Project 5: PHP Form solution


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The simple form we created in Project 2 could be fairly useful, especially if we backed it up with PHP to help handle the input. However, we can do even more with PHP than before. We can actually build our HTML and CSS on the fly. Here’s what I want you to do:  Create a new page that will serve as a replacement of the email form you created in Project 2. o It will contain a mixture of PHP, CSS, and HTML. o I suggest you use HTML for the outline, PHP to define the user input and create the fields themselves, and CSS to format the input fields and their labels.  Remember, CSS can be embedded in your HTML, preferably in the /  PHP can be used to dynamically create and echo HTML (as well as CSS).  It’s easier to work with natural HTML and CSS than use PHP to create it, so use natural HTML for static stuff, like the section, and PHP for dynamic parts, like creating all the fields in a loop.  Once you have the form looking right, create a .php file that contains the code to validate user input and re-draw the form with a message if the user enters bad input. For your form, that would mean: o Leaving a text field blank triggers a message indicating which field is blank. o Leaving a text area blank triggers a message indicating which field is blank. o Entering an invalid email address (we only want to check for .com/.org/.edu/.gov addresses) triggers a message reminding the user of the proper email format. o Feel free to do more checking if you wish. o The code should put the original data back in the re-drawn form. o The fields of the form must NOT be laid out in a table; use CSS. o Both the original form and the validation form should refer to the validation code you wrote as the action page.  You can do away with the image that was required in Project 2. Think of this as another step toward your final page; so a little adjustment of the ‘look and feel’ is in order here.  You can now use an editor of some sort. I used NetBeans in the example I am presenting in class but you can use whatever suits you as long as you make sure to write your own PHP code manually. In practical terms, this means that most, if not all, of your HTML and CSS will be done by hand as well, especially the parts the PHP will be generating.  You should comment your code well. If something is going wrong, neither I nor the grader will spend a lot of time debugging your work to give you partial credit. Improve your chances of partial credit by good comments so we can quickly figure out your intent.  Work together to figure things out but, as always, turn in your own code., and tagProject Report
The final step of this assignment is to create a report consisting of a cover page, an overview of
the project, sample output, and the source code. See Assignment Policies on either the class
website or Bb Learn. Just as a reminder, the cover page should contain the following
information. Correct the date to be the day you actually turn in the project.