This assignment will provide you with experience building a system that uses strong modularity. Additionally, this will provide you with an opportunity to apply the things we will learn about client/server systems in class to the real world. This assignment is a fair bit more complex than Assignment 0; you would do well to get a head start on the task.
You will be building an HTTP server for this assignment. Your server should execute “forever” without crashing (i.e., it should run until a user types CTRL-C on the terminal). Your server should process incoming HTTP commands from clients; we provide starter code to help you accept incoming commands.
The code that you submit must be in your repository on In particular, your assignment must build your HTTP server, called httpserver, when we execute the command make from the directory asgn1 in your repository. Your repository must include a file that includes information about the interesting design decisions and outlines the high-level functions, data-structures, and modules that you used in your code.
The should also include how your design implements any “vague” requirements listed in this document. You must submit a 40 character commit ID hash on Canvas in order for us to identify which commit you want us to grade. We will grade the last hash that you submit to the assignment on Canvas and will use the timestamp of your last upload to determine grace days and bonus points.
For example, if you post a commit hash 36 hours after the deadline, we will subtract 2 grace days from your total. Your server must implement the functionality explained below subject to the limitations below. You’ll need to handle bad or poorly formatted requests in accordance with the way they are handled by the reference implementation.
Functionality Your server will create, listen, and accept connections on a socket that is listening on an port. A socket is an abstraction provided by the operating system and libc that represents a connection with an external entity. For the purposes of this project, you should think of a socket as equivalent to a file descriptor: It is an integer that represents a sequence of characters. You can receive bytes in the order that they were written by the other side (i.e., the client) by calling read and using the socket as the file descriptor. You can write bytes to the other side by calling write using the socket as the file descriptor; the bytes that you write will be received by the other side (i.e., the client) in the order in which you write them.
Your server should take a single command-line argument, an int, to specify the port that your server will listen on. Namely, you should start your server using the following command: ./httpserver We have provided starter code alongside this assignment that simplifies working with the socket and managing the command-line arguments1 . The starter code creates a socket that listens on the localhost interface with the port provided on the command line.
When you test your httpserver, you will specify localhost and the port that you provided to httpserver to establish a connection; the Hints section below gives some tips for this process. The starter code manages the socket such that you can treat network programming as simply as interacting with file descriptor.
Your task is to implement the handle connection function in the starter code, 1We describe some details of the starter code at the end of this document 1 which takes a socket as input and should process client HTTP requests. In particular, the httpserver should support three types of HTTP operations: GET, PUT, and APPEND. Below, we first describe the HTTP Protocol, and then describe what each of these operations should do for a valid HTTP request. HTTP Protocol The HTTP 1.1 protocol is described in detail in Request For Comments: 2616 (abbreviated RFC 2616)2 , which is a standards document produced by the Network Working Group.
RFC 2616 describes all of the functionality that an server and client needs to support for the HTTP 1.1 protocol. We have simplified the features that you must support for this project and have created a new operation, APPEND, for you to implement. Requests Regardless of the type of operation, valid HTTP requests will follow the grammar below. To make your processing easier, you may assume that the total length of the request-line and all header-fields is less than or equal to 2048 for any valid request: Request = Request-Line\r\n ; [Required] (Header-Field\r\n)* ; [Optional, repeated] \r\n Message-Body ; [Optional] • Request-Line. Every valid request must include exactly one request-line. The request-line specifies the method to be performed, the object upon which to perform it, and the HTTP version. A client denotes the end of a request-line using the sequence \r\n.
The format of request-line is as follows: Method URI Version In detail, Method, URI, and Version are as follows: • Method Valid requests will include a Method, a case-sensitive sequence of characters within the range [a-z, A-Z] (i.e., ”HeLlO” and ”HELLO” are both valid, but different, methods). All valid requests in this assignment will use a method that uses eight (8) characters or fewer.
Your httpserver will need to implement the semantics of GET, PUT, and APPEND, as explained below. • URI Valid requests will include a URI, a case-sensitive sequence of characters starting with the character ‘/’ and including additional characters within the range [a-z], [A-z], [0-9] and including the characters ‘.’ and ‘ ’, for a total of 64 characters in the alphabet of valid URIs. Each URI, /path, matches to the file path within the directory in which the httpserver is running. For example, the URI /foo.txt matches the file foo.txt from the folder in which the httpserver is running. All valid URIs in this assignment will contain a path with 19 characters or fewer. • Version Valid requests will include an HTTP version, of the form HTTP/#.# (where each # is a single digit number).
Your httpserver only needs to support version 1.1, so HTTP/1.1 is the only version string upon which your server needs to perform GET, PUT, and APPEND operations. • Header-Field. Every valid request will include zero (0) or more header-fields after request-line. A header-field is key-value pair expressed in the form: key: value The key and value fields are delimited by the first instance of a ‘:’ character. Valid requests’ keys will be in ascii and not contain whitespace. Valid requests will separate each header-field using the sequence \r\n, and will terminate the list of header-fields with a blank header terminating in \r\n. (Essentially, the list of header-fields end with \r\n\r\n). 2 I believe that there are more current RFCs for HTTP1.1, but we’ll be using 2616 for this assignment. 2 • Message-Body. Valid PUT and APPEND requests must include a message-body; valid GET requests will not include a message-body. Valid requests that include a Message-Body will also include a header, Content-Length, whose value will indicate the number of bytes in the Message-Body.
As a summary, here is an example of a valid PUT request to the URI, foo.txt: PUT /foo.txt HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: 12\r\n\r\nHello world! Responses Your httpserver must produce a response for each request. Your response must follow the grammar: Request = Status-Line\r\n ; [Required] (Header-Field\r\n)* ; [Optional, repeated] \r\n Message-Body ; [Optional] • Status-Line The status line indicates the type of response to the request. It consists of three fields: HTTP-Version Status-Code Status-Phrase httpserver must always produce the HTTP-Version string, HTTP/1.1, regardless of the HTTP-Version provided in the request.
A response with a Status-Code in the 200s indicates a successful response, in the 400s indicates an erroneous response, and in the 500s indicates an internal server error. The list of status-codes that httpserver needs to produce, and their associated status-phrase, are listed below. When returning a status-code listed below, the status-phrase field should have the corresponding value. We provide guidance on when to return each code in the sections on methods and errors. Status-Code Status-Phrase Message-Body Usage 200 OK OK\n When a method is Successful 201 Created Created\n When a URI’s file is created 400 Bad Request Bad Request\n When a request is ill-formatted 403 Forbidden Forbidden\n When the server cannot access the URI’s file 404 Not Found Not Found\n When the URI’s file does not 500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error\n When an unexpected issue prevents processing 501 Not Implemented Not Implemented\n When a request includes an unimplemented Method • Header-Field.
The status-line should be followed by zero (0) or more header-fields. A response’s header-fields have the same format as the request header fields, namely: key: value Responses that include a message-body must include a Content-Length header field. httpserver must separate each header-field using the sequence \r\n and terminate the list of header-fields with a blank header terminating in \r\n. (Essentially, the list of header-fields ends with \r\n\r\n). • Message-Body. httpserver must produce a response with a message-body for each GET request. A message-body in a response must always be accompanied by a Content-Length header that indicates the number of bytes in the Message-Body. 3 Methods You must implement three HTTP methods, GET, PUT, and APPEND: • GET A GET request indicates that the client would like to receive the content of the file identified by the URI. For each valid GET request, httpserver must produce a response with a status-code of 200, a message-body that includes the current state of the file pointed to by URI, and a Content-Length that indicates the number of bytes in the file.
• PUT A PUT request indicates that the client would like to update/replace the content of the file identified by the URI. If a valid PUT request’s URI points to a file that does not yet exist, httpserver must create the file, set the file’s contents equal to the message-body in the request, and produce a response with a status-code of 201. If a valid PUT request’s URI points to a file that does already exist, httpserver must replace the file’s contents with the message-body in the request and produce a response with a status-code of 200. • APPEND An APPEND request indicates that the client would like to append content to the end of the file identified by the URI. For each valid APPEND request, httpserver must add the content of the message-body to the end of the file pointed to by the URI and produce a response with a status-code of 200.
Additional Functionality In addition to supporting the methods listed above, your project must do the following: • httpserver must work on binary message-bodys. • httpserver must produce error messages and return codes that are identical to those of the reference implementation; see the section below on errors. • httpserver should not have any memory leaks. • httpserver must be reasonably efficient. • Your code should be formatted according to the clang-format provided in your repository and it should compile using clang with the -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic compiler flags.
Limitations You must write httpserver using the C programming language. Your program cannot call the following functions from the C stdio.h library: fwrite, fread, fopen, fclose, variants of put (e.g., fptuc, putc, putc unlocked, putchar, putchar unlocked, and putw), and get (e.g., fgetc, fget, getc,getc unlocked, getchar, getchar unlocked, and getw). You cannot use functions, like system(3), that allow you to execute external programs. If your submission does not meet these minimum requirements, then the maximum score that you can get is 5%.
Errors httpserver must never crash and should not produce output to standard out or standard error (the starter code validates and produces errors for the only input to httpserver). Your httpserver will only need to produce responses that contain a status-code listed in the table above. You can consult the reference implementation to identify the precise scenarios in which you should produce each status-code. The reference is located (in binary format, of course!) on Git@UCSC.
Part of the assignment is enumerating as many errors as you can think of and figuring out when to produce the error messages! Hints Here are some hints to help you get going: 4 • You will likely need to lookup how some system calls (e.g., read) and library functions (e.g., warn) work. You can always Google them, but you might also find the man pages useful (e.g., try typing man 2 read on a terminal). • There are a few ways to test httpserver. Below, we assume that you started httpserver on port 1234 by executing the command ./httpserver 1234.
We also assume that you are using your client on the same machine upon which the server is currently executing: • You can use an HTTP Client, such as a web browser. We recommend testing with curl, a command-line HTTP client. curl can produce both GET and PUT commands. For example, to execute a GET of the file foo.txt on httpserver and place the output into the file download.txt, you execute: curl https://localhost:1234/foo.txt -o download.txt curl can execute PUT and GET commands; use help curl or man curl on a terminal to learn more. • You can also use nc (often called “netcat”). To connect to your server, execute nc localhost 1234. Then, you can type in the text that you wish to send to your server.
You can also automate this approach by piping data to nc. For example, to send the PUT command listed above to your server, execute: printf “PUT /foo.txt HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: 12\r\n\r\nHello World!” |nc localhost 1234 • If you try to start your server immediately after killing a previous instance of it, you will likely see the following error: httpserver: bind error: Address already in use In this case, just restart the server with a different port number.
The issue is that the operating system must ensure unique ports are used across the entire system; it often waits to gracefully close ports even after the process that was using them terminates. Dazzle Points In addition to the functionality listed above, our reference implementation implements a number of extensions. These extensions fall into two categories (1) additional functionality and (2) supporting the robustness principle. You can earn Dazzle Points by implementing the optional features implemented in the reference implementation. To make this more fun (or, competitive), we will include a Dazzle Points Scoreboard on Dr. Q’s website at this link.
To be included in the scoreboard, include a file scoreboard.txt in the asgn1 folder of your repository. The scoreboard.txt should include a single word, name, which we will use to display your Dazzle Points3 Grading Your submission will be graded using the following high-level rubric: • Functionality tests: 70% • README design doc: 15% • Coding style: 15%
Starter Code Your starter code does three basic things for you: • Your starter code parses the command line argument provided by the client and ensures that it is in the correct format. 3Keep in mind, while this is anonymous to your peers, the name you choose to display is not anonymous to us. Trying to get Dr. Q to display profane or inappropriate things on his website is not a good strategy for success in this class.
• Your starter code creates a socket, binds that socket to the local interface, and then listens for requests on the socket. For each request, the starter code calls handle connection. • Your starter code includes a signal handler that ignores the SIGPIPE signal. This handler makes it so that socket failures will result linux setting errno to EPIPE rather than throwing a signal.