In this project, you will be implementing a virtual memory system simulator. You have been given a simulator which is missing some critical parts. You will be responsible for implementing these parts provided comments to guide you along. We have posed some conceptual questions for each section of the project, and it is in your best interest to answer them before working on that section of the project. If you have trouble answering these questions, step back and review virtual memory concepts before coding. This assignment has six main steps: 1. Split the Virtual Address 2. Translating the Virtual Address into the Physical Address 3. Handling Page Faults 4. Handling Page Replacement 5. Adding a TLB to Improve Translation Speed 6. Computing the Estimated Memory Access Time (EMAT) Each part starts with some theoretical questions. You do not have to submit answers to these questions, as they are only there to help guide you along. If you are able to answer the questions without much trouble, youwillhaveaneasytimewiththecode. Ifyouhavetroublewiththequestions,thenwestronglysuggest that you take the time to read about the material in the book and then answer the questions.
Once you are able to answer questions about a given concept, we ask you to implement that concept in code. For each section, the given concept is described briefly, and there will be FIXME sections labeled in the code with greater elaboration as needed. The files you have to fill out for this assignment are located in the student-src folder. The simulator code can be found in the simulator-src folder. You should not needtolookatanyofthesimulatorcode. However,pleaseseeAppendixA-TheSimulatorformoredetails about what is in the simulator. It may be useful if you are having trouble figuring out what to do.
Compiling and Running
To recompile the simulator, we have provided you with a Makefile in the top-level directory. You can type in the command make in the terminal to build the project. When the project is finished building, there will be an executable in the top level directory called vm-sim. To execute this file, you must provide it with a references file. Reference files are found in references folder, and it provides four types of reference files: • basic – A basic reference file that yields no page faults due to eviction. • eviction – A reference file that should produce a large number of page faults. • tlb – A reference file that should cause a large number of TLB hits. • everything – A reference file that provides a bit of everything described above. For example, if we wanted to run the simulator with the basic file, we would do the following:
$: ./vm-sim references/basic
There are several other command line options for the simulator that you can play around with, such as changing the memory size, page size, and the tlb size. The default settings are memory size = 16 values, page size = 2 values, and tlb size = 4. You can change these parameters to see how they affect the memory access time. To view these options, type:
$: ./vm-sim -h
Step 1 – Split the Address
In most modern operating systems, user programs access memory using virtual addresses. The hardware and the operating system work together to turn a virtual address into a physical address, which can be used to address into physical memory. The first step of this process is to translate the virtual address into a physical address.
Notethatavirtualaddressconsistsoftwoparts: thehigherorderbitsformtheVirtualPageNumber(VPN), and the lower order bits form the offset.
Conceptual Questions Consider a machine in which virtual addresses are made up of 16 bits. Each page on this machine has 28 addressable locations. Now, answer the following questions:
1. How many bits should the page offset be? 2. How many bits should the VPN be? 3. What are the VPN and offset of the virtual address 0xDEAD? 4. What are the VPN and offset of the virtual address 0xBEEF?
Implementation Look at the file page-splitting.h. You should find two macros that are used by the simulator to split the address. They are called VADDR PAGENUM and VADDR OFFSET. These macros take a virtual address andreturnthepagenumberoroffset, respectively. FixthesesothattheyreturntheproperVPNandoffset. Here’s a hint: Use the global variable page size to access the size of a page.
Step 2 – Address Translation
Now that we can split the address, we can transform the virtual address into a physical address. This requires a unique page table per process to store the mapping between virtual page numbers and physical framenumbers. Inthesimulator, apagetableisrepresentedasanarrayfilledwiththefollowingstructure:
typedef struct { pfn t pfn; /* Physical Frame Number */ unsigned char valid; /* Valid ’bit’ */ unsigned char dirty; /* Dirty ’bit’ */ unsigned char used; /* Used ’bit; */ } pte t; Notice that the VPN does not appear as part of the page table entry. You will index into the array of the page table entries using the VPN. In addition, there is a used bit. This is not the same as the valid bit; its purpose will become apparent in Step 4.
Conceptual Questions Most of the address translation deals with reading values from the page table. The table below is similar to a pte t array that is used in the simulator, although we have reduced the size of the VPN and the PFN (Physical Frame Number) to simplify the table below. Assume that the page size is the same page size you determined in the previous part. Assume that any VPNs that do not appear in the table are invalid.
Table 1: Page Table VPN PFN Valid Dirty Used 0xDE 0xBE YES NO NO 0xF0 0xD0 YES YES YES 0xBE 0x42 YES NO NO 0x42 0x43 NO NO NO — — NO NO NO
1. What physical address is virtual address 0xDEAD mapped to? 2. What physical address is virtual address 0xF00D mapped to? 3. Is the virtual address 0x42ED valid?
Implementation Afterfinishingthequestionsintheprevioussection,youshouldhaveaprettygoodideaabouthowthepage tableisusedwhentranslatingthevirtualaddressintoaphysicaladdress. Openupthefile page-lookup.c. In this file, you have to modify the function pagetable lookup function. Make sure that you are checking if the page table entry is valid! If the page table entry is not valid, then you must increment the global variablecount pagefaultsandcallthepagefault handlerfunction. Keepinmindthattheglobalvariable current pagetable is a pointer to an array of pte t entries, which can be indexed by the VPN. Here is a hint: • You do not need to worry about checking the TLB first. This is done for you by the simulator. • Notethatinthequestions,youwereaskedtofindthephysicaladdress. Inthefunction,yousimply need to find the Physical Frame Number – these are slightly different values!
Step 3 – Handling Page Faults
WhentheCPUencountersaninvalidpageinthepagetable,theOSallocatesapageframefortherequested page by either locating a free frame or by evicting a physical frame that is already in use. After this occurs, the OS updates the page table to reflect the new mapping, and then continues with the memory access. However, what causes page faults to occur? When a program is initially started, none of the virtual addresses are valid. When a given address is used for the first time, the OS will allocate a physical frame to store the appropriate information. After this occurs for a while, the OS might run out of physical frames to allocate! In this situation, the page fault handler will have to evict a physical frame. When it does this, it moves the information stored in the frame to the hard disk and allocates the evicted page to the new process.
Conceptual Questions 1. Ifapagefaultoccursandthereisaninvalidframeinthephysicalmemory,shouldyouchoosetoevict a frame? When would such a situation occur? 2. What is thrashing? How would a virtual memory system try to subvert this phenomenon?
Implementation Lookinpage-fault.ctoviewthepartiallyimplementedpagefaulthandler. Followthecommentsdetailed in the source file. While working on this part, keep in mind that each process has its own page table. The data structure current pagetable refers to the page table of the currently running process (which is the onethatisrequestinganewpage). Thepagetableoftheprocessthatownsthevictimpagecanbefoundin
the victim process control block victim pcb. Think about why it is important to have access to the victim process’ page table when evicting one of its pages!
Step 4 – Improving Page Replacement
Up to this point we have not concerned ourselves with what happens when we have to make more pages than we have room for in our physical memory. In reality, the virtual memory system uses the hard drive to make it seem like there is more memory than there really is. Indeed, it is quite slow to load processes in and out of the disk. However, if our page replacement algorithm is performed in an intelligent manner, it will be much more effective than to simply stop the user’s process during execution.
The virtual memory system you have constructed so far uses a randomized page replacement algorithm thatwehaveprovided. Youwillbeimplementingamoreintelligentsystem. Wewillaskyoutoimplement a page replacement algorithm and observe its effects on the average access time.
The optimal page replacement algorithm is one that can tell the future! Out of all the physical frames in memory,ouralgorithmshouldevictthepagethatwillnotbeusedforthelongesttimefromwhenthepage fault happens. Unfortunately, there is no “magical soothsayer” that will allow us to gleam into what is to pass. However,youwillbeimplementingtheClock-SweepAlgorithm,whichtakesadvantageoftemporal localityinthatitassumesthatpagesthatwererecentlyaccessedwillbeusedagaininthenearfuture. While thisalgorithmisnotoptimal,itisrelativelyeasytoimplementandachievesdecentperformanceinpractice.
The basic idea of the Clock-Sweep Algorithm is that you first mark a page as “used” whenever it is accessed. When you need to evict a page, you will iterate (Sweep) through the page table, examining each frame’s “used” bit. If a page is marked “used”, you mark it as “unused”. When you encounter a page that isnot“used”youwillselectthispagetoevict. Shouldyoueverreachtheendofmemory,youshouldwrap around and start over at the beginning of the page table array. This means that if all pages are marked as “used”,thealgorithmwillunmarkallthepagesandchoosethefirstpageyouexaminedwhenyouiterated through the page table array. Normally, the clock-sweep algorithm remembers the page it left off on, so that the next time it executes, it continues on from there. Note that for this assignment, you do not have to implement this feature. If you do, you get brownie (read: not extra credit) points.
Fun fact: Linux developers sometimes refer to the Clock-Sweep Algorithm as the “Second Chance Algorithm” because it gives each page that has been used recently a second chance at not being evicted.
Conceptual Questions Answer the following questions about page replacement, given the following page table. Assume that any entry not listed is VALID and USED.
Table 2: Page Table VPN PFN Valid Dirty Used 0xDE 0xBE YES NO YES 0xF0 0xD0 YES YES YES 0xBE 0x42 YES NO NO 0xBC 0x43 YES NO NO 0x42 0xAB YES NO YES 0x21 0x23 NO NO NO — — YES NO YES
1. What is the first page that should be used when we need to allocate a new page?
2. Assumingthatwearenowusingthepageweselectedfromthepreviousquestionandnootherpages have been marked as “used” since then, what is the next page we will select? 3. Again, assuming we are using the pages selected in the previous two questions and that no pages have been marked as used since then, which page is selected?
Implementation Now that you understand how page replacement is supposed to work, open page-replacement.c and changethereplacementalgorithmtomoreintelligentlyevictpages. Yourcodeshouldbedoingtwothings: first, check to see if there is an uninitialized frame. If so, just use that one (already implemented)! If there are no invalid pages, then perform a Clock-Sweep Algorithm to decide which page you should evict.
Step 5 – Adding a TLB
By now, you might have noticed that accessing memory is very slow. Virtual memory does not help to curtail this problem, and instead adds to it! In our implementation, we must go to memory twice – once to translate the virtual address to the physical address and again to access the memory at the translated location. Virtual memory may even cause us to load in a page from the disk! These costs are unacceptable for smaller programs that do not take advantage of the virtual memory system.
We cannot eliminate the actual memory access, but we can diminish the page table lookup by adding a small piece of hardware that keeps a small buffer of past VPN to PFN translations. If we locate a VPN in this buffer, we can bypass the page table lookup in memory entirely – a great boon! We call this buffer the TranslationLookasideBuffer. ItwillprovideusanalternativemeansofperformingthelookupduringVPN to PFN translation.
Conceptual Questions The structure of the TLB is remarkably similar to that of the page table. The biggest difference is the fact that unlike in the page table, where we use the VPN as an index to an array, the VPN is simply another entry in the TLB. Note that the TLB is relatively small, and cannot hold many entries. Use the TLB shown belowtoanswerthequestions. ThisTLBisonlycapableofholdingfourentries. Assumethatanyentrynot explicitly present in the page table is invalid.
Table 3: TLB VPN PFN Valid Dirty Last Access 0xDE 0xBE YES NO 32 0xF0 0xD0 YES YES 41 0x42 0xAB YES NO 27 0x21 0x23 YES NO 11
1. What address does the virtual address 0xDEAD translate to? Is this translation found in the TLB or in the Page Table? 2. Whataddressdoesthevirtualaddress0xBE21translateto? IsthistranslationfoundintheTLBorthe Page Table? 3. When we lookup the address 0xBC87, we miss the TLB. This requires us to evict an entry from the TLB. Which entry would we pick to evict, assuming we use a standard LRU Algorithm? What if we used FIFO?
Implementation Open the tlb-lookup.c file and follow the comments describing what needs to be fixed. You may want to note that you have access to the TLB entries via the tlb array, which is an array of type tlbe t structs and whoselengthis tlb size entries. Keepinmindthatsincethereisnorelationshipbetweentheindexinthe TLB and the content stored there, you will have to check every valid entry in the TLB before deciding that you are unable to find an entry. The structure of each entry is given below:
typedef struct { vpn t vpn; /* Virtual Page Number */ pfn t pfn; /* Physical Frame Number */ uint8 t valid; /* Valid ‘bit’ */ uint8 t dirty; /* Dirty ‘bit’ */ uint64 t access; /* Access Timestamp */ } tlbe t; In your code, you will implement two functions. Our simulator will support two eviction policies in the TLB: FIFO and LRU. Only one of them will be called by the simulator during any given simulation run. In tlb lookup lru(), you will implement a TLB that uses the LRU eviction scheme. In tlb lookup fifo(), you will implement a TLB that uses the FIFO eviction scheme. Both modes’ code will look nearly identical, but there will be a slight difference in when the access timestamp is changed. You may use the global variable current timestamp in your functions, and you may assume it is accurate. The simulator will automatically call the appropriate tlb lookup function depending on the command line inputs.
To run the simulator using a specific replacement policy for the TLB, run ./vm-sim -e FIFO for FIFO or ./vm-sim -e LRU for LRU. The default if none is specified is LRU.
Step 6 – Computing the EMAT
Now that we are getting some results from the simulator, we are ready to analyze the output. In this part, you will complete a function that calculates the Estimated Memory Access Time, or EMAT. This is computed by calculating the average amount of time it takes for a memory access. Keep in mind that this metric is influenced by what memory access patterns are processed by your code.
Conceptual Questions 1. Assuming a memory access time of 100 ns, an average disk access time of 10 ms, how long would it take to access memory ten times if two of those accesses resulted in page faults (these require disk accesstoresolve!) andfouroftheaccessesresultedinTLBmisses? Rememberthataccessingthepage table requires two memory accesses. 2. While accountingfor twomemory access timesfor aTLB miss, onememory accessfor a TLBhit, and two memory accesses and a disk access for a page fault, what would be the generalized formula for the average time taken per memory access?
Implementation Calculating the EMAT by hand every time you run the simulator is quite tedious. Since it is generally better to make the computer do these kinds of computations for us, this step of the project asks you to fix the function compute emat found in emat.c. This function takes no parameters, but it has access to the global statistics maintained in statistics.h. Namely, it has access to: • count pagefaults – The number of page faults that occured. • count tlbhits – The number of TLB hits that occured.
• count writes – The number of stores and writes that occured. • count reads – The number of loads and reads that occured. In your computation, you should utilize the constant values DISK ACCESS TIME and MEMORY ACCESS TIME which are defined in emat.c. For the purposes of this function, treat a TLB hit as taking no time when looking up the VPN in the page table.
Style Checking
WewillbeenforcingacodestylingconventiononanyoftheCcodeyouwrite. Justbecausewearenotwriting Java code anymore does not mean we should forego good style! Having well formatted code makes your code more readable, maintainable, and debuggable.
To enforce this, we will be using two Python scripts that will statically analyze your source code. Passing these tests will be worth 5 points each. These scripts are adapted from open-source projects and are not perfect, but they will catch a good number of styling errors. If you believe that either script is incorrectly markingyourcode,pleaseletoneofyourTAsknow. Thesescriptsareadaptedfromthesetwoopen-source projects from Google and Caltech:
1. 2. style guide.html
Important: Do not use these!
We have created adapted versions of these scripts for you to use. If you try to use the scripts straight from these websites, you will notice strange errors. Please only use the style-checker scripts we have provided you in this assignment. Note that you will need Python 2 to run these. We will be running the scripts the same way as shown below to test your code.
(5 points) – CPPLint To use, run the command:
$: python –linelength=120 student-src/*.c
The program will output ”Total errors found: 0” if you have passed its test.
(5 points) – C Style Check To use c style, run the command:
$: python c style student-src/*.c
The program will output nothing if there are no errors.
When you are done with the project, move to the top level directory of your project and run the following:
$: make submit
This will generate a file called p3-submit.tar.gz that contains everything you need to submit for this assignment. Please remember to submit this file on T-Square! Don’t forget to sign up for a demo slot! We will announce when these are available. Failure to demo results in a 0! Precaution: You should always re-download your assignment from TSquare after submitting to ensure that all necessary files were properly uploaded.
Appendix A – The Simulator
This section is meant to serve as a reference to the simulator code. Use it if you are interested in knowing about how the simulator works, or you need to figure out how to use something.
Simulator Files Simulatorfilesarelocatedinthesimulator-srcdirectory. Youshouldnothavetomodifyanyofthesefiles. Ifyouneedtolookatanyofthesimulatorcode,youshouldreallyonlylookattheheaderfiles. Tohelpyou understand how the simulator is organised, examine the following list: • global.h – Provides a definition of globally accessible values. • memory.h – Simulates the physical memory found in a computer. • pagetable.h – Provides an implementation of a page table. You will probably be most interested in pagetable lookup,whichyouhavetowrite,andget free frame,whichwillhelpyouimplementthe page fault handler. The struct pte t represents a single page table entry. If you need to get the page tableofthecurrentlyexecutingprocess,thevariable current pagetable willpointtotheappropriate array. • process.h – Provides an implementation for a Process Control Block, as well as various methods for manipualting processes. You probably won’t need anything in the PCB. • sim.c -Thisfileincludesthemainfunctionforthesimulatorandservesasanentrypointintotherest of the code. • statistics.h – This file is used to gather and display statistics. • swapfile.h – Simulates moving and loading pages to and from the disk • tlb.h – Provides an implementation of the TLB. • types.h – Provides useful typedefs that allows us to refer to more descriptive types such as vpn t instead of just int. • useful.h – Provides useful macros.