1 Reinforcement Learning in Cliff-walking Environment [50 pts]
In this assignment, you will implement Reinforcement Learning agents to find a safe path to the goal in a
grid-shaped maze. The agent will learn by trail and error from interactions with the environment and finally
acquire a policy to get as high as possible scores in the game.
1.1 Game Description
Suppose a 12×4 grid-shaped maze in Fig. 1. The bottom left corner is the starting point, and the bottom
right corner is the exit. You can move upward, downward, leftward, and rightward in each step. You will
stay in place if you try to move outside the maze. You are asked to reach the goal through the safe region
and avoid falling into the cliff. Reaching the exit terminates the current episode, while falling into the cliff
gives a reward -100 and return to the starting point. Every step of the agent is given a living cost (-1).
Figure 1: The cliff-walking environment
The state space and action space are briefly described as follows:
State: st is an integer, which represents the current coordinate (x, y) of the agent.
Action: at ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3}, where four integers represent four moving directions respectively.
1.2 Implement Sarsa and Q-Learning
You are asked to implement agents based on Sarsa and Q-Learning algorithms. Please implement the agents
in and complete the training process in and
respectively. An agent with a random policy is provided in the code. You can learn how to interact with the
environment through the demo and then write your own code.
Hint: Take as an example:
• Line 27: more parameters need to be utilized to construct the agent, such as learning rate, reward
decay γ, ε value, and ε-decay schema.
• Line 47: the agent needs to be provided with some experience for learning.
Hint: In
• You need to implement ε-greedy with ε value decay in the choose_action function.
• Functions given in the template need to be completed. You can also add other utility functions as you
wish in the agent classes.
Hint: You should keep a balance between exploration and exploitation by tuning ε value carefully.
In the early stage of the training, exploration should be encouraged to get familiar with the environment.
With the advancement of training, exploration may be reduced for the convergence of the policy.
1.3 Result Visualization and Analysis
Result Visualization: You are required to visualize the training process and the final result according to
the following requirements:
1. Plot the episode reward during the training process.
2. Plot the ε value during the training process.
3. Visualize the final paths found by the intelligent agents after training.
Result Analysis: You are required to analyze the learning process based on the experiment results according to the following requirements:
1. Analyze the learning process of Sarsa and Q-learning respectively;
2. You may find that there exists a little difference between the paths found by Sarsa and Q-learning.
Please describe the difference in the report and analyze the reason in detail.
2 Deep Reinforcement Learning [50 pts]
In this part, you will implement a DQN agent to control a lunar lander. You are asked to read and running
the given code to train your intelligent lander agent. The performance of the agent may not be satisfactory
and you have to tune it to get higher scores.
2.1 Game Description
Figure 2: The lunar lander environment in this assignment
This task is a classic rocket trajectory optimization problem. As shown in Fig. 2, you are required to
control the the space-ship and land between the flags smoothly.
In this assignment, you are required to train a DQN agent in “LunarLander-v2” gym environment. The
definitions of state and action are given as follows:
State(Array): The state st is an 8-dimensional vector: the coordinates of the lander in x & y, its linear
velocities in x & y, its angle, its angular velocity, and two booleans that represent whether each leg is in
contact with the ground or not.
Action(Integer): There are four discrete actions available: do nothing, fire left orientation engine, fire
main engine, and fire right orientation engine.
More details of this gym environment is given in the documents of gym1
. However, information given in
this file is sufficient for this assignment.
2.2 Read and Analyze the Deep Q-Network Implementation
In this section, a complete DQN implementation is given for the lunar lander task. You are required
to read the code and understand the DQN training process. You are required to write comments in
the code to point out the function or your understanding of each part of the code. Please fill in every
“““comments: ””” (cf. with your understanding of the code.
2.3 Train and Tune the Agent
In this section, you are required to train the DQN agent. Please show your training process (such as learning
curve of episode return) and the training result (such as the game video of the final model) in the report.
The performance of the given code may be not satisfying. You need to tune the agent to get higher scores
within 500000 time-steps or make the learning process more efficient.
Here are some possible ways to improve
the performance:
• (Requested) Tuning the hyper-parameters of the agent, especially gamma value, epsilon value, and
epsilon decay schema.
• Tuning the structure of the Q network.
• Utilize multiple continuous frames of the game instead of one frame each time.
• Other ideas.
2.4 Improve DQN Agent
DQN is not a perfect DRL method. There exists some drawbacks of DQN, hence various improvements are
proposed. In this section, you are required to choose one drawback, learn the corresponding improvements,
and write your understanding in the report.
3 Installation
You can follow the tutorial in this section to install the environment on Linux or Windows, and we strongly
recommend you to use Linux system.
3.1 Install Anaconda
Open the address and download the installer of Python 3.x
version(3.8 recommended) for your system.
3.2 Install Required Environment
After installing anaconda, open a Linux terminal and create an environment for Gym:
conda create python=3.8 – -name gym
Then activate the environment
conda activate gym
Install gym and some dependencies
pip install gym==0.25.2
pip install gym[box2d]
pip install stable-baselines3==1.2.0
pip install tensorboard
Install pytorch: Please follow the instructions given on the pytorch website2
4 Code, Demo Video, and Report
Code: You can edit the code between “##### START CODING HERE #####” and “#####
END CODING HERE #####”. Please DON’T modify other parts of the code.
Demo Video: Videos (optional) should be in .mp4 format and a 10MB max for a single file . You
can compress/speed up the videos. We recommend reocrding videos utilizing gym wrappers: “env =
gym.wrappers.RecordVideo(env, ’./video’)”. More information is given in the gym docs3
. All the videos
should be put into a folder called videos.
Report: Summarize the process and results of the homework.
5 Discussion and Question
You are encouraged to discuss your ideas, ask and answer questions about this homework. If you encounter
any difficulty with the assignment, try to post your problem on Canvas for help. The classmates and the
course staff will try to reply.
6 Submission instructions
1. Zip all your program files, experiment result, and report file HW2_report.pdf to a file named as
2. Upload the file to the homework 2 page on the Canvas.