1 Introduction
Training an NLP model can require lots of training data—we saw this in Homework 3 when we had
to create our own data, and even that was a challenge! But what if we didn’t need a lot of labeled
data? One branch of NLP has focused on few-shot learning where a model is only given a few
examples to learn from and then the model is asked to generalize to classify/label new examples.
If it works, few-shot learning offers huge advantages since we no longer need to create massive
datasets and can instead get by with a potentially much smaller set of examples. The central
questions are then how to learn from a few examples and estimating how much can we learn from
just a few examples.
In Homework 4, we’ll work with one very recent approach few-shot learning: pattern-based
learning. Here, we’ll rely on large language models (LLMs) like BERT that already know a lot
about word order and language to help learn from a few examples. Specifically, we’ll take advantage of these models’ abilities to fill in the blank. Consider the following sentence with a blank at
the end:
I loved it so much I bought three. I thought it was .
If you were to fill in that blank in the sentence above, you might say something like “great” or
“amazing.” Hopefully, the LLM might look at the earlier part of the sentence to fill in the blank
with something similar too! In homework 4, we’ll use patterns like this with an approach called
Pattern-Exploiting Training [PET; Schick and Schutze, 2020a,b], where we put in text that we ¨
want to classify and generate a prompt that a language model will fill in. The text that the language
model fills in will tell us about the class. For example, say we were trying to do a sentiment task
over movie reviews. Our prompt might look like
[review text]. Overall, I thought it was [mask].
where we fill in the “[review text]” part with the text of the instance we’re trying to classify and
then look at what the model generates for the masked token position at [mask]. For these kinds of
prompts, we’ll write a pattern that lets us plug in the instance text want we want to label (the “[review text]” part above) and then specify a masked token that the LLM will fill in that is hopefully
related to the label we want to know. The PET system aims to learn how to classify the instance
based on what the model fills in. We will specify how to map some of what gets filled in using
what’s known as a verbalizer. In essence, we specify words that correspond to our labels. For
example, if we were doing sentiment analysis we specify a verbalizer where the positive class gets
mapped to words like “good” or “great” and the negative class to words like “bad” or “terrible.”
Your job as a practitioner is to figure out a few mappings. Your words don’t have to be adjectives
either! You can write prompts that use verbs, nouns, or even adverbs to indicate the class of the
text—be creative!
This assignment has the following learning goals:
• Familiarize you with the idea of few-shot learning and see how a model learns relative to
how much data it is trained on.
• Learn how to use a tokenizer for a large language model.
• Improve your NLP skills when working with cutting-edge code with examples.
• Become able to train a PET model using limited data.
This last assignment is aimed at giving you one more skill in your arsenal for when you need an
NLP classifier but don’t have labeled data and can’t create a large dataset of labeled examples.
2 Prompt-based Learning for Toxic Language
In Homework 4, we’ll try using Jigsaw’s Toxic Language dataset using PET to train our classifier.
Conveniently the PET authors have already provided code for you to use at https://github.
com/timoschick/pet. Your task will be to (1) write your own custom verbalizer and patterns
and (2) train your model by modifying one of their example scripts. The PET repository has good
documentation on how to set up their model, train it, and use the code.
Like in Homework 3, in this assignment we will use a much smaller but nearly-as-performant
version of BERT,,
to train our models. While PET can work on any LLM, MiniLM will make the homework much
faster to finish.
One small hitch to writing a verbalizer is that they need to be a single token in the LLM’s vocabulary. For word-piece based tokenerizers, this means you can’t use phrases like “super awesome”
or longer words that the tokenizer will break up. For example, the word “tokenize” is broken up
into the tokens “token” and “##ize” (the ## part lets the model know the token is connected to
the preceding one). While the PET model can support multi-token words, using them requires
more work and coding, which is not needed in this assignment (we want to keep it simple!). Since
MiniLM is trained as a drop-in version of BERT, we can use BERT’s tokenizer to check whether a
word is entirely in the vocabulary.
Note that you do not need to load in the BERT model to check
this; instead, you can load in its pretrained tokenizer, which is available on HuggingFace.1 Note
that all the BERT-like models will use this tokenizer, so it’s helpful to see how it works!
■ Problem 1. (10 points) Write a simple piece code that takes a single word as input and then
tokenizes it with the BERT tokenizer in huggingface and returns the word’s corresponding tokens
(or token IDs) in the BERT vocabulary. You’ll want to use this piece of code in the next task to
check that your verbalizer is using only single-token words.
■ Problem 2. (40 points) Write 10 different prompts that can be used to classify toxic speech.
Prompts should be relatively different (not just adding/changing one word). For each, come up
with at least 2 verbalizations of each class (toxic/non-toxic). You can share verbalizations across
prompts if needed. We really want to see some creativity across your prompts (this will also help
the model learn more too).
■ Problem 3. (10 points) For comparison with PET, train a regular classifier using Trainer and
the MiniLM parameters on all the training data (very similar to what you did in Homework 3!). You
should train your model for at least two epochs, but you’re not required to do any hyperparameter
tuning (you just need a score). Predict the toxicity of the provided test data and calculate the F1.
■ Problem 4. (30 points) Using your patterns and verbalizers, train separate PET models on 10,
50, 100, and 500 instances of data. Your data should be randomly sampled from the training data
but be sure to have examples of each class. You are free to choose which instances you use and
what distribution of toxic/non-toxic labels are in your training data (provided you have at least one
example of each). For each model, predict the scores for the provided test data and calculate the
Macro F1.
■ Problem 5. (10 points) Let’s compare our PET-based models and our regular all-data MiniLM
model. Plot the score for each PET model and your full-data MiniLM model using Seaborn. If
you are feeling curious, feel free to train models on different sizes/distributions of data and include
those too. Write your guess on how many instances you think you need to train a PET model that
will reach the performance of a MiniLM model trained on all the data.
3 What to submit
You should submit the following parts to Canvas.
• Your code for all parts
• A write-up showing your plot with models’ scores and a sentence saying how many instances
you think PET needs to reach the performance of a MiniLM model trained on all the data.
Timo Schick and Hinrich Schutze. Exploiting cloze questions for few-shot text classification and natural language in- ¨
ference. Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2001.07676, 2020a. URL
Timo Schick and Hinrich Schutze. It’s not just size that matters: Small language models are also few-shot learners. ¨
Computing Research Repository, arXiv:2009.07118, 2020b. URL