integer): number of samples used for computing standard deviation
window (string): analysis window
M (integer): window size used for computing f0 contour
N (integer): FFT size used for computing f0 contour
H (integer): Hop size used for computing f0 contour
f0et (float): error threshold used for the f0 computation
t (float): magnitude threshold in dB used in spectral peak picking
minf0 (float): minimum fundamental frequency in Hz
maxf0 (float): maximum fundamental frequency in Hz
segments (np.ndarray): Numpy array containing starting and ending frame
indexes of every segment.
fs, x = UF.wavread(inputFile) #reading inputFile
w = get_window(window, M) #analysis window
f0 = HM.f0Detection(x, fs, w, N, H, t, minf0, maxf0, f0et) #estimating F0
### Your code here
# 1. convert f0 values from Hz to Cents (as described in pdf document)
#2. create an array containing standard deviation of last winStable samples
#3. apply threshold on standard deviation values to find indexes of the stable
points in melody
#4. create segments of continuous stable points such that consecutive stable
points belong to same segment
#5. apply segment filtering, i.e. remove segments with are < minNoteDur in length
# Plot spectrogram and F0 if needed
# plotSpectogramF0Segments(x, fs, w, N, H, f0, segments)
# return segments
Part-3: Compute amount of inharmonicity present in a sound
(3 points)
Complete the function estimateInharmonicity() that measures the amount of inharmonicity
present in a pitched/harmonic sound. The function should measure the mean inharmonicity in
the sound over the time interval t1 to t2.
The input argument to the function are the wav file name including the path (inputFile),
start (t1) and end time (t2) of the audio segment to compute inharmonicity, analysis window (
window), window size ( M), FFT size (N), hop size (H), error threshold used in the f0 detection
(f0et), magnitude threshold for spectral peak picking (t), minimum allowed f0 (minf0), maximum
allowed f0 (maxf0) and number of harmonics to be considered in the computation of inharmonicity
(nH). The function returns a single numpy float, which is the mean inharmonicity over time t1 to
A brief description of the method to compute inharmonicity is provided in the Relevant Concepts section of the assignment pdf. The steps to be done are:
1. Use harmonicModelAnal function in harmonicModel module for computing the harmonic
frequencies and their magnitudes at each audio frame. The first harmonic is the fundamental frequency. For harmonicModelAnal use harmDevSlope=0.01, minSineDur=0.0. Use
harmonicModelAnal to estimate harmonic frequencies and magnitudes for the entire audio
2. For the computation of the inharmonicity choose the frames that are between the time
interval t1 and t2. Do not slice the audio signal between the time interval t1 and t2 before
estimating harmonic frequencies.
3. Use the formula given in the Relevant section to compute the inharmonicity measure for the
given interval. Note that for some frames some of the harmonics might not be detected due
to their low energy. For handling such cases use only the detected harmonics to compute
the inharmonicity measure. All the detected harmonics have a non zero frequency.
In this question we will work with a piano sound (‘../../sounds/piano.wav’), a typical
example of an instrument that exhibits inharmonicity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piano_
Test case 1: If you run your code with inputFile = ’../../sounds/piano.wav’, t1=0.2,
t2=0.4, window=’hamming’, M=2047, N=2048, H=128, f0et=5.0, t=-90, minf0=130,
maxf0=180, nH = 25, the returned output should be 1.4543.
Test case 2: If you run your code with inputFile = ’../../sounds/piano.wav’, t1=2.3,
t2=2.55, window=’hamming’, M=2047, N=2048, H=128, f0et=5.0, t=-90, minf0=230,
maxf0=290, nH = 15, the returned output should be 1.4874.
Test case 3: If you run your code with inputFile = ’../../sounds/piano.wav’, t1=2.55,
t2=2.8, window=’hamming’, M=2047, N=2048, H=128, f0et=5.0, t=-90, minf0=230,
maxf0=290, nH = 5, the returned output should be 0.1748.
Optional/Additional tasks: An interesting task would be to compare the inharmonicities
present in the sounds of different instruments.
def estimateInharmonicity(inputFile = ’../../sounds/piano.wav’, t1=0.1, t2=0.5,
window=’hamming’, M=2048, N=2048, H=128, f0et=5.0, t=-90,
minf0=130, maxf0=180, nH = 10):
Function to estimate the extent of inharmonicity present in a sound
inputFile (string): wav file including the path
t1 (float): start time of the segment considered for computing
t2 (float): end time of the segment considered for computing
window (string): analysis window
M (integer): window size used for computing f0 contour
N (integer): FFT size used for computing f0 contour
H (integer): Hop size used for computing f0 contour
f0et (float): error threshold used for the f0 computation
t (float): magnitude threshold in dB used in spectral peak picking
minf0 (float): minimum fundamental frequency in Hz
maxf0 (float): maximum fundamental frequency in Hz
nH (integer): number of integers considered for computing inharmonicity
meanInharm (float or np.float): mean inharmonicity over all the frames
between the time interval t1 and t2.
### Your code here
# 0. Read the audio file and obtain an analysis window
# 1. Use harmonic model to compute the harmonic frequencies and magnitudes
# 2. Extract the time segment in which you need to compute the inharmonicity.
# 3. Compute the mean inharmonicity of the segment
Part-4: Improving the implementation of the two way mismatch f0 estimation algorithm (Optional )
Improve the performance of the current implementation of the two way mismatch algorithm in
sms-tools used for fundamental frequency estimation. This is an optional open question and will
not contribute towards the final grade. There is no definite answer for this question. Its main
purpose is to understand the limitations of the current implementations of the TWM algorithm
and to come up with some community driven solutions based on collective thinking.
In this question you will directly modify the core functions that implement the TWM algorithm
in sms-tools. To assist you with this task, we have copied all the needed functions into this python
file. Hence, you just need to modify the functions in this file and not anywhere else.
Estimating fundamental frequency from an audio signal is still a challenging and unsolved
problem to a large extent. By this time you might have also realized that many times the performance of the TWM f0 estimation algorithm falls short of the expectations. There can be a
systematic explanation for the scenarios where TWM fails for specific categories or characteristics of the sounds. Some of the known scenarios where the current implementation of the TWM
algorithm fails to estimate a correct fundamental frequency are:
1. Missing fundamental frequency: For many sounds the fundamental frequency component
is very low and therefore during the spectral peak picking step we do not obtain any peak
corresponding to the f0. Since the TWM algorithm implemented in sms-tools considers only
the detected spectral peaks as the f0 candidates, we do not get any candidate corresponding
to the f0. This causes f0 estimation to fail. For example, such a scenario is encountered in
low pitched vocal sounds.
2. Pseudo-harmonicity in the sound: Many instruments such as piano exhibit some deviation
from perfect harmonicity wherein their harmonic partials are not perfectly located at integral
multiples of the fundamental frequency. Since the TWM algorithm computes error function
assuming that the harmonic locations are at integral multiples, its performance is poorer
when such deviations exist.
In this question we propose to work on these two scenarios. Go to freesound and download
sound examples of low pitched vocal sounds and of piano. Run current implementation of TMW
to identify the limitations and propose improvements to the code in order to obtain better f0
estimation for those two particular scenarios.
The core TWM algorithm is implemented in the function TWM p(), which takes in an array of
f0 candidates and detect the candidate that has the lowest error. TWM p() is called by f0Twm(),
which generates f0 candidates. This function also implements a memory based prunning of the
f0 candidates. If the f0 contour is found to be stable (no drastic transitions across frames) then
only the f0 candidates close to the stable f0 value are retained. f0Twm() is called for every audio
frame by f0Detection().
You can use computeAndPlotF0(), which calls f0Detection() for estimating f0 for every
audio frame. In addition, it also plots the f0 contour on the top of the spectrogram. If you set
plot=1, it shows the plot, plot=2 saves the plot as can be seen in the code.
Once you implement your proposed enhancement, discuss and share your ideas on the discussion forum assigned for A6Part4 – https://class.coursera.org/audio-002/forum/list?
forum_id=10026. Along with the text you should include 2 plots showing the f0 contour before and after your changes. Use the same values of the analysis parameters while showing the
improvement in the performance. in the discussion, also include a link to the sound in freesound.
TIP: An identified limitation of the current implementation for the case of low vocal sounds
is that it can only find f0 if there is a peak present in the magnitude spectrum. A possible
improvement is to generate additional f0 candidates from the identified peaks. Another identified
limitation for the case of piano sounds is the assumption of perfect harmonicity. For these sounds
you can think of modifying the generation of the ideal harmonic series that is computed in the
code, incorporating the typical deviation from harmonicity encountered in piano sounds.
NOTE: Before you start making changes in the TWM implementation make sure you have
reached the best possible performance that can be achieved by tuning the analysis parameters. If
the analysis parameters are inappropriately set, it is not completely meaningful to just improve
the TWM implementation.
To maintain the integrity of the sms-tools package for future assignments, please make changes
only to the functions in this file and not the other files in sms-tools.
Only the first three parts of this assignment are graded and the fourth part is optional. The total
points for this assignment is 10.