Solved CSE2050 HW 11: Graph Implementations


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Complete HW5 by implementing the circular puzzle in a Graph ADT.

  1. Write a function list_to_graph(L) that converts the list defining the circular tiles into the Graph ADT definitions (a set of vertices and a set of edges) that can be entered into a Graph ADT. Each tile will be a vertex.  The first tile will be tile 1, not tile 0.  The weight of each tile provides the definition for two edges.  Paste that function under this line.

def list_to_graph(L):

vertices = set(range(1, len(L) + 1))

edges = set()


for i in range(len(L)):

weight = L[i]

next_index = (i + weight) % len(L)


edges.add((i + 1, next_index + 1, weight))

edges.add((next_index + 1, i + 1, weight))


return vertices, edges


  1. Instantiate a Graph with the circular tile definition created above.
  2. Determine if a path exists between the first and last tile.
  3. See if you can implement the Graph ADT further to determine the shortest path from the first tile to the last tile.
  4. See if you can further expand the Graph ADT to determine all


  1. This Word document with your list_to_graph(L) function embedded.
  2. A py file which contains all the code for your implementation and how you entered each puzzle to find if there is a path.