Project Multi-Threaded Web Server solution


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5/5 - (8 votes)

Objective: In this project, we will study how to write socket programming. In addition, we
also study a real-world protocol of HTTP.
Task: Develop a multi-threaded web server. You can develop your code in two stages. In
the first stage, you simply display the contents of the HTTP request messages that your
web server receives. After this is running properly, you will add the code to generate an
appropriate response. The web server needs a log file to record statistics of the client
requests. Each request corresponds to one line in the log. Write down client hostname/IP
address, access time, requested file name and response type. Your webserver also needs to
handle some simple errors, such as webpage not found. You may run the server on your
own computer, using the IP address of Define your own port number (don’t use
80). A single thread webserver will get partial mark.
You can use either Java or C/C++. Your code should be commented appropriately. Include
a READMET text file of how to compile and run your program.
I would expect to see your server to handle the following ONLY (marks will be deducted
if you have more):
1. two request methods, GET, HEAD
2. three respond types, 200 OK, 400 Bad Request, 404 File Not Found
3. handle Last-Modified field and If-Modified-Since header