Write a windows console application that holds data…solved


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Write a windows console application that holds data about an item in a retail store.

Your class should be named RetailItem and should hold data about an item in a retail store. The class will have the following member variables.

description—string holding the description of the item

unitsOnHand—int that holds the number of units in inventory

price—double that holds the price of the item

You will need two constructors, one that will accept arguments for each  member variable and one that will assign default values. You will also need to write mutator functions and accessor functions. Once you write the class, write a separate program that creates three RetailItem objects. The first one should use the default values, and the other two should have values assigned upon creation. The user should input the variables (testing for the units on hand and price greater than 0).

Then the program should display all three RetailItems. Finally, the program should tally the inventory for all three items and display it.


Welcome to the Retail store!

Price must be greater than 0.

Please enter the price for item 1: 33.

Inventory must be greater than 0.

Please enter the units on hand for item 1: 10.

Please enter the description for item 1: shirt.



Display all items

Description: shirt

Units on hand: 10

Price: $33.00


Description: Jeans

Units on hand: 40

Price: $34.95


Description: Long sleeve shirt

Units on hand: 20

Price: $24.95




Display the total inventory.

The total inventory is 70.

Press any key to continue.







Step 2: Processing Logic
You will create a RetailItem class, a main program, and a RetailItem.h for a total of three files as a demonstration of understanding, creating, and using classes.


Using the pseudocode below, write the code that will meet the requirements.


Create a main program.

Create three RetailItem objects.

Ask user for price for item1 looping until value is greater than 0.

Ask user for unitsOnHand for item2 looping until value is greater than 0.

Ask user for description for item 1.

Display all items.

Add up total inventory, and display total inventory.


Create a RetailItem class.

Implement all member functions.

Create a RetailItem.h.

Private member variables should be description, unitsOnHand, and price.

Public member functions include both constructors, mutator, and accessor functions for all three variables.
