Create multiple web pages with links.
Create a web page with a form.
Simple web pages are pretty useless. They could easily be replaced with a link to a PDF file
which would be just as static. In this assignment, we want to begin to explore the ‘Hyper’ in
HTML. In order to do that, you must accomplish the following:
Create a new page that will serve as your Project 2 home page.
o There must be a link to it from the page you created in Project 1.
o It must have both text and images. The images can be on your web space or from an
external site (remember to credit and get permissions as appropriate).
o It must have a menu of links which have at least one of the following:
A link to somewhere in the text (not the beginning).
A link to another page in your web space (the form below is a good choice).
A link to a page external to your web space.
Create a new page that will be a (non-functional) form. It will be used to allow people to
email you, in a future project. It should have:
o A menu with link(s) to other page(s) – must be consistent with home page
o Text field(s) for email (from), name, subject, and message.
o A group of radio buttons with options: “question”, “comment”, “urgent”.
o A checkbox: indicating if you want a return email response.
o A submit button. The button link should just refresh the page for now.
o The fields of the form must be laid out in a table.
o You must include an image on this page as well.
Make certain to include unique page titles in the header of all pages.
Project Report
The final step of this assignment is to create a report consisting of a cover page, an overview of
the project, sample output, and the source code. See Assignment Policies on either the class
website or Bb Learn. Just as a reminder, the cover page should contain the following
information. Correct the date to be the day you actually turn in the project.
Project 2: HyperText
Your Name