Solved CS 4720/5720 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Homework #2


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1. Consider the graph in Figure 3.21, in which each edge – except the edge connecting b and c –
is labeled as a strong tie (S) or a weak tie (W).
According to the theory of strong and weak ties, with the strong triadic closure assumption,
how would you expect the edge connecting b and c to be labeled? Give a brief (1-3 sentence)
explanation for your answer.

2. In the social network depicted in Figure 3.22, with each edge labeled as either a strong or
weak tie, which nodes satisfy the Strong Triadic Closure Property from Chapter 3, and which
do not? Provide an explanation for your answer

3. In the social network depicted in Figure 3.23 with each edge labeled as either a strong or weak
tie, which two nodes violate the Strong Triadic Closure Property? Provide an explanation
for your answer

4. In the social network depicted in Figure 3.24, with each edge labeled as either a strong or
weak tie, which nodes satisfy the Strong Triadic Closure Property from Chapter 3, and which
do not? Provide an explanation for your answer.