Solved COP3502 P1: Blackjack Overview In this project students will simulate a simplified version of the game Blackjack.


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P1: Blackjack


In this project students will simulate a simplified version of the game Blackjack. Students will implement random
card drawing, calculation, state tracking, and console input systems. The project is designed to be a playful yet
practical opportunity to practice data types, console I/O, control structures, and modules.

Rules of the Road
Forewarning: this specification does NOT follow the rules of casino Blackjack. Don’t drop out of your studies
and move to Vegas just because you can beat your own randomized AI!

A typical game will play out as follows:
The player will be dealt one card at the start of the game (where a game is one round of play). The player, based
on the value of their cards, can either ask for another card (a hit) or choose to hold (stand). The dealer will then
begin their turn and try to beat the player’s hand. The player is competing against the dealer, who has their own
hand. Whomever is closer to 21 at the end of the game (as long as they don’t exceed 21) wins the game.

1. Player’s turn: Player tries to reach or come close to 21 without going over (as 21 is the highest hand).
2. Dealer’s turn: Dealer tries to beat exceed the player’s hand without going over 21.
3. Determine the winner at the end of the game and increment the win count.
4. Repeat!

You will need a while loop in your program. The loop will allow you to play successive games without restarting
the program each time; it will also allow you to keep a win count over multiple games.

Here is the basic syntax of a while loop:
while boolean_expression:
# Statements
If the boolean expression evaluates to true, the loop continues. If/when it ever evaluates to false, then the loop
terminates (we skip over the loop block) and continue with the program.
Here is an example of a while loop:
x = 0
while x < 17:
x += 10

The variable x is initialized to zero and the conditional statement is checked. Since 0 is less than 17, the expression
evaluates to true and the statement in the while loop block will be executed. The number 10 is added to the value
of x, so x is now 10. We’ve reached the end of the loop, so we jump back up to the conditional statement.

expression evaluates to true since 10 is less than 17, so we execute the statement in the loop again. Now x is equal
to 20. Once more the loop block ends and we jump back up to the conditional statement. Since 20 is not less than
17, the expression evaluates to false and the loop block will be skipped, and we jump to the code after the loop.

In this project, you will need to loop until the player chooses the exit option from the menu.
Now that you have a general overview, here are the nitty gritty details.

When the program starts it should print “START GAME #1” to the console, and the player should automatically be
dealt their first card. With each new game played it should print the corresponding game number in this way.

To determine what card the player is dealt, a random number must be generated between 1 and 13; it is then added
to the player’s hand. The range of random generation will be from 1-13. The values correspond to these cards:
Value Card
1 ACE!
2-10 (correspond to their face values)
11 JACK!
13 KING!

Face cards (King, Queen, Jack) are worth a value of 10. If the player is dealt a King (generated as 13), the
value 10 should be added to the player’s hand value rather than a 13. Aces have a value of 1. Every other
card will be worth its face value.

Whenever a card is dealt, print the value of the card and the total value of your hand. (See sample output for
format). If the card you were dealt was a face card or an ace then print the type of card. For example, if you were
dealt a King you would print “Your card is a KING!” If the card was not a face card or an ace, print the value
of the card. For example, “Your card is a 2!”.

After the card is dealt, print the menu to the screen. The menu should look like this:
1. Get another card
2. Hold hand
3. Print statistics
4. Exit

If the player chooses option 1, the player will be dealt another card. If the player has a hand of 21, they
automatically win and “BLACKJACK! You win!” is printed; then a new game is started. If the player’s hand
exceeds 21, the dealer automatically wins; print, “You exceeded 21! You lose.”, then start a new game.

If the player chooses to hold their hand (option 2), then the dealer will be dealt their hand. To determine the
dealer’s hand, generate a random number between 16 and 26 (both inclusive).

If the dealer’s hand is above 21, the player automatically wins. If both the dealer and player have the same value
hand then no one wins. In this case print “It’s a tie! No one wins!”. Otherwise, whoever has the higher
hand value wins the round. If the player wins, print “You win!”. If the dealer wins print “Dealer wins!” After
the winner (or tie) has been determined, a new game is started.

If the player chooses option 3, you will print the statistics of the game. Throughout your program you will need
to keep track of the number of games played, the player’s number of wins, the dealer’s’ number of wins and the
number of ties. Print out all these values as well as the percentage of player wins to the total number games played.

Format your percentage value to one decimal point. See sample output for format.
If option 4 is selected, exit the program.
If any other input is entered, print the following text:
Invalid input!

Please enter an integer value between 1 and 4.
Then redisplay the menu. You can assume that the input will be numeric for this project (but not future projects.)

Random Numbers
For random numbers, you must use the P1Random class in the p1_random module provided. First you must
import the module, then you can create a P1Random variable inside main:
import p1_random as p1 # import the module (do this on the first line of code)
rng = p1.P1Random() # create a P1Random variable (do this in main)
Alternatively, you can import the P1Random class and use it directly from the module:
from p1_random import P1Random # import the class directly from the module
rng = P1Random() # create a P1Random variable (do this in main)

You can get a new int value between zero (0) inclusive, and some number (exclusive!) using the next_int()
my_number = rng.next_int(10) # Yields a random number in range [0,9]
To get a number in a specific range, use these commands:
my_number = rng.next_int(13) + 1 # A random number in range [1,13]
my_value = rng.next_int(11) + 16 # A random number in range [16,26]

NOTE: you must only pull random numbers as you need them, and you must use them in that order.
Do not get random values and throw them away! Do not get clever with how you generate random numbers! If
you do, your output will diverge, and it could seriously impact your grade.

NOTE: Your output must match the example output *exactly*. If it does not, you will not receive full credit for
your submission!
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