Solved CMPUT 175 – Lab 9: Sorting


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Goal: Gain an in-depth understanding of the Selection Sort and Merge Sort algorithms, and
practice using recursion.
Exercise 0:
Download and complete the two sorting practice worksheets on eClass to become more familiar
with various sorting algorithms.
 Practice – Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort
 Practice – Merge Sort, Quicksort
You do not need to submit these practice sheets, but please be prepared to talk about them if you
need help on this lab/topic.

Exercise 1:
In this exercise, you will implement two sorting algorithms: selection sort and merge sort.
Implement both of the algorithms using recursion, and compute their time to sort different lists of

Task 1: Selection Sort
a. Implement a Selection Sort algorithm using recursion to sort a list of numbers in
descending order. Start with the file,, downloaded from eClass.
b. Complete the function recursive_selection_sort() in this file. You may want
to define your own additional functions to complete the task, but they must be called
inside of recursive_selection_sort(). Your function should sort a list inplace, so it will not need to return the sorted list.
c. Test your solution with the tests provided in file. (i.e.
just run it.) Make sure your sorting function passes all the tests.

Task 2: Merge Sort
a. Implement Merge Sort using recursion to sort a list of numbers in descending order. Do
this by completing the function recursive_merge_sort()in
You may want to define your own additional functions to complete the task, but these
functions must be called inside recursive_merge_sort(). This function does
NOT sort the list in-place, so remember to return the sorted list from the function.

b. Test your solution with the tests provided in file. Make sure
your sorting function passes all the tests.
Once you have successfully completed Task 1 and 2, run the file. Its
__main__ portion compares how long each sort function takes to sort lists of (a) randomly
generated integers, (b) ascending integers, and (c) descending integers. This part is already
written for you. Which sorting algorithm takes the least amount of time to sort each list?
Why? Write your answer as a comment at the top of your file.

Exercise 2:
In this exercise, you will sort a list of complex objects. Each object corresponds to a student,
with private attributes: id, name, and mark (see file A number of Student
objects will be created according to data stored in the text file, student_list.txt
(provided), where each line of the input file corresponds to information for one student. The
newly created Student objects will be stored in a built-in Python list. This list should be
sorted according to student marks (ascending order). To accomplish this, you are asked to
complete the following tasks:

Tasks: Sorting Objects
a. Complete the method __lt__(self, anotherStudent) to compare the receiver
object with anotherStudent object. Specifically, you will determine if the mark of the
receiver object is less than that of anotherStudent. Return either True or False. Note
that this is a special method in Python, and will be called when you compare 2 Student
objects using the < operator.

b. Complete the function, recursive_merge_sort(), which will use recursive Merge
Sort to sort a list of Students in ascending order by their mark. You can adapt your
implementation of Merge Sort from Exercise 1. Use the < operator to compare two
students’ marks for sorting. You may define your own functions to complete the task.
However, they may only be called inside of the recursive_merge_sort()
function. Remember that this method must return a new list containing the sorted
Students because Merge Sort does not sort in-place.

Once you have successfully completed these tasks, run Its output should
look like the following (formatted as one long column, not 2 columns):
Original data:
– 129246, George Daniel, 89
– 139897, Amir Jahani, 76
– 139256, Sarah Kylo, 90
– 136898, Breanne Lipton, 82
– 140991, Robert George, 95
– 126775, Jeff Anderson, 84
– 136781, Xialing Liu, 86
– 145887, Ali Gendi, 77
– 140775, Mary Simon, 35
– 142886, Georgina Moore, 88
– 149122, Brian Johnson, 42
– 139887, Samuel Picard, 55
Sorted data:
– 140775, Mary Simon, 35
– 149122, Brian Johnson, 42
– 139887, Samuel Picard, 55
– 139897, Amir Jahani, 76
– 145887, Ali Gendi, 77
– 136898, Breanne Lipton, 82
– 126775, Jeff Anderson, 84
– 136781, Xialing Liu, 86
– 142886, Georgina Moore, 88
– 129246, George Daniel, 89
– 139256, Sarah Kylo, 90
– 140991, Robert George, 95