1 Introduction
The first few weeks of CST can be a bit of a blur. There is a lot to process: a new program, new classmates,
seven courses (well, six, I think COMP 1100 is pretty easy), and the famous BCIT workload. In 1510, we
took a deep breath and dove in. We are well into our exploration of the fundamentals of programming
using Python, a very popular multi-paradigm high level language.
The fundamental building block of Python is the statement or command, which we assemble into named,
re-usable blocks of code called functions. We assemble our code into functions to make our code easier
to write and maintain. Writing short, atomic functions means we can guarantee that each function does
exactly what it must through the use of accompanying doctests.
For your first assignment, I challenge you to implement and test the functions described below. Good luck,
and have fun!
2 Submission Requirements
1. This take home assignment is due no later than Sunday September 29th at or before 23:59:59.
2. Late assignments will not be accepted for any reason.
3. This is an individual assignment. I strongly encourage you to share ideas and concepts, but sharing
code or submitting someone else’s work is not allowed.
3 Project Setup
Please complete the following:
1. Create a new project in PyCharm called A########_1510_assignments, where A########
is your student number. We will use this project for ALL of our assignments this term.
2. Inside the new project, create five Python packages called A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5 respectively. We
will use this project for all our assignments this term. For your first assignment, all code must go in
the directory called A1.
3. Inside the A1 directory, create a new Python file called When you are done, your
project structure should look like Figure 1 on the next page.
4. Add this project to git. From the main menu select VCS > Import into version control > Create git
repository. Select the project folder (A########_1510_assignments, not A1).
Figure 1: Your project folders should look like this.
5. From now on, when you want to open this project, select Open Project on the PyCharm menu and
then select the folder called A########_1510_assignments, where A######## is your student number. Do not dig into this folder and open an individual A1 or A2, etc. This will possibly
damage the way the version control system works.
6. Select the Python packages A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5. While all 5 are selected, right click and select
Git > Add to add your project source code to version control. Of note: git will not back up empty
folders, so when you commit and push your code to the cloud, GitHub will only contain folders that
contain files. This is okay and expected.
7. Now add the project to GitHub in the cloud. Select VCS > Import into version control > Share
project on GitHub. Ensure the project is private. I will not mark any repository which is public or
which has ever been public.
8. For your first assignment, all files must go into the A1 folder. After you complete each function,
commit and push your change to version control. In order to earn full marks, you must commit and
push after each function is complete. You do not need to complete the assignments in any order.
You do not have to wait until you finish a function to commit, either. Each time you finish a chunk
of code, celebrate by committing it.
9. When you are finished, invite me as a collaborator. You will only need to do this for A1. For future
assignments, since I am already a collaborator I will pull your future work automatically.
4 Style Requirements
1. You must comment each function you implement with correctly formatted docstrings. Include informative doctests where necessary to demonstrate to the user how the function is meant to be used,
and what the expected output will be when input is provided.
2. Functions must be short and must only do one thing. If a function does more than one thing, break it
down (decompose it) into two or more functions that work together. Remember that helper functions
can help more than one function, so we want to use generic names as much as possible.
3. Ensure that the docstring for each function you write has the following components (in this order):
(a) Short one-sentence description that begins with a verb in imperative tense
(b) One blank line
(c) Additional comments if the single line description is not sufficient (this is a good place to describe in detail how the function is meant to be used)
(d) PARAM statement for each parameter that describes what it should be, and what it is used for
(e) PRECONDITION statement for each precondition which the user promises to meet before using
the function
(f) POSTCONDITION statement for each postcondition which the function promises to meet if the
precondition is met
(g) RETURN statement that describes what the function returns
(h) One blank line
(i) And finally, the doctests, if the function needs them. Here is an example:
def my_factorial(number):
“””Calculate factorial.
A simple function that demonstrates good comment construction.
:param: number, a positive integer
:precondition: number must be a positive non-zero integer
:postcondition: calculates the correct factorial
:return: correctly calculated factorial as an int
>>> my_factorial(0)
>>> my_factorial(1)
>>> my_factorial(5)
return math.factorial(number)
5 Functions
Please implement the following functions. For some functions, you may wish to (and perhaps even should)
create helper functions:
1. For each of the seven functions described below, use an online flowchart maker like or MS Visio (available for free through Azure Dev Tools for Teaching [ADTT]
via to create a flowchart illustrating the
function’s logic using the standard ANSI flowchart control structures.
2. Each flowchart must be in its own PDF file with the same name as the file that contains the function
described in the flowchart. The PDF file must be dragged and dropped into the correct folder in your
PyCharm project. For example, there must be a roman_numbers.pdf file which contains a flowchart
describing the logic in your convert_to_roman_numeral function.
3. For each of the seven functions below, add a multi-line comment to the bottom of the source file that
describes the components of computational thinking you used to solve the problem. Recall that the
four components of computational thinking are decomposition, pattern matching/data representation, abstraction/generalization, and algorithms/automation.
4. Inside the file, implement a function called convert_to_roman_numeral. The
function should accept a single parameter called positive_int, and return the Roman numeral which
is equivalent. Return the Roman numeral as a string.
Your function is only responsible for providing a correct answer when the input is a positive integer in the range [1, 10_000]. Your function is not required to do anything if it receives anything else.
The Roman number system was used in Europe until the Middle Ages. Numbers are represented
by combinations of letters from the Roman alphabet.
We will use a subset of the Roman number system, to wit:
(a) I (the capital i) represents 1
(b) V represents 5
(c) X represents 10
(d) L represents 50
(e) C represents 100
(f) D represents 500
(g) M represents 1000.
5. Create a new file called inside the A1 directory. In it, implement a function called
colour_mixer. This function must prompt the user for two primary colours. The three primary colours
are red, yellow, and blue. When we mix two primary colours, we generate a secondary colour:
(a) mixing red and blue produces purple
(b) mixing red and yellow produces orange
(c) mixing yellow and blue produces green (one of my favourites).
Your function must print a helpful error message if the user enters the two same colours, or colours
that are not primary. Otherwise, print the name of the secondary colour that results.
6. Create a new file called inside the A1 directory. In it, implement a function called
time_calculator. This functions accepts a single parameter called seconds, and converts the seconds
to days, hours, minutes, and seconds. You may assume that there are:
(a) 60 seconds in a minute
(b) 3,600 seconds in an hour
(c) 86,400 seconds in a day.
Print the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds in that order as integers separated by white
space in a single line.
7. Long long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, interest rates were so good that a simple savings account
earned 10% interest a year. Yes, ten percent! Those heady days (the 80s) are long over, and today
the miracle of compound interest is less of a miracle and more a footnote of history. But let’s pretend…
When a bank pays compound interest, the interest is earned not only on the principal but also the
interest that has already accumulated over time. If we deposit some money into an account, and let
the account earn compound interest over a certain number of years, the formula for calculating the
balance after a certain number of years is:
A = P(1 + r
(a) A is the amount of money in the account after the specified number of years
(b) P is the principal amount that was originally deposited into the account
(c) r is the annual interest rate
(d) n is the number of times per year that the interest is compounded
(e) t is the specified number of years.
Create a new file called, and inside it implement a function called compound_interest. The function should accept the following parameters in this order:
(a) principal (a float)
(b) annual interest paid to the account (a float)
(c) the number of times per year the interest is compounded (an int)
(d) the number of years the account will be left alone to grow.
Return A, the amount of money in the account after the elapsed time, as a float.
8. Add a file called to the A1 folder. Inside this file, implement a function called
rock_paper_scissors. This function accepts no input and returns no input. This function must allow
the user to play one round of rock, paper, scissors with the computer. The function must generate
a random number in the range [0, 2] to represent rock, paper, and scissors. Ask the user for their
guess. If the user enters anything other than rock, paper, or scissors, print a helpful warning message.
Otherwise, print out the computer’s choice and tell the user if they won or not. Your function should
clean the user input before trying to decide what they chose. That is, eliminate leading and trailing
whitespace, normalize capitalization, etc.
9. Add a file called to the A1 folder. Inside this file, implement a function called number_generator.
This function must generate a lottery ticket containing a list of 6 unique numbers. Generate 6 unique
random numbers in the range [1, 49] and print them in order from lowest to highest in a single line
of output. This is the only question that can be answered with a list. The random module’s sample
function returns a list, which we can immediately sort using the global sort function and then print.
I’ve shown you the random module, and I’ve shown you the list of global functions, so even though
we have not examined the list in class, this combination of methods avoids dealing with the list in a
non-trivial way, so I’m okay with that.
10. Add a file called to the A1 folder. Inside this file, implement a function called number_translator. Many companies use phone numbers like 555-GET-FOOD, so the number is easier for
their customers to remember. On a standard phone, the alphabetic numbers are mapped to digits in
the following fashion:
(a) A, B, and C = 2
(b) D, E. and F = 3
(c) G, H, and I = 4
(d) J, K, and L = 5
(e) M, N, and O = 6
(f) P, Q, R, and S = 7
(g) T, U, and V = 8
(h) W, X, Y, and Z = 9
Your function must ask the user to enter a 10-character telephone number in the format XXX-XXXXXXX. Your function should return the telephone number with any alphabetical numbers translated
into their numerical equivalent. For example, if the user enters 555-GET-FOOD, the function should
return the string “555-438-3663”.
6 Grading
Your first assignment will be marked out of 15. I will randomly select three (3) of the functions from this
assignment and mark them. For full marks, you must:
1. (3) Correctly implement the functional requirements described in this document for each function I
mark (2 marks per function).
2. (3) Correctly represent the logic for each function I mark in a flowchart submitted as a PDF (1 mark
per function).
3. (3) Describe the elements of computational thinking you applied when implementing each function
I mark (1 mark per function).
4. (3) Correctly write and execute doctests for each function I mark that unambiguously describe the
function’s correct use. Only test input that meets the precondition, or input that requires an error
message. You cannot test functions that use random numbers or functions that require user input
because I haven’t shown you how to do this yet.
5. (3) Correctly format and comment your code for each function I mark (1 mark per function). Eliminate all warnings offered by PyCharm, use good function and variable names, write code that is
easy to understand, use whitespace wisely, employ good grammar in your comments, use inline
comments (comments that start with #) inside functions to describe complicated code blocks, make
sure functions are brief and only do one thing, etc.
Please remember that this is an individual assignment. I strongly encourage you to share ideas and concepts (please!), but sharing code or submitting someone else’s work is not allowed.
Good luck, and have fun!