For Programming Project 1, the student will implement a linked list based arithmetic calculator.
The calculator will be able to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The
calculator will keep a running total of the operations completed, the number of operations
completed, and what those operations were. The calculator will also have an “undo” function for
removing the last operation. The calculator will also be able to output a string of the operations
completed so far with fixed precision.
The calculator (which must be called “CalcList”) has to be implemented using a singly, doubly, or
circularly linked list. Any projects that use the C++ Standard Library Lists or other sources to
implement the linked list will receive a zero. The calculator has to implement at least four
Abstract Class and Files
double t o t a l ( ) const
This method returns the current total of the CalcList. Total should run as a constant time
operation. The program should not have to iterate through the entire list each time the total is
void newOperation(const FUNCTIONS func, const double operand)
Adds an operation to the CalcList and creates a new total. The operation alters total by using
the function with the operand. Example: newOperation(ADDITION, 10) => adds 10 to the
void removeLastOperation()
Removes the last operation from the calc list and restores the previous total.
std: : st r ing toString(unsigned short precision) const
Returns a string of the list of operations completed so far formatted with a fixed point precision.
The form of the string should strictly be: “(step): (totalAtStep)(Function)(operand) = (newTotal)
Example: t o S t r i n g ( 2 ) => ” 3 : 30.00*1.00=30.00\n2: 10.00+20.00=30.00\n1:
This project includes an abstract class for the CalcList from which to inherit. This abstract class
(CalcListInterface) contains the pure virtual version of all the required methods. This file also
includes a typedef of an enum used for the four arithmetic functions called FUNCTIONS.
This project will be tested using the Catch2 ( test framework.
This framework only requires that a program include the header to run the test file. The test file
that will be used to grade the project is included and can be used to test your code before
submitting. For your convenience, this project contains the Catch2 header. The course
documents include a quick tutorial on how to use Catch2 and test files.
Please submit complete projects as zipped folders. The zipped folder should contain:
PP1Test.cpp, catch.hpp, CalcListInterface.hpp, CalcList.hpp (Your Code), CalcList.cpp (Your
Below are some examples of how your code should run. The test file can also be used to get an
idea of how the code should run.
C a l c L i s t c a l c ;
calc.newOperation(ADDITION, 1 0) ;
/ / Total == 0
/ / Total == 10
calc.newOperation(MULTIPLICATION, 5 ) ; / / Total == 50
calc.newOperation(SUBTRACTION, 1 5) ;
calc.newOperation(DIVISION, 7 ) ;
calc.newOperation(SUBTRACTION, 3 0) ;
calc.newOperation(ADDITION, 5 ) ;
/ / Total == 35
/ / Total == 5
/ / Total == 35
/ / Total == 5
/ / Total == 10
/ / Total == 5
/ / Should R eturn:
/ / 4 : 35.00-30.00=5.00
/ / 3 : 50.00-15.00=35.00
/ / 2 : 10.00*5.00=50.00
/ / 1 : 0.00+10.00=10.00
s t d : : c o u t << c a l c . t o S t r i n g ( 2 ) ;
calc.removeLastOperation(); / / Total == 35
/ / Should R eturn:
/ / 3 : 50-15=35
/ / 2 : 10*5=50
/ / 1 : 0+10=10
s t d : : c o u t << c a l c . t o S t r i n g ( 0 ) ;
When implementing the t oS t r i n g method, the headers sstream and iomanip will have
functions that make controlling precision and creating returnable string easier. Also remember,
zero does not have a multiplicative inverse.
Any code that does not compile will receive a zero for this project.
Criteria Points
Total should be initially zero 2.5
Operations should be removable 12.5
Zero multiplication operation should be removable 5
Operations cannot divide by zero and should throw 5
Removal of operations from an empty CalcList should throw 5
toString functions should return string list of operations at precision 12.5
Operations should change the total 25
Calculator uses a student implemented Linked List 17.5
Code uses object oriented design principles
(Separate headers and sources, where applicable)
Code is well documented 7.5
Total Points 100