CECS 225 LAB 01: Half Adder solution


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Purpose: In this project you are asked to define and test a Half Adder


  • Continue to get familiar with EDAPlayground
  • Start to learn HDL (Verilog) basics
  • To understand binary addition


Step 1:  create module on the right panel


The Half Adder is a digital building block with 2 inputs (A, B) and 2 outputs (S, Cout).  The Half Adder logic must be modeled next. The circuit below shows the Half Adder logic circuit and the equivalent boolean equations:


S = A xor B


Cout = A and B


Binary Operator Symbols in Verilog

*, /, % mult, div, mod
+, – add,sub
<<, >> shift
<<<, >>> arithmetic shift
<, <=, >, >= comparison
==, != equal, not equal
&, ~& AND, NAND
^, ~^ XOR, XNOR
|, ~| OR, NOR
?: ternary operator



This completes the verilog module definition of the half adder.  Next it must be tested to ensure it works correctly.



Step 2:  Create a Half Adder Verilog Test Fixture.  To test a module for correct functionality, a set of inputs will be provided to produce an expected set of outputs.  A Verilog Testbench is used to test a Verilog source module.


Create the Half Adder test script.  To test a module for correct functionality, a set of inputs will be provided to produce an expected set of outputs.  For simple modules like the half adder a truth table is used to show the outputs that can be expected from a set of inputs.

The Cout output column shows that Cout equals 1 only when A equals 1 and B equals 1.


The S output column shows that S equals 1 when the value of A is not equal to the value of B.




Simulation results are shown as waveforms.





Finally, upload report to the project Dropbox in beachboard (refer to EDAPlayground Tutorial for report guidance)!