Solved COM S 4760/5760 Homework 1: Discrete Planning


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1. (8 points) Consider a robot navigating a grid-like warehouse, represented as a
2D grid. Each location in the warehouse is identified by a coordinate (x, y),
where x ∈ {0, 1, . . . , Xmax} represents the horizontal position (x-axis) and y ∈
{0, 1, . . . , Ymax} represents the vertical position (y-axis) for some natural numbers
Xmax and Ymax.

The robot can move in the following directions:
• Up: This corresponds to adding 1 to the y-coordinate,
• Down: This corresponds to subtracting 1 from the y-coordinate,

• Left: This corresponds to subtracting 1 from the x-coordinate, or
• Right: This corresponds to adding 1 to the x-coordinate.

Some locations may contain obstacles, making them inaccessible to the robot. The
goal is to compute an optimal path for the robot from a given starting location
li = (xi
, yi) to a given target location lg = (xg, yg), ensuring that the path is

The definition of “optimal” can vary depending on the criteria used. For each of
the following criteria, your task is to

• Identify the elements of the planning problem, including the state space X,
the set U of actions, the action space U(x) for each state x ∈ X, the state
transition function f, and if applicable, the transition cost.

• Determine the most efficient algorithm for solving the problem based on the
given criteria. Provide the time complexity of your chosen algorithm, and
clearly state any assumptions made to derive the runtime.

(a) Minimizing the Number of Moves: Find a path that minimizes the total
number of moves (or steps) required to reach the target location from the
starting location.

(b) Minimizing the Total Time: Find a path that minimizes the total time taken
to reach the target location, considering that the time required for each move
may vary depending on both the move and the location where it is made.

(c) Minimizing the Total Cost: Each move has associated time and energy costs.
Given a location l and a move m, let ctime(l, m) and cenergy(l, m) represent the
time and energy, respective, for making a move m at location l. For a sequence
of moves m1m2 . . . mk that leads the robot through the corresponding path
p = l1l2 . . . lk+1, the total cost of the path is defined as
c(p) = wtimeX
, mi) + wenergyX
, mi),
where ctime and cenergy are non-negative functions and wtime, wenergy ∈ R≥0
are weights representing the relative importance of time and energy in the
cost function.

(d) (COM S 5760 only) Minimizing the Hierarchical Cost: In this scenario, time
is considered to be strictly more important than energy. Therefore, you need
to select a path that has the least energy consumption among all paths that
achieve the minimum total time. Specifically, let Ptime denote the set of paths
that minimize the total time taken to reach the target location. Then, select
the one with the least energy consumption among all paths in Ptime.

Hint: You do not need to explicitly identify the set Ptime. Instead, compute the optimal path directly by considering both time and energy costs
in a hierarchical manner, where minimizing time is the primary objective
and minimizing energy is the secondary objective among those time-optimal

2. (8 points) Implement 2 variants of forward search algorithm: breadth-first and

These algorithms will be used to solve discrete planning problems specified by
classes that are derived from the following abstract base classes:
• StateSpace Class:
– Represents the set of all possible states in the problem.
– Key methods: Let X be an instance of a class derived from StateSpace.
∗ x in X: Returns a boolean indicating whether the state x is in the
state space X.

∗ X.get distance lower bound(x1, x2): Returns a float representing the lower bound on the distance between the states x1 and x2

• ActionSpace Class:
– Defines the set of all possible actions at each state.
– Key methods: Let U be an instance of a class derived from ActionSpace.
∗ U(x): Returns the list of all the possible actions that can be taken
from the state x.

• StateTransition Class:
– Describes how the system transitions from one state to another based on
an action.
– Key methods: Let f be an instance of a class derived from StateTransition.
∗ f(x, u): Returns the new state obtained by applying action u at
state x.

Below is the implementation of these abstract base classes. Your implementation
of the search algorithms should work with any derived classes that fully implement
these methods.

class StateSpace:
“””A base class to specify a state space X”””
def __contains__(self, x) -> bool:
“””Return whether the given state x is in the state space”””
raise NotImplementedError
def get_distance_lower_bound(self, x1, x2) -> float:
“””Return the lower bound on the distance
between the given states x1 and x2
return 0
class ActionSpace:
“””A base class to specify an action space”””
def __call__(self, x) -> list:
“””Return the list of all the possible actions
at the given state x
raise NotImplementedError
class StateTransition:
“””A base class to specify a state transition function”””
def __call__(self, x, u):
“””Return the new state obtained by applying action u at state x”””
raise NotImplementedError

Task: Implement the function fsearch(X, U, f, xI, XG, alg) where
• X is an instance of a class derived from StateSpace and represents the state
• U is an instance of a class derived from ActionSpace and specifies the action

• f is an instance of a class derived from StateTransition and specifies the
state transition function.
• xI is an initial state such that the statement xI in X returns true.

• XG is a list of states that specify the goal set. You can assume that for each
state x in XG, the statement x in X returns true. However, XG may be
• alg is a string that specifies the discrete search algorithm to use ( “bfs” or

The function fsearch(X, U, f, xI, XG, alg) should return a dictionary with
the following structure:
{“visited”: visited states, “path”: path}
where visited states is a list of states visited during the search, in the order
they were visited and path is a list of states representing a path from xI to a state
in XG.


• Do NOT implement each algorithm as a separate function. Instead,
you should implement the general template for forward search (See Figure
2.4 in the textbook). Then, implement the corresponding priority queue for
each algorithm.

Hint: The only difference between different algorithms is how an element
is inserted into the queue. So at the minimum, you should have the following
classes (You can name them differently):

– Queue: a base class for maintaining a queue, with pop() function that
removes and returns the first element in the queue. You may also want
this class to maintain the parent of each element that has been inserted
into the queue so that you trace back the parent when computing the
path from xI to a goal state in XG.

– QueueBFS and QueueAstar: classes derived from Queue and implement
insert(x, parent) function for inserting an element x with parent
parent into the queue.

With the above classes, you can implement a function get queue(alg, X,
XG) that returns an appropriate queue Q for the given search algorithm alg
and containing insert and pop functions (and possibly some other functions,
e.g., for computing a path). Note that X and XG may be needed to construct
the queue for “astar” algorithm since X provides the get distance lower bound
function. Together with XG, you can implement a function to compute the
lower bound on the distance between any given state x to a state in the goal
set XG. You can then use this Q in the fsearch function.

• Following the previous bullet, there should be only one conditional statement
for the selected algorithm (“bfs”, “dfs”, or “astar”)) in the entire program.
Points will be deducted for each additinoal conditional statement.

• For A*, assume that the cost of each transition is 1, i.e., cost-to-come to state
is given by C(x
) = C(x) + 1 where x is the parent of x

• Your implementation should work for any classes derived from StateSpace,
ActionSpace, and StateTransition, provided that all the abstract methods
are correctly implemented in these derived classes. So you should not assume,
e.g., that a state will be of any particular form.

• Your implementation should be able to handle corner cases, including but
not limitted to the case where XG is empty, in which case “visited” may be
either the entire state space or empty.

• Please feel free to use external libraries, e.g., for heap, queue, stack or implement them yourself.

3. (4 points) Let’s revisit Problem 1. Suppose the grid is of size 5 × 5, i.e., Xmax =
Ymax = 4. The robot starts at location li = (0, 0) and needs to reach the target
location at lg = (4, 4). The obstacles are located at the following coordinates:
• (1, 3)
• (2, 3)
• (1, 2)
• (1, 1)
• (2, 1)
• (3, 1)

• Implement the derived classes of StateSpace, ActionSpace, and StateTransition
for this warehouse navigation problem.
• Write a script that uses these derived classes, along with your implementation from Problem 2, to compute a path that minimizes the number
of moves. You should be able to run the script with the following command:
This should print out the required path.