For this problem, handin Matlab .m files for the functions described by the headers below. Note that one of these is a driver which creates inputs for each function and runs the function on those inputs to obtain the output. None of the functions should write to the interpreter, draw, etc. function im = CS4640_create_im(f_name,M,N,Q,x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max) % CS4640_create_im – create an image from a function % On input: % f_name (string): name of function % M (int): number of rows in image % N (int): number of cols in image % Q (int): number of quantization levels in image % x_min (float): min x value for planar patch % x_max (float): max x value for planar patch % y_min (float): min y value for planar patch % y_max (float): max y value for planar patch % On output: % im (MxN array): image % Call: % im = CS4640_create_im(’CS4640_hemisphere’,100,100,64,-4,4,-4,4); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 1 % function imd = CS4640_im_dist(im1,im2) % CS4640_im_dist – pixel-wise vector distance between images % On input: % im1 (M1xN1xP1 array): image 1 % im2 (M2xN2xP2 array): image 2 % On output: % imd (M1xN1 array): distace image % Call: % imd = CS4640_im_dist(im1,im2); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function im_FT = CS4640_FT(im) % CS4640_FT – compute Fourier Transform of image % On input: % im (MxN float array): input image % On output: % im_FT (MxN float array): Fourier Transform of im % Call: % im_FT = CS4640_FT(im); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function im_FTi = CS4640_FTi(im) % CS4640_FTi – compute inverse Fourier Transform of image % On input: % im (MxN array): input image % On output: % im_FTi (MxN float array): inverse Fourier Transform of im % Call: 2 % im_FTi = CS4640_FTi(im); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function imr = CS4640_register(ref,im,pts) % CS4640_register – register an image to a reference % On input: % ref (M1xN1 array): reference image % im (M2xN2 array): input image % pts (nx4 array): corresponding pixels in the two images % in order x_ref y_ref v_im w_im % On output: % imr (MxN array): registered version of im % Call: % imr = CS4640_register(ref,im,pts); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function imn = CS4640_add_noise(im,p_min,p_max,noise_type,a,b,mu,sigma2) % CS4640_add_noise – add uniform or Gaussian noise % On input: % im (MxN image): input image % p_min (float): minimum gray level in noise image % p_max (float): maximum gray level in noise image % noise_type (int): 1: uniform; 2: Gaussian % a (float): lower limit on uniform range % b (float): upper limit on uniform range % mu (float): mean of N(mu,sigma2) % sigma2 (float): variance of N(mu,sigma2) % On output % imn (MxN array): noise image % Call: 3 % imn = CS4640_add_noise(im3,2,10,1,0,1,0,.0001); % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % function CS4640_A1_driver % CS4640_A1_driver – driver for A1 functions % On input: % N/A % On output: % N/A % Call: % CS4640_A1_driver % Author: % % UU % Spring 2018 % 4