This project is intended for you to use programming concepts you learned….solved


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This project is intended for you to use programming concepts you learned in CSCI 111 (decision
statements, loop statements) and apply them in a simple Java program (using some of the classes
covered in lecture and lab). In addition, you will submit the project through BlackBoard to make sure it
is clear how to do that.
We will look at your coding style, documentation (comments) and, of course, that the project works.
For this project, you will receive more in the nature of commentary than point deductions.
Program Requirements:
Write a Java program that will
1. Ask the user to type in a sentence, using a JOptionPane.showInputDialog().
2. The program will examine each letter in the string and count how many time the upper-case
letter ‘E’ appears, and how many times the lower-case letter ‘e’ appears. The key here is to use
the charAt method in class String.
3. Using a JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(), tell the user how many upper and lower case e’s
were in the string.
4. Repeat this process until the user types the word “Stop”. (Check out the method
equalsIgnoreCase in class String to cover all upper/lower case possibilities of the word “STOP”.

Program Submission:
• The name of your file must be with upper/lower case exact.
• Your program (the .java file, not the .class file) should be submitted through BlackBoard by
uploading the file.
• In the “Comments” field of the assignment put your name and lab section.
• Note that BlackBoard lets you submit the assignment only once. If you make a mistake, you will
have to ask Dr. Lord to clear the project, and you may lose time.
• The program is due by midnight on the date indicated at the top of this handout, and will not be
accepted after the cutoff date. The date of submission to Bb is the official date for your project.