Solved CSCI 4210 Homework 2 Process Creation and Process Management in C


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In this second homework, you will use C to implement a rudimentary interactive shell similar
to that of bash. The focus of this assignment is on process creation, process management, and
inter-process communication (IPC) via fork(), wait(), waitpid(), pipe(), etc.

As with Homework 1, continue to use calloc(), realloc(), and free() to properly and efficiently
manage your memory usage. Consider using valgrind to verify that there are no memory leaks.
We will continue to test for this on Submitty.

To properly implement your shell, create an infinite loop that repeatedly prompts the user to
enter a command, parses the given command, locates the command executable, then executes the
command (if found).

To execute the given command, a child process is created via fork(), with the child process then
calling execv() to execute the command. In the meanwhile, the parent process calls waitpid()
to suspend its execution and wait for the child process to terminate. This is called foreground
processing. (And note that you must use these specific system calls.)

If instead the command is to be run with the parent process not waiting for the child process to
complete its execution, then your shell will instead use background processing, which is achieved by
using the & symbol (and explained in more detail on page 4).

Locating the command executable

Before executing a command entered by the user, the command executable must be found using
the list of possible paths specified by an assignment-specific environment variable called $MYPATH.
Do not use $PATH for this assignment (since $PATH is used for bash).

Similar to $PATH, this new $MYPATH environment variable consists of a series of paths delimited by
the : character. And if $MYPATH is not set, use /bin:. as the default, meaning commands will be
searched for first in the /bin directory, then the . (i.e., current) directory. By default, the $MYPATH
variable is not set, so for testing, set and unset this variable manually in the bash shell before
running your shell.

Here’s how:
bash$ export MYPATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:.
bash$ echo $MYPATH
bash$ unset MYPATH
To obtain $MYPATH (or any environment variable, e.g., $HOME) from within your program, use
the getenv() function. Do not use setenv().

Executing the command

Searching left-to-right in $MYPATH, if the requested command is found in one of the specified directories, your program runs the executable in a child process via the fork() and execv() system
calls. Note that you must use execv().

Further, in the parent process, you must use lstat() to determine whether the requested
command exists (e.g., does /bin/ls exist?) and whether it is executable. See the man page and
the directories.c example.

Commands are line-based, as in bash. Therefore, each command may optionally have any number
of arguments (i.e., argv[1], argv[2], etc.). You can assume that each command read from the
user will not exceed 1024 characters. Further, you can assume that each argument will not exceed
64 characters, but all memory must be dynamically allocated.
You may also assume that command-line arguments do not contain spaces. In other words, do not
worry about parsing out quoted strings in your argument list, as in:
bash$ cat a.txt b.txt “some weird file.txt” d.txt

Special shell commands

Not all commands entered into the shell actually result in a call to fork(). For the cd command,
if your shell did execute the command via fork(), your shell’s current working directory would
not change! Therefore, you must use the chdir() system call in the parent to handle this special
case. Further, if the cd command has no arguments, then you should use the $HOME environment
variable as the target directory.

As for wildcards and special characters, you do not need to support *, ?, and [] in your shell,
though note that these are typically expanded by the shell before calling fork() and execv().
Finally, to exit your shell, the user enters exit. When this occurs, your shell must output bye and

Required output
The command prompt in the shell must show the current working directory followed by the ‘$’
prompt character and one space. To obtain the current working directory for the running process,
use the getcwd() function. And use fgets() to read in a command from the user.
Required output is shown below, with sample input also shown. As per usual, you must match the
given output format exactly as shown.
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ cocoapuffs
ERROR: command “cocoapuffs” not found
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ ls
annoying.c a.out code hw2.aux hw2.log hw2.out hw2.pdf hw2.tex
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ ls -l
total 156
drwxrwx–x 3 goldsd goldsd 4096 May 27 15:08 .
drwxrwx–x 5 goldsd goldsd 51 May 27 11:59 ..
-rw-rw—-+ 1 goldsd goldsd 197 May 27 15:08 annoying.c
-rwxrwx–x 1 goldsd goldsd 8344 May 27 15:08 a.out
drwxrwx–x 2 goldsd goldsd 6 May 27 15:04 code
-rw-rw—- 1 goldsd goldsd 662 May 27 15:04 hw2.aux
-rw-rw—- 1 goldsd goldsd 20507 May 27 15:04 hw2.log
-rw-rw—- 1 goldsd goldsd 0 May 27 15:04 hw2.out
-rw-rw—- 1 goldsd goldsd 97289 May 27 15:04 hw2.pdf
-rw-rw—-+ 1 goldsd goldsd 9886 May 27 15:07 hw2.tex
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ cat annoying.c
/* annoying.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main()
while ( 1 )
printf( “Hey, get back to work!\n” );
sleep( 3 );
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ exit

Foreground and background processing

Normally, a shell will execute the given command via a child process, with the parent calling either
wait() or waitpid() to wait for the child process to complete its command and terminate. The
child process essentially calls execv() to execute the given command with the arguments allocated

Your shell must be able to execute a process in the background if the user includes an ampersand
(i.e., ‘&’) at the end of a command. In this case, when the child process is created, the parent does
not wait for the child to terminate before prompting the user for the next command.

For a background process, the parent must report that the child process has been created.
The parent must also report when the child process does terminate (if it does). When you detect
that the background process has terminated (i.e., before you display the prompt), display the child
process ID and its exit status, as in:
[process 9335 terminated with exit status 0]

This should be the normal reporting for all children that terminate whether they return EXIT SUCCESS
or an error code.
For background child processes that terminate due to a kill signal or other abnormal termination,
display the following:
[process 9335 terminated abnormally]

Note that the & symbol can only be included at the end of the command line; otherwise, this is
a user error. Also note that the output may be interleaved with background processes, so do not
expect to always match the example output exactly line for line.
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ ls
annoying.c a.out code hw2.aux hw2.log hw2.out hw2.pdf hw2.tex
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ a.out &
[running background process “a.out”]
Hey, get back to work!
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ Hey, get back to work!
Hey, get back to work!
Hey, get back to work!
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ ls
annoying.c a.out code hw2.aux hw2.log hw2.out hw2.pdf hw2.tex
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ Hey, get back to work!
Hey, get back to work!
Hey, get back to work!
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ exit
Hey, get back to work!
Hey, get back to work!
For the above example, you will need to use kill in the bash shell to terminate the background process since it will continue to execute after your shell terminates. And note that for this assignment,
you are required to use waitpid() for both foreground and background processes.

Do not do anything extra to kill any child processes, in particular when the user exits your shell.
And to properly “catch” background processes when they terminate, mimic the behavior of bash
by checking for terminated background processes immediately before you display the prompt to
the user. Do not use a signal handler for this.

IPC via pipes
Finally, add support for a pipe between two processes; you need only support one pipe per command
line. Two processes (i.e., A and B) may be connected via a pipe such that the output on stdout
from process A is the input on stdin to process B.
A pipe is indicated via the | symbol. To create a pipe, use the pipe() system call. Further, the
two processes A and B must have your shell process as their parent process.
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ ps -ef | grep goldsd
root 23553 1414 0 15:00 ? 00:00:00 sshd: goldsd [priv]
goldsd 23556 1 0 15:00 ? 00:00:00 /lib/systemd/systemd –user
goldsd 23558 23556 0 15:00 ? 00:00:00 (sd-pam)
goldsd 23714 23553 0 15:00 ? 00:00:00 sshd: goldsd@pts/0
goldsd 23715 23714 0 15:00 pts/0 00:00:00 -bash
goldsd 23716 23715 0 15:00 pts/0 00:00:00 myshell
root 23729 1414 0 15:01 ? 00:00:00 sshd: goldsd [priv]
goldsd 23813 23729 0 15:01 ? 00:00:00 sshd: goldsd@notty
goldsd 23814 23813 0 15:01 ? 00:00:00 /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
goldsd 24615 23716 0 15:15 pts/0 00:00:00 ps -ef
goldsd 24616 23716 0 15:15 pts/0 00:00:00 grep goldsd
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ ls -1
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ ls -1 | wc -l
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ exit

Pipes and background processes

Note that a pair of piped processes can be run in the background if the user specifies an ampersand
at the end of the line. When run in the background, both processes are background processes. And
when these processes terminate, show both processes.

Here is an example with 12117 and 12118 as the process IDs of the two background processes:
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ ls -1 | wc -l
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ ls -1 | wc -l &
[running background process “ls”]
[running background process “wc”]
[process 12117 terminated with exit status 0]
[process 12118 terminated with exit status 0]
/cs/goldsd/s19/os/assignments/hw2$ exit
As noted previously, output may be interleaved with background processes, so do not expect to
always match the example output exactly line for line.
Relinquishing allocated resources
Be sure that all processes (i.e., the parent shell process and all child processes) properly deallocate
memory via free(), close all opened file descriptors, etc.

Error handling
If improper command-line arguments are given, report an error message to stderr and abort
further program execution. In general, if an error is encountered, display a meaningful error
message on stderr by using either perror() or fprintf(), then abort further program execution.
Error messages must be one line only and use the following format:
ERROR: <error-text-here>
Note that you should not abort your shell program if the user enters an invalid command (e.g., command not found) or if the child process reports an error.

Submission instructions
To submit your assignment (and also perform final testing of your code), please use Submitty, the
homework submission server.
Note that this assignment will be available on Submitty a minimum of three days before the due
date. Please do not ask when Submitty will be available, as you should first perform adequate
testing on your own Ubuntu platform.

That said, to make sure that your program does execute properly everywhere, including Submitty,
use the techniques below.
First, as discussed in class, use the DEBUG_MODE technique to make sure you do not submit any
debugging code. Here is an example:
printf( “the value of x is %d\n”, x );
printf( “the value of q is %d\n”, q );
printf( “why is my program crashing here?!” );
printf( “aaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggghhhh!” );
And to compile this code in “debug” mode, use the -D flag as follows:
bash$ gcc -Wall -Werror -D DEBUG_MODE hw2.c
Second, as discussed in class, output to standard output (stdout) is buffered. To disable buffered
output for grading on Submitty, use setvbuf() as follows:
setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0 );
You would not generally do this in practice, as this can substantially slow down your program, but
to ensure good results on Submitty, this is a good technique to use.