Solved:CSCI3260 Assignment One: Creating your interactive 3D Scene


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I. Introduction

Everyone has a definition of the virtual world. Why not have a try and give your answer? In this programming
assignment, you can feel free to play with OpenGL to create a 3D scene with user interaction (see the example
gallery in Fig. 1).

This assignment aims to apply your understanding of computer graphics into practice and get you
familiar with OpenGL and the modern programmable pipeline.
Fig. 1, 3D scene gallery.

You are required to design a 3D scene with user interaction. Specifically, in your scene, there must be 3D
objects (e.g., cube) (see Fig. 2 as an example). You are free to render 2D objects (e.g., plane), and lines or points.

Meanwhile, you should apply transformations including translation, rotation, and scaling to them. The user should
be able to use the keyboard and the mouse to interact with your program. The object color, window size, window
title, and scene layout are all up to you. To make your scene more realistic, you should use perspective projection.

You need to draw objects with indexing. You are also encouraged to control your camera viewpoint. Your 3D scene
shall not be limited by the demo picture (do as you can imagine).
Fig. 2, Basic requirements of assignment 1.

II. Implementation Details

In the assignment package, we have provided you with two shader programs (i.e., VertexShaderCode.glsl &
FragmentShaderCode.glsl) and a template main program (i.e., main.cpp). They include the necessary functions you
will use with event processing functions in the GLFW interface toolkit. Use this template as the starting point for
your implementation.

You need to design your function to process the keyboard and mouse events, and you should
also submit a file readme.txt to explain the keyboard and mouse events you designed in your program. Otherwise,
the mark for related items will be deducted.

All programs should meet reasonable programming standards: header comment, in-line comments, good
modularity, clear printout, and efficiency.

Basic Requirements:

1. OpenGL code should use the programmable pipeline with OpenGL 3.0+ instead of the fixed pipeline.
2. Draw at least two 3D objects.
3. Ensure at least one object is drawn with indexing.

4. Create at least three kinds of keyboard and mouse events, combined with rotation, translation, and scaling.
5. Use perspective projection to render the scene.
6. Enable depth test to realize occlusion.

Additional self-design requirements:

You are free to add objects, move them, organize them, and whatever you wish to make your scene interesting.

III. Grading Scheme
Your assignment will be graded by the following marking scheme:
Basic (80%) (e.g., Fig. 2)
Draw at least two 3D objects. 25%
At least one object is drawn with indexing. 10%
At least three kinds of keyboard and mouse events. 15%
Include three kinds of object transformations (rotation, translation, scaling). 15%
Perspective projection (given). 10%
Depth test. 5%
Advanced (at most 20%) (e.g., Fig.1)

Realistic and meaningful objects and scenes constructed by different primitives. 10%
Interesting and creative interactions, e.g., scene interaction. 10%
Change your camera viewpoint interactively. 5%

Total (maximum): 100%
Note: no grade will be given if the program is incomplete or fails compilation or using fixed pipeline.

IV. Guidelines to submit programming assignments
1) You can write your programs on Windows and macOS. If we encounter problems when execute/compile your
program, you may have to show your demo to the teaching assistant in person.

2) Modify the provided main.cpp & VertexShaderCode.glsl & FragmentShaderCode.glsl and write all your code
in this file. It is not recommended to create or use other additional .cpp or .h files. Type your full name and
student ID in main.cpp. Missing such essential information will lead to mark deduction (up to 10 points).
3) We only accept OpenGL code written in the programmable pipeline. No points will be given if your solution is
written in the fixed pipeline.

4) We only accept OpenGL code implemented with GLFW and GLEW. No points will be given if you use other
windowing and OpenGL extension libraries.

5) You should write a succinct readme.txt to describe what you have done (gain your points).
6) Zip the source code file (i.e., main.cpp & VertexShaderCode.glsl & FragmentShaderCode.glsl), the executable
file (e.g., Assignment1.exe for windows users) or the project file (csciasig1.xcodeproj for Mac users), and the
readme file (i.e., readme.txt) in a .zip (see Fig. 3). Name it with your own student id (e.g.,

7) We may check your code. And we may deduct your marks if you have seriously wrong implementation.
8) Submit your assignment via eLearn Blackboard. (

9) Please submit your assignment before 11:59 p.m. of the due date. Late submission will be penalized as
introduced in lecture 01.

10) In case of multiple submissions, only the latest one will be considered.
11) Fail the course if you copy.
Fig. 3, Files to be submitted.
For Mac