Problem 1:
1. Analyze the time complexities of the following algorithms and explain your
Algorithm 1
for i ← 1 to n by i ← 2i do
for j ← n downto 0 by j ← j/2 do
for k ← j to n by k ← k + 2 do
res ← res + ij + jk
end for
end for
end for
Algorithm 2
for i ← n downto 0 do
for j ← 1 to n by j ← 2j do
for k ← 0 to j do
res ← res + ij + jk
end for
end for
end for
2. Solve the following recurrence relations. Do not use the Master Theorem.
Show all of your work.
T(n) = T(n − k) + 2k
T(n) = 2kT(n/2
) + kn
T(n) = 2kT(n/2
) + 2k − 1
Problem 2:
Sort the following functions in ascending order of growth.
f1(n) = log2 n (1)
f2(n) = n
f3(n) = (log2 n)
log2 n
f4(n) = n
4 (4)
f5(n) = log2
log2 n (5)
f6(n) = 2log2 n
f7(n) = 102024 (7)
f8(n) = 5n
f9(n) = log2 n · log2 3
f10(n) = (log2 n)
Problem 3:
Suppose you have two arrays each with n values, and all the values are unique.
You want to find the median of the 2n values, i.e. the n’th smallest value. To
do this you can make queries to either array, where a query for k to an array
returns the k’th smallest value in that array. Give an algorithm which finds the
median of the two arrays using O(log n) queries.
Problem 4:
Suppose there are n values in an array, and we want to sort the array using
“flipping” operations. A flip takes two inputs i and j, with 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n,
and reverses the order of the values between indices i and j in the array. For
example, if the array is [1, 1, 5, 3, 4], then a flip with indices 2 and 5 changes the
array to [1, 4, 3, 5, 1]. Assume a flip with inputs i and j has cost j − i.
(a) Assume first that all the values in the array are either 1 or 2. Design an
algorithm which sorts the array using O(n log n) cost, and analyze its cost.
(Hint: mergesort)
(b) Now suppose the array contains arbitrary values. Design an algorithm which
has O(n log2
n) expected cost, and analyze its cost. Note that your algorithm
is allowed to make randomized choices.
(Hint: quicksort, and the previous algorithm)
Problem 5:
Suppose n contestants will participate in a set of contests G. In each contest
the contestants are split into two teams, possibly of different sizes, and such
that each team contains at least one contestant. We require that for any two
contestants, there is some contest in G in which these contestants are on different
teams. Design the contests in G in order to minimize the total number of
contests |G|.
Problem 6:
Suppose you have a graph with n nodes. Initially the graph contains no edges,
and your task is to add a set of directed edges to the graph so that for any pair
of nodes i and j where i < j, there is a path from i to j using at most 2 of the
edges you added. You can only add edges of the form (i, j) for i < j. Give an
algorithm to find a set of O(n log n) edges which satisfy this requirement.