1. Say whether the following claim is true or false, and provide a brief (1-3 sentence) explanation
for your answer.
Claim: If player A in a two-person game has a dominant strategy sA, then there is
a pure strategy Nash equilibrium in which player A plays sA and player B plays a
best response to sA.
3. Find all pure strategy Nash equilibria in the game below. In the payoff matrix below the
rows correspond to player A’s strategies and the columns correspond to player B’s strategies.
The first entry in each box is player A’s payoff and the second entry is player B’s payoff.
4. Consider the two-player game with players, strategies and payoffs described in the following
game matrix.
(a) Does either player have a dominant strategy? Explain briefly (1-3 sentences).
(b) Find all pure strategy Nash equilibria for this game.
5. Consider the following two-player game in which each player has three strategies.