In this project, you will need to implement a searchable encryption scheme by using inverted index,
pseudo random function (PRF), and AES. More specifically,
– For the key generation function, given a parameter λ, your program should be able to output two
secret keys (sk1, sk2), one key sk1 for PRF and one key sk2 for AES, and write your secret keys to two
different files.
– For the encryption function, given a set of files {f1, …, fn} and a set of keywords {w1, …, wm}, your
program should be able to output an encrypted inverted index Γ and a set of encrypted files {c1, …, cn},
where each file is encrypted as
ci ← AES.Enc(sk2, fi)
In addition, your program should be able to write this encrypted inverted index to a file.
– For the token generation function, given a keyword w and a secret key sk1, you program should be able
to output a search token tk, and writes this token to a file.
– For the search function, given a token tk and an encrypted inverted index Γ, you program should be
able to output the file identifiers associated to this token, and decrypt the corresponding encrypted
files based on those identifiers.
Note: For each group member, please submit a copy of your project in Blackboard. This will assist the
instructor and the TA to record your grade easily.
2 Basic Requirements
Programming Language: You can use either C/C++, Python or Java. If you choose to use C/C++,
CMake is recommended (but not required). You can choose any IDE you like, the code you submit should
be able to compile and run in Linux or Windows. Please provide a clear description about how to compile
and run your code in the Readme file.
Crypto Libraries: You can leverage third-party libraries, such as openssl (C/C++), BouncyCastle
(Java), etc., to implement AES and SHA256. You do not need to build the functions of AES or SHA256
by yourself.
Program Directory: Please name your project folder as se m123456, where se is the name of this
project and m123456 is your UCID. The recommended directories of your program should be organized as
./ se_m123456 / src
./ se_m123456 / build
./ se_m123456 / data
./ se_m123456 / Readme . txt
Normally, folder src should include all the source files and your own header files, e.g., .cpp and .h files.
All the object files and executable files, e.g., .o files, should be under folder build. Folder data has all the
given files and data, and also includes all the files and results generated by the program. In Readme.txt
file, you should write a description of your code, show which language and version you use, and illustrate
how to compile, run and use your code.
3 Project Details
Assume we have a set of .txt files under a same folder, and each file contains multiple words. In this
project, we assume the words in each file are separated by space, and each word will be counted as a
keyword. For example, a file f1 includes 3 words
../ data / files / f1 . txt : bengals steelers packers
where those words are separated by space. All the 3 words are counted as keywords. In other words, we
say file f1 has keywords bengals, steelers and packers. In this project, we assume words in those files
are all English words, no special characters, symbols, or numbers.
You program should be generic, i.e., it should be able to handle any number of files (under a
same folder) and any number of words in each file. For ease of project description, let us assume we
have 6 files {f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6} and 4 keywords {bengals, steelers, packers, patriots} in this example.
Specifically, in each file, we have
../ data / files / f1 . txt : bengals steelers packers
../ data / files / f2 . txt : packers patriots
../ data / files / f3 . txt : packers
../ data / files / f4 . txt : steelers bengals
../ data / files / f5 . txt : steelers packers
../ data / files / f6 . txt : bengals
And according to this set of files and keywords, its inverted index in plaintext is described as below
bengals f1 . txt f4 . txt f6 . txt
packers f1 . txt f2 . txt f3 . txt f5 . txt
steelers f1 . txt f4 . txt f5 . txt
patriots f2 . txt
In this project, assume we use file names as file identifiers.
1. Key Generation Function:
(a) Given a parameter λ, generate two secret keys, one secret key sk1 for PRF and one secret key sk2 for
AES, write PRF’s secret key sk1 to a file “../data/skprf.txt” and write AES’s secret key sk2 to a
file “../data/skaes.txt”.
(b) For AES encryption, you should choose AES-CBC-256. For PRF, you can use either AES-ECB-256 or
SHA256 to simulate a PRF. If you use AES-ECB-256 to simulate PRF, then sk1 and sk2 share the
same parameter, i.e., λ = 256. If you use SHA256 to simulate PRF, technically, there is no key for
PRF, and you could set your key sk1 as null, and the corresponding key file for sk1 should be empty.
(c) There are no requirements in terms of the format of your keys when you write keys to files. You could use
any format you like, e.g., binary, hexadecimal, etc., as long as it is consistent with your read functions.
2. Encryption Function:
(a) Read all the data from the files and read your secret keys from the key files to build an encrypted
inverted index. Specifically, each keyword extracted from those files should be encrypted with PRF.
(b) You can use file names as file identifiers. For example, informally speaking, if the outputs of PRF for
those keywords are PRFsk1
(bengals) = QWER, PRFsk1
(packers) = ASDF, PRFsk1
(steelers) = ZXCV,
(patriots) = UIOP, then one example of the encrypted index you have would look like the
QWER c1 . txt c4 . txt c6 . txt
ASDF c1 . txt c2 . txt c3 . txt c5 . txt
ZXCV c1 . txt c4 . txt c5 . txt
UIOP c2 . txt
The order of the outputs of PRF or the order of file identifiers for each encrypted keyword in your
encrypted index could be different. You can use any existing data structures, e.g., hash tables, linked
lists, arrays, from C/C++, Java or Python to implement your encrypted index. As long as you can build
a correct encrypted index, the running time of building an encrypted index and the search performance
will not affect your grade in this project. In this project, you do not need to apply advanced methods,
such as adding dummy nodes or encrypting pointers, in your encrypted index.
(c) After building an encrypted inverted index, you need to write the index to a file “../data/index.txt”.
There are no requirements in terms of the format in the index file. You can use any format you like, as
long as it is consistent with your read functions.
(d) In addition, you also need to encrypt all the data files, e.g., {f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6}, with AES-CBC-256,
and write the ciphertexts to a set of encrypted files {c1, …, cn}, where each file is encrypted as
ci ← AES.Enc(sk2, fi)
The name of each encrypted file ci should be ci.txt. For example, if a plaintext file is f2.txt,
then its encrypted file is c2.txt. And all the encrypted files should be under a same folder named
“ciphertextfiles”, e.g.,
../ data / ciphertextfiles / c1 . txt
../ data / ciphertextfiles / c2 . txt
../ data / ciphertextfiles / c3 . txt
../ data / ciphertextfiles / c4 . txt
../ data / ciphertextfiles / c5 . txt
../ data / ciphertextfiles / c6 . txt
There are no requirements in terms of the format in an encrypted file. You can use any format you
like, as long as it is consistent with your read functions. For the file identifiers in your encrypted index,
please use the file names of those encrypted files as file identifiers (as the example described in (b)).
(e) You program should be as generic, which should be enable to build an encrypted index from a different
number of files and a different number of keywords. For ease of implementation, we assume the maximum
number of files is 10,000 and the maximum number of keywords is 3,000.
3. Token Generation Function:
(a) Given a keyword w, read a secret key sk1 from file “../data/skprf.txt”, generate a token tk, print
it in the terminal and write this token to a file “../data/token.txt”. There are no requirements in
terms of the format in a token file. You can use any format you like, as long as it is consistent with
your read functions.
4. Search Function:
(a) Given a token file and an encrypted index file, read a token from token file “../data/token.txt”,
read an encrypted index from file “../data/index.txt”, find files associated with this token over this
encrypted index, print file identifiers of all the encrypted files associated with this token in the terminal,
decrypt corresponding encrypted files with AES-CBC-256, and print the decryption of those encrypted
files in the terminal. For instance, if a token is ZXCV, then your program should print out information
like the following:
c1 . txt c4 . txt c5 . txt
c1 . txt bengals steelers packers
c4 . txt steelers bengals
c5 . txt steelers packers
In addition, you also need to write the information above to a result file “../data/result.txt”. If the
search result of a token is empty, then the result file should also be empty.
5. Project Report:
In addition to you code, you group needs to write a report (in pdf) describing how you implement
this searchable encryption in details. In addition, you also need to test the running time of building an
encrypted index on this 6-file example. This running time should include the time to build an encrypted
index and also the time to encrypt all the original files. You also need to report the search time for keyword
packers. This search time should include the time to find those encrypted files and also the time to decrypt
those files.
In your report, you should describe details of your implementation, such as OS, programming language,
crypto libraries, encryption parameters, etc. You can use tables, figures or screenshots to help you present
your results in your report. Please put this report under your project folder and submit it together with
your code. Please make sure you have the names of your group members in your report.
4 Evaluation
Your project will be evaluated in three aspects.
1. Correctness of Functions (75%): Your program should be able to correctly run all the functions
described in this project. If for some reason, your code cannot be compiled but the logic of your code
is correct, you will still get partial credits.
2. Comments and Descriptions (15%): Write comments and explain each function in your code, such
as inputs, outputs, etc. You may need some of the functions in other projects. Detailed comments on
each function can save your time in other projects. In addition, please clearly explain how to compile
and run your code in Readme.txt. The score of your report will be included in this aspect.
3. Coding Style (10%): A good coding style is always important, especially for large projects. Please
keep each function simple, try to avoid long functions, and create multiple .h and .cpp files if needed.
For example, it is not a good idea to put everything in the main function.
5 Examples
This section provides some examples, which can help you understand the functions of your project. If
your code can provide the same functionalities, you can customize the number of arguments and the order
of arguments, as long as you describe it clearly in the Readme file.
Example 1: The following command calls the key generation function
se keygen ../ data / skprf . txt ../ data / skaes . txt
where se is the name of your executable file, keygen is the argument for key generation function, ../data/skprf.txt
is the secret key file for PRF, ../data/skaes.txt is the secret key file for AES. Note that, depending on
where your executable file is, the paths of your input and output files might be different. Security parameter
λ = 256 is default and pre-defined in your program.
Example 2: The following command calls the encryption function
se enc ../ data / skprf . txt ../ data / skaes . txt ../ data / index . txt
../ data / files ../ data / ciphertextfiles
where ../data/skprf.txt is the secret key file for PRF, ../data/skaes.txt is the secret key file for
AES, ../data/index.txt is the index file, ../data/files is the folder including all the plaintext files,
and ../data/ciphertextfiles is the folder including all the ciphertext files.
Example 3: The following command calls the token generation function
se token packers ../ data / skprf . txt ../ data / token . txt
where packers is a keyword, ../data/result.txt is the secret key file for PRF, and ../data/token.txt
is the token file.
Example 4: The following command calls the search function
se search ../ data / index . txt ../ data / token . txt ../ data / ciphertextfiles
../ data / skaes
where ../data/index.txt is the index file, ../data/token.txt is the token file, ../data/ciphertextfiles
includes all the encrypted files, and ../data/skaes.txt is a secret key file for AES-CBC-256.