CS451/651 Project 3 (Parsing) solution


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Problem 1. (Long and Double Basic Types) Add support for the long and double basic types.
$ $j /j – -/ bin /j – – -p tests / BasicTypes . java
See tests/BasicTypes.ast for output.
Problem 2. (Operators) Add support for the following operators, obeying precedence rules (see appendix at the end).
~ != / /= -=
++ — *= % %=
>> >>= >>> >> >= >=
<< <<= < ^ ^=
| |= || & &=
$ $j /j – -/ bin /j – – -p tests / Operators . java
See tests/Operators.ast for output.
Problem 3. (Conditional Expression) Add support for conditional expression (e1 ? e2 : e3).
$ $j /j — bin /j — -p tests / ConditionalExpression . java
See tests/ConditionalExpression.ast for output.
Problem 4. (Switch Statement) Add support for a switch statement.
$ $j /j – -/ bin /j – – -p tests / SwitchStatement . java
See tests/SwitchStatement.ast for output.
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CS451/651 Project 3 (Parsing) Swami Iyer
Problem 5. (Do-while Statement) Add support for a do-while statement.
$ $j /j – -/ bin /j – – -p tests / DoWhileStatement . java
See tests/DoWhileStatement.ast for output.
Problem 6. (For Statement) Add support for a for statement.
$ $j /j – -/ bin /j – – -p tests / ForStatement . java
See tests/ForStatement.ast for output.
Problem 7. (Exception Handlers) Add support for exception handling, which involves supporting the try, catch, finally,
throw, and throws clauses.
$ $j /j – -/ bin /j – – -p tests / ExceptionHandlers . java
See tests/ExceptionHandlers.ast for output.
Problem 8. (Interface Type Declaration) Implement support for interface declaration.
$ $j /j – -/ bin /j – – -p tests / Interface . java
See tests/Interface.ast for output.
Files to Submit
1. j–.tar.gz (j– source tree as a single gzip file)
2. report.txt (project report)
Before you submit:
• Make sure you create the gzip file j–.tar.gz such that it only includes the source files and not the binaries, which
can be done on the terminal as follows:
$ cd $j /j —
$ ant clean
$ cd ..
$ tar – czvf j – -. tar j – -/*
• Make sure your report uses the given template, isn’t too verbose, doesn’t contain lines that exceed 80 characters,
and doesn’t contain spelling mistakes
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CS451/651 Project 3 (Parsing) Swami Iyer
Appendix: Java Syntax
compilationUnit ::= [ package qualifiedIdentifier ; ]
{ import qualifiedIdentifier ; }
{ typeDeclaration }
qualifiedIdentifier ::= { . }
typeDeclaration ::= typeDeclarationModifiers ( classDeclaration | interfaceDeclaration )
| ;
typeDeclarationModifiers ::= { public | protected | private | static | abstract | final }
classDeclaration ::= class [ extends qualifiedIdentifier ]
[ implements qualifiedIdentifier { , qualifiedIdentifier } ]
interfaceDeclaration ::= interface // can’t be final
[ extends qualifiedIdentifier { , qualifiedIdentifier } ]
modifiers ::= { public | protected | private | static | abstract | final }
classBody ::= { { ;
| static block
| block
| modifiers memberDecl
interfaceBody ::= { { ;
| modifiers interfaceMemberDecl
memberDecl ::= // constructor
[ throws qualifiedIdentifier { , qualifiedIdentifier } ] block
| ( void | type ) // method
[ throws qualifiedIdentifier { , qualifiedIdentifier } ] ( block | ; )
| type variableDeclarators ; // fields
interfaceMemberDecl ::= ( void | type ) // method
[ throws qualifiedIdentifier { , qualifiedIdentifier } ] ;
| type variableDeclarators ; // fields; must have inits
block ::= { { blockStatemnt } }
blockStatement ::= localVariableDeclarationStatement
| statement
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CS451/651 Project 3 (Parsing) Swami Iyer
statement ::= block
| if parExpression statement [ else statement ]
| for ( [ forInit ] ; [ expression ] ; [ forUpdate ] ) statement
| while parExpression statement
| do statement while parExpression ;
| try block
{ catch ( formalParameter ) block }
[ finally block ] // must be present if no catches
| switch parExpression { { switchBlockStatementGroup } }
| return [ expression ] ;
| throw expression ;
| break [ ] ;
| continue [ ] ;
| ;
| : statement
| statementExpression ;
formalParameters ::= ( [ formalParameter { , formalParameter } ] )
formalParameter ::= [ final ] type
parExpression ::= ( expression )
forInit ::= statementExpression { , statementExpression }
| [ final ] type variableDeclarators
forUpdate ::= statementExpression { , statementExpression }
switchBlockStatementGroup ::= switchLabel { switchLabel } { blockStatement }
switchLabel ::= case expression : // must be constant
| default :
localVariableDeclarationStatement ::= [ final ] type variableDeclarators ;
variableDeclarators ::= variableDeclarator { , variableDeclarator }
variableDeclarator ::= [ = variableInitializer ]
variableInitializer ::= arrayInitializer | expression
arrayInitializer ::= { [ variableInitializer { , variableInitializer } ] }
arguments ::= ( [ expression { , expression } ] )
type ::= basicType | referenceType
basicType ::= boolean | byte | char | short | int | float | long | double
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CS451/651 Project 3 (Parsing) Swami Iyer
referenceType ::= basicType [ ] { [ ] }
| qualifiedIdentifier { [ ] }
statementExpression ::= expression // but must have side-effect, eg, i++
expression ::= assignmentExpression
assignmentExpression ::= conditionalExpression // must be a valid lhs
( =
| +=
| -=
| *=
| /=
| %=
| >>=
| >>>=
| <<=
| &=
| |=
| ^=
) assignmentExpression ]
conditionalExpression ::= conditionalOrExpression [ ? assignmentExpression : conditionalExpression ]
conditionalOrExpression ::= conditionalAndExpression { || conditionalAndExpression }
conditionalAndExpression ::= inclusiveOrExpression { && inclusiveOrExpression }
inclusiveOrExpression ::= exclusiveOrExpression { | exclusiveOrExpression }
exclusiveOrExpression ::= andExpression { ^ andExpression }
andExpression ::= equalityExpression { & equalityExpression }
equalityExpression ::= relationalExpression { ( == | != ) relationalExpression }
relationalExpression ::= shiftExpression ( { ( < | > | <= | >= ) shiftExpression } | instanceof referenceType )
shiftExpression ::= additiveExpression { ( << | >> | >>> ) additiveExpression }
additiveExpression ::= multiplicativeExpression { ( + | – ) multiplicativeExpression }
multiplicativeExpression ::= unaryExpression { ( * | / | % ) unaryExpression }
unaryExpression ::= ++ unaryExpression
| — unaryExpression
| ( + | – ) unaryExpression
| simpleUnaryExpression
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CS451/651 Project 3 (Parsing) Swami Iyer
simpleUnaryExpression ::= ~ unaryExpression
| ! unaryExpression
| ( basicType ) unaryExpression // basic cast
| ( referenceType ) simpleUnaryExpression // reference cast
| postfixExpression
postfixExpression ::= primary { selector } { ++ | — }
selector ::= . qualifiedIdentifier [ arguments ]
| [ expression ]
primary ::= parExpression
| this [ arguments ]
| supper ( arguments | . [ arguments ] )
| literal
| new creator
| qualifiedIdentifer [ arguments]
creator ::= ( basicType | qualifiedIdentifier )
( arguments
| [ ] { [ ] } [ arrayInitializer ]
| newArrayDeclarator
newArrayDeclarator ::= [ [ expression ] ] { [ [ expression ] ] }
literal ::= | | |
| | | true | false | null
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