The purpose of this assignment is to give you lots of practice working with conditional logic and
managing the internal state of a class. You’ll create one class, called FuzzballGame, that is a
model of an obscure game played with a ball and a stick1. Although there is some resemblance to
the American game of baseball, it’s probably best if you forget everything you know about
baseball as you read these instructions.
Your job is to implement the rules of the game that is
specified in this document even if that conflicts with your understanding of any other baseball
game rules.
Here is how it works. There are two teams, which we will call “Team 0” and “Team 1” that take
turns as the batting team and the fielding team. At each step of the game, a player called the
pitcher from the fielding team, standing in a designated location, throws the ball towards a player
on the batting team called the batter, also standing in a designated location called home. The
batter, at his or her discretion, tries to hit the ball with a stick and make it go a very long
distance. Another player from the fielding team, called the catcher, crouches behind the batter
and catches the ball if the batter doesn’t hit it. Behind the catcher is an official called the umpire,
whose job is to decide whether the pitch was accurately thrown.
Some possible outcomes are:
• The batter swings the stick at the ball and misses. This is a strike, and the batter is
immediately out.
• The batter doesn’t swing at the ball, but the umpire declares that it was accurately thrown.
This is a called strike. The batter isn’t immediately out, but the called strike is added to a
count for that batter, and after a certain number of them, the batter is out.
• The batter doesn’t swing at the ball, but the umpire declares that it wasn’t accurately
thrown. This is called a ball, and is added to the batter’s count of balls. What this means
is discussed below.
• The batter hits the ball, but it goes less than 15 feet, or flies behind the batter. This is a
foul, and the batter is immediately out.
• The batter hits the ball, but someone on the fielding team catches it before it bounces.
This is a caught fly, and the batter is immediately out.
• The batter hits the ball and it goes 15 feet or more, in the right direction, and isn’t caught
by the fielding team. This is a hit. Depending on the distance the ball goes, it is called a
single, double, triple, or home run, the consequences of which are discussed below.
If a batter is out, one of two things happens: if the number of outs for the batting team has
reached a designated maximum (usually 3), the teams switch sides: the fielding team becomes
the batting team, and the batting team becomes the fielding team, and all the imaginary runners
(see below) are cleared off the bases. In any case, the counts of balls and strikes are reset to zero
for a new batter.
Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and imagine three locations. Everyone playing the game has in
his or her mind a picture of three locations, known as first base, second base, and third base. A
base may be occupied by an imaginary runner. When a batter hits a single, an imaginary runner
goes to first base. Any imaginary runners that were already on the imaginary bases automatically
advance to the next one: first base to second base, second base to third base, and third base to
“home”. Each time an imaginary runner advances to home, the team earns a point. This is
important, because it’s by accumulating points that you win the game!
When the batter hits a double, the same process essentially happens twice: an imaginary runner
goes to second base, leaving first base empty, and any runners already on the bases advance
twice. (Note that an imaginary runner reaching home always stops there, and does not keep going
around to first base again!) Likewise, in case of a triple, an imaginary runner goes to third base,
and any runners already on base advance three times. In case of a home run, the runners advance
four times, so the bases always end up empty, and the team always earns at least one point, and
possibly up to four points.
After any hit or out, the counts of balls and strikes is reset to zero for a new batter.
Singles, Doubles, Triples, Home Runs
If the batter hits the ball but it travels less than 15 feet in front of the batter, or goes a negative
distance (behind the batter), as noted above it’s considered a foul and the batter is out. Otherwise,
as long as it’s not a caught fly, it’s a hit, and the interpretation of the distance the ball travels is as
1. At least 15 feet but less than 150: the hit is a single
2. At least 150 feet but less than 200: the hit is a double
3. At least 200 feet but less than 250: the hit is a triple
4. 250 feet or more: the hit is a home run
If the batting player’s count of balls reaches a certain point (usually 5), the pitching stops and the
batter gets what is called a walk. What this means is that, as with a single, an imaginary runner is
placed on first base. However, the imaginary runners on other bases don’t automatically advance
one base as they do for a hit; they only do so if forced to by the advancement of another
imaginary runner. As an example: suppose there are runners on first and third base and the batter
gets a walk. The new imaginary runner is placed on first, the runner on first is forced to advance
to second, but the batter on third stays there. After a walk, the counts of balls and strikes are reset
to zero for a new batter.
Innings, “top” and “bottom”, and winning the game
The game is divided into rounds called innings. In each inning, each team gets a chance to be the
batting team, always starting with Team 0; when the designated number of outs is reached, Team
1 becomes the batting team. The maximum number of innings for a game is configurable via a
constructor parameter. Whichever team has the most points after the last inning is the winner. It
is possible to have a tie, in which case both teams are considered to “win” the game. As a matter
of terminology, the first part of the inning when Team 0 is batting is called the top, and the
second part when Team 1 is batting is called the bottom.
The specification for this assignment includes this pdf, the online Javadoc, and any “official”
clarifications announced on Canvas.
Where’s the main() method?
There isn’t one! Like most Java classes, this isn’t a complete program and you can’t “run” it by
itself. It’s just a single class, that is, the definition for a type of object that might be part of a
larger system. To try out your class, you can write a test class with a main method like the
examples below in the getting started section.
There is also a specchecker (see below) that will perform a lot of functional tests, but when you
are developing and debugging your code at first you’ll always want to have some simple test
cases of your own, as in the getting started section below.
Suggestions for getting started
Smart developers don’t try to write all the code and then try to find dozens of errors all at once;
they work incrementally and test every new feature as it’s written. Here is example of some
incremental steps you could take in writing this class.
1. Create a new, empty project and then add a package called hw2. Be sure to choose “Don’t
Create” at the dialog that asks whether you want to create
2. Create a package named hw2. Download the skeleton code version of
and copy it into your project. The easiest way to do this is by drag-and-dropping the file into
src/hw2 in Eclipse.
3. At this point, the FuzzballGame class will not even compile. Getting the code to compile
should be your top priority. Add stubs for all the methods and the constructor which are
described in the Javadoc provided with the assignment. Document each one. For methods that
need to return a value, just return a “dummy” value (e.g., 0 or false) as a placeholder for now. At
this point there should be no compile errors in the project.
3. Try a very simple test like this:
public class SimpleTests {
public static void main(String[] args) {
FuzzballGame game = new FuzzballGame(3);
You should see an output string like this, produced by the toString() method:
ooo Inning:0 [B] Score:0-0 Balls:0 Strikes:0 Outs:0
Note that in printing the variable game, the println method automatically invokes the method
game.toString(). The toString method just calls your other accessor methods to get the
values to put in the string.
4. The initial values seen in the output string above are not quite right. We should start out at the
top of inning 1. You might start with the methods whichInning() and isTopOfInning() ,
which implies defining an instance variable to count innings, and an instance variable to keep
track of whether it’s the top or bottom of the inning. Once you have these initialized correctly in
the constructor, the test above should give you the output:
ooo Inning:1 [T] Score:0-0 Balls:0 Strikes:0 Outs:0
5. Next you could think about counting the balls, strikes, and outs. You’ll need three instance
variables for these three values, and their values are returned by the corresponding accessor
methods getBallCount(), getCalledStrikes(), and getCurrentOuts(). Remember that
accessor methods never modify instance variables, they only observe them and return
6. You will have noticed that there are several mutator methods that will cause the game to
change state by simulating what happens when the pitcher pitches the ball: ball(),
caughtFly(), hit(), and strike(). Think about what happens after a sequence of strikes.
Remember that we distinguish between strike(true) (a “swung” strike) and strike(false)
(a “called” strike). For the former, the batter is out immediately, but for the latter, the batter is out
after two called strikes, so we should be able to check:
System.out.println(game); // one strike
System.out.println(game); // 0 strikes, one out, since it’s a new batter
System.out.println(game); // one strike, one out
System.out.println(game); // 0 strikes, two outs, since it’s a new batter
Add logic to the strike method to start a new batter after two called strikes as above.
7. Now, suppose you continue the test case above where we have two outs in the top of the first
inning. When there is one more out, the teams switch, which we observe by seeing that
isTopOfInning now returns false, and team 1 starts with no outs:
game.strike(true); // batter is immediately out for swung strike
System.out.println(game.isTopOfInning()); // should be false now
System.out.println(game); // bottom of 1st inning, 0 outs
The final line of output above should be,
ooo Inning:1 [B] Score:0-0 Balls:0 Strikes:0 Outs:0
After that, if team 1 gets three outs, the game should transition to the top of inning 2. You should
be able to create a short example that transitions all the way to the end of the game. At the end of
a three-inning game, whichInning() would return 4, and gameEnded() would return true.
8. A batter could also be out because of a caught fly ball. Go ahead and implement
caughtFly(), which should have the same effect as strike(true).
9. What about hit() ? In the case that the distance is less than 15, it’s an automatic out for the
batter, which you already know how to handle as above. But if the distance is 15 or greater, we
have to start thinking about the imaginary runners. How will you keep track, for bases 1, 2, and
3, whether there is an imaginary runner there or not? Decide how to do that, and implement the
accessor method runnerOnBase().
10. Maybe a good place to start is with singles. What should happen here?
game = new FuzzballGame(3);
System.out.println(game.runnerOnBase(1)); // true
System.out.println(game.getBases()); // Xoo
(The getBases method, which is already implemented for you, returns a string representation of
the bases, where “Xoo” indicates that there is a runner on first, but not on second or third.) If we
get another single, there should be runners on first and second:
System.out.println(game.getBases()); // XXo
Continuing the example above, after another single, there should be runners on all three bases:
System.out.println(game.getBases()); // XXX
What is a good way to make that happen without going nuts considering all possible cases? For
example, if you had a runner just on second (“oXo”) and there was a single, you should end up
with runners on first and third (“XoX”). One idea is to implement a helper method, e.g.
shiftRunners(), that simply shifts all runners to the next base.
Tip: shiftRunners() is probably easiest to implement by updating third and working backward to first and
11. Finally, continuing the example above, what if there is one more single:
System.out.println(game.getBases()); // XXX
System.out.println(game.getTeam0Score()); // 1
There will still be runners on all three bases, but the imaginary runner on third base will have run
to home, which counts as a point for team 0. Add instance variables to keep track of the score,
and add logic to your helper method to adjust the score when a runner gets back to home.
12. Next, you could add the logic to the hit() method to take different action depending on
whether the distance represents a double, triple, or home run. Your shiftRunners() method, if
you chose to implement one, will be very useful here, since for a double all you really have to do
is shift the runners twice (the first time, also adding a runner on first); for a triple you do it three
times, and so on. So, continuing the example above, you should be able to do this:
// try hitting a double now
game.hit(150); System.out.println(game.getBases()); // oXX
System.out.println(game.getTeam0Score()); // 3
13. The ball() method is interesting. Normally it just increases the count of balls, going back
to zero in case there is a hit or out.
game = new FuzzballGame(3);
System.out.println(game.getBallCount()); // 1
System.out.println(game.getBallCount()); // 2
System.out.println(game.getBallCount()); // 3
game.strike(true); // out!
System.out.println(game.getBallCount()); // 0, since it’s a new batter
But if the ball count reaches the maximum, the batter gets a walk and an imaginary runner is
placed on first base. But it is not quite like a single, where all the runner advance. On a walk,
runners only advance if they are forced to do so. For example, if the bases are oXo, after a walk
they would be XXo, not XoX, since the runner on second isn’t forced to move. If the bases were
XoX and there was a walk, it would become XXX. Thus, a walk only results in a point for the team
if all the bases were all occupied to start with. Try something like this:
game = new FuzzballGame(3);
game.hit(225); // a triple
System.out.println(game.getBases()); // ooX
System.out.println(game.getBallCount()); // 4
game.ball(); // a walk
System.out.println(game.getBases()); // XoX
A helper method, e.g. shiftRunnersForWalk, could be helpful here.
14. There are a number of places where helper methods could simplify the code. Think about
some of the tasks that occur repeatedly:
• switching to a new batter (resets balls and strikes)
• switching teams (switches top to bottom, or bottom to top plus next inning, and resets
• updating score for the appropriate team, depending on whether it top or bottom
• shifting runners to next base (as described above, possibly increasing score)
• shifting runners for a walk (as described above, possibly increasing score)
The requirements for the class are embodied in the public API, so it is not mandatory that you
use the ideas above. But they could be very helpful! And, of course, if you end up with a lot of
unnecessarily duplicated code the grader may take off some points for style.
The SpecChecker
You can find the SpecChecker on Canvas. Import and run the SpecChecker just as you practiced
in Lab 1. It will run a number of functional tests and then bring up a dialog offering to create a
zip file to submit. Remember that error messages will appear in the console output. There are
many test cases so there may be an overwhelming number of error messages. Always start
reading the errors at the top and make incremental corrections in the code to fix them. When
you are happy with your results, click “Yes” at the dialog to create the zip file. See the document
“SpecChecker HOWTO”, link on the “syllabus” tab in Canvas, if you are not sure what to do.
More about grading
This is a “regular” assignment so we are going to read your code. Your score will be based partly
(about a two thirds) on the specchecker’s functional tests and partly on the TA’s assessment of
the quality of your code. This means you can get partial credit even if you have errors, and it also
means that even if you pass all the specchecker tests you can still lose points. Are you doing
things in a simple and direct way that makes sense? Are you defining redundant instance
variables? Are you using a conditional statement when you could just be using %? Are you using
a loop for something that can be done with integer division? Some specific criteria that are
important for this assignment are:
• Use instance variables only for the “permanent” state of the object, use local variables for
temporary calculations within methods.
o You will lose points for having unnecessary instance variables
o All instance variables should be private.
• Accessor methods should not modify instance variables.
See the “Style and documentation” section below for additional guidelines.
Restrictions on Java Features For this Assignment
There are no restrictions on the Java features you can use to implement this assignment.
However, see above the above section about using good programming practices. You may not
use any outside libraries (i.e., external libraries such as Apache Commons; otherwise, we won’t
be able to compile your code when grading.
Style and documentation
Roughly 15% of the points will be for documentation and code style. Here are some general
requirements and guidelines:
• Each class, method, constructor and instance variable, whether public or private,
must have a meaningful javadoc comment. The javadoc for the class itself can be very
brief, but must include the @author tag. The javadoc for methods must include @param
and @return tags as appropriate.
o Try to briefly state what each method does in your own words. However, there is
no rule against copying the descriptions from the online documentation. However:
do not literally copy and paste from this pdf! This leads to all kinds of weird bugs
due to the potential for sophisticated document formats like Word and pdf to
contain invisible characters.
o Run the javadoc tool and see what your documentation looks like! (You do not
have to turn in the generated html, but at least it provides some satisfaction 🙂
• All variable names must be meaningful (i.e., named for the value they store).
• Your code should not be producing console output. You may add println statements
when debugging, but you need to remove them before submitting the code.
• Internal (//-style) comments are normally used inside of method bodies to explain how
something works, while the Javadoc comments explain what a method does. (A good rule
of thumb is: if you had to think for a few minutes to figure out how something works,
you should probably include an internal comment explaining how it works.)
o Internal comments always precede the code they describe and are indented to the
same level.
• Use a consistent style for indentation and formatting.
o Note that you can set up Eclipse with the formatting style you prefer and then use CtrlShift-F to format your code. To play with the formatting preferences, go to Window-
>Preferences->Java->Code Style->Formatter and click the New button to create your
own “profile” for formatting.
If you have questions
For questions, please see the Piazza Q&A pages and click on the folder hw2. If you don’t find
your question answered, then create a new post with your question. Try to state the question or
topic clearly in the title of your post, and attach the tag hw2. But remember, do not post any
source code for the classes that are to be turned in. It is fine to post source code for general Java
examples that are not being turned in. (In the Piazza editor, use the button labeled “pre” to have
Java code formatted the way you typed it.)
If you have a question that absolutely cannot be asked without showing part of your source code,
make the post “private” so that only the instructors and TAs can see it. Be sure you have stated a
specific question; vague requests of the form “read all my code and tell me what’s wrong with it”
will generally be ignored.
Of course, the instructors and TAs are always available to help you. See the Office Hours section
of the syllabus to find a time that is convenient for you. We do our best to answer every question
carefully, short of actually writing your code for you, but it would be unfair for the staff to fully
review your assignment in detail before it is turned in.
Any announcements from the instructors on Canvas are considered to be part of the official spec,
and you may lose points if you ignore them. Such posts will always be placed in the
Announcements section of Canvas. (We promise that no official clarifications will be posted
within 24 hours of the due date.)
What to turn in
Note: You will need to complete the “Academic Dishonesty policy questionnaire,” found on
the Assignments page on Canvas, before the submission link will be visible to you.
Please submit, on Canvas, the zip file that is created by the SpecChecker. The file will be named and it will be located in whatever directory you selected when you ran
the SpecChecker. It should contain one directory, hw2, which in turn contains one file, Please LOOK at the file you upload and make sure it is the right one!
Submit the zip file to Canvas using the Assignment 2 submission link and VERIFY that your
submission was successful. If you are not sure how to do this, see the document “Assignment
Submission HOWTO”, linked on the Course Information page on Canvas.
We recommend that you submit the zip file as created by the specchecker. If necessary for some reason, you can
create a zip file yourself. The zip file must contain the directory hw2, which in turn should contain the files You can accomplish this by zipping up the src directory of your project. Do not zip up the
entire project. The file must be a zip file, so be sure you are using the Windows or Mac zip utility, and NOT a
third-party installation of WinRAR, 7-zip, or Winzip.