Project 6: PHP email solution


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Category: You will Instantly receive a download link for .ZIP solution file upon Payment


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 Use the form you created last time to format an email message.
 If the input validates, an email should be generated.
 Let the user know if the email succeeded.
We’ve got a form that a user can enter an email message into, so we’ve almost got a useful page.
All we need to do is make sure that it sends out the actual email. This will be a really easy
project (assuming you got the last project done) that should give you a little extra practice while
we come up to speed with MySQL in class. Don’t procrastinate, and if you get it done quickly
enough you can reward yourself with a little spare time before the next project. Here’s what you
need to do:
 Add a subject field to your contact form (if you haven’t already; emails should always have a
subject line. Don’t allow blank subjects.)
 Add some kind of drop-down category field: Complaint/Question/Suggestion/Praise/Other or
whatever makes sense for your email form. This data will become part of the body of the
 Create a variable with your email address as a string. Why a variable? So you only have to
change it once if your email changes. Think it won’t? I have long had a personal email and
received a school email and just recently the school handed me a second, different email
address to use for teaching. Chances are you’ll get a new one when you get a new job or
change ISPs. Planning ahead now makes changes later much easier.
 Create a variable and get the date/time to use as a timestamp.
 Now, send the email to yourself (as if a user were entering it on the form, right?) with a copy
to the user. You may find it easier to pair up with others to test that everything is working.
 Once you have the form looking right, create a .php file that contains the code to validate
user input and re-draw the form with a message if the user enters bad input. For your form,
that would mean:
o TO: Your Email Address
o FROM: User’s Email Address
o CC: User’s Email Address (it’s nice to give them a copy of their own email.)
o SUBJECT: (emails must have a subject or get spam filtered.)
o BODY: (Use HTML and/or CSS to format the following):
 Category = A value from the drop-down described above.
 Message = The main body of the message from the textarea.
 Date Sent = The date/time stamp collected above.
 If all went well, let the user know in the browser. This might be a handy place to put a
notification window, but you can also simply display a page with a message and a link or
submit button that takes the user back to the initial form or home page.
 You should comment your code well. If something is going wrong, neither I nor the grader
will spend a lot of time debugging your work to give you partial credit. Improve your
chances of partial credit by good comments so we can quickly figure out your intent.
 Work together to figure things out but, as always, turn in your own code.
Project Report
The final step of this assignment is to create a report consisting of a cover page, an overview of
the project, sample output, and the source code. See Assignment Policies on either the class
website or Bb Learn. Just as a reminder, the cover page should contain the following
information. Correct the date to be the day you actually turn in the project.