Problem 1. (Points: 15) Suppose you are choosing between the following 3 algorithms:
• Algorithm A solves the problem of size n by dividing it into 8 subproblems of size
n/4, recursively solving each subproblem, and then combining the solutions in linear
• Algorithm B solves the problem of size n by recursively solving two subproblems of
size n − 1 and then combining the solutions in constant time
• Algorithm C solves the problem of size n by dividing it into nine subproblems of
size n/3, recursively solving each subproblem, and then combining the solutions in
) time.
What are the running times of each algorithm and which would you choose and why?
Problem 2. (Points: 10) Assume that n = 2k
for some positive integer k. Using
induction prove that if T(n) is given as follows, then T(n) = n log n.
T(n) =
2 if n = 2
+ n if n > 2
Problem 3. (Points: 20) Assume you have an array A[1..n] of n elements. A majority
element of A is any element occurring in more than n/2 positions (so if n = 6 or n = 7,
any majority element will occur in at least 4 positions). Assume that elements cannot be
ordered or sorted, but can be compared for equality. (You might think of the elements as
chips, and there is a tester that can be used to determine whether or not two chips are
Design an efficient divide and conquer algorithm to find a majority element
in A (or determine that no majority element exists). Aim for an algorithm that does
O(n log n) equality comparisons between the elements. A more difficult O(n) algorithm
is possible, but may be difficult to find.
Problem 4. (Points: 20) Given a binary string S of type{1
n}, devise an algorithm
that finds the number of zeroes in O(log k) time. Let m + n = k
Problem 5. (Points: 20) [K-way Merge] Suppose you have k sorted arrays A1, A2, …Ak
each with n elements. You want to combine them into a single sorted array of size kn.
One way to do this would be to use the merge operation we discussed in class. First
merge arrays A1, A2 then merge the result with A3 and so on
• Figure out how many steps this algorithm would take.
• Design a better algorithm for this problem.
Problem 6. (Points: 20) [Fibonacci Numbers]
Given below is a recursive algorithm for finding the nth Fibonacci number
Algorithm 1 :
function fib(n)
if n == 0 or n == 1 then
return 1
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
• Analyze the running time of this algorithm
• A lot of computation seems to be repeated over and over in this algorithm. For
example f ib(4) would compute f ib(3) and f ib(2) and then the called f ib(3) would
also compute f ib(2). Is there a way we could avoid computing the same thing over
and over again while still using a recursive approach?
Problem 7. (Points: 30) Given the following recurrence relations, find the running
time (in big-O notation) using the recursion tree method and the Master Theorem.
T(n) =
+ Θ(n
) if n ≥ 2
1 else
T(n) =
+ n log n if n ≥ 2
1 else
T(n) =
n if n ≥ 2
1 else
Problem 8. (Points: 20)
A bank confiscates n bank cards suspecting them to be involved in fraud. Each card
corresponds to a unique account but an account can have many cards corresponding to
it. Therefore, two bank cards are equivalent if they belong to the same account. The
bank has a testing machine for finding out if two cards are equivalent.
They want to know that among the collection of n cards, are there more than n/2 cards
that are equivalent. The only operation that the machine can do is to select two cards
and tests them for equivalence. You are required to come up with a solution to this using
only O(n log n) invocations of the testing machine.
Problem 9. (Points: 20) Prove the correctness of the following algorithm for incrementing natural numbers. Analyze the algorithm to find out how many times is line 3
executed in the worst case.
Algorithm 2 : Increment Natural Numbers
function increment(x) . Returns x + 1
if x mod 2 == 1 then
return 2 × increment(b
return x + 1
Problem 10. (Points: 20) Prove the correctness of the following recursive algorithm
for the multiplication of two natural numbers is correct, ∀ integer constants ≥ 2. Analyze
this algorithm to find out how many times line 5 executed in the worst case.
Algorithm 3 : Multiply Two Numbers
function multiply(x,y) . Returns product xy
if y == 0 then
return 0
return multiply(cx, by/cc) + x(y mod c)