Problem 1. (Using CLEmitter) Consider the following program that receives an integer n as command-line
argument and prints whether or not n is a prime number.
// IsPrime . java
public class IsPrime {
// Returns true if n is prime , and false otherwise .
private static boolean isPrime (int n) {
if (n < 2) {
return false ;
for (int i = 2; i <= n / i ; i ++) { if (n % i == 0) { return false ; } } return true ; } // Entry point . public static void main ( String [] args ) { int n = Integer . parseInt ( args [0]); boolean result = isPrime (n ); if ( result ) { System . out . println (n + ” is a prime number “); } else { System . out . println (n + ” is not a prime number “); } } } Using the annotated program under $j/j–/tests/clemitter as a model, complete the implementation of the program that uses the CLEmitter interface to programmatically generate IsPrime.class, ie, the JVM bytecode for the program above. 1 of 7 CS451/651 Project 1 (Supporting Simple Operations) Swami Iyer $ javac -cp .: $j /j – -/ lib /j – -. jar GenIsPrime . java $ java -cp .: $j /j – -/ lib /j – -. jar GenIsPrime $ java IsPrime 42 42 is not a prime number $ java IsPrime 31 31 is a prime number Hints: There are two ways to approach this problem, the first being more intellectually rewarding. 1. The bytecode for GenIsPrime.main() is similar to the bytecode for GenFactorial.main(). Here are some hints for generating bytecode for the isPrime() method: if n >= 2 goto A:
return false
A: i = 2
D: if i > n / i goto B :
if n % i != 0 goto C:
return false
C: increment i by 1
goto D:
B: return True
2. Compile using javac, and decompile (using javap) IsPrime.class to get the bytecode javac generated and
mimic the same in GenIsPrime.
Problem 2. (Division Operation) Follow the process outlined in Section 1.5 of our text to implement the Java division
operator /.
$ $j /j – -/ bin /j – – tests / Division . java
$ java Division 42 6
Problem 3. (Remainder Operation) Implement the Java remainder operator %.
$ $j /j – -/ bin /j – – tests / Remainder . java
$ java Remainder 42 13
Problem 4. (Shift Operations) Implement the Java shift operators: arithmetic left shift <<, arithmetic right shift >>, logical
right shift >>>.
$ $j /j – -/ bin /j – – tests / ArithmeticLeftShift . java
$ java ArithmeticLeftShift 1 5
$ $j /j – -/ bin /j – – tests / ArithmeticRightShift . java
$ java ArithmeticRightShift 32 5
$ java ArithmeticRightShift -32 5
$ $j /j – -/ bin /j – – tests / LogicalRightShift . java
$ java LogicalRightShift 32 5
$ java LogicalRightShift -32 5
Problem 5. (Bitwise Operations) Implement the Java bitwise operators: unary complement ~, inclusive or |, exclusive or ^,
and &. Note: there are JVM instructions for |, ^, and &, but not for ~, which must be computed as the “exclusive or” of the
operand and -1.
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CS451/651 Project 1 (Supporting Simple Operations) Swami Iyer
$ $j /j – -/ bin /j – – tests / BitwiseNot . java
$ java BitwiseNot 42
$ $j /j – -/ bin /j – – tests / BitwiseInclusiveOr . java
$ java BitwiseInclusiveOr 3 5
$ $j /j – -/ bin /j – – tests / BitwiseExclusiveOr . java
$ java BitwiseExclusiveOr 3 5
$ $j /j – -/ bin /j – – tests / BitwiseAnd . java
$ java BitwiseAnd 3 5
Problem 6. (Unary Plus Operation) Implement the Java unary plus operaor +.
$ $j /j – -/ bin /j – – tests / UnaryPlus . java
$ java UnaryPlus -42
Files to Submit
1. (CLEmitter program that generates IsPrime.class)
2. j–.tar.gz (j– source tree as a single gzip file)
3. report.txt (project report)
Before you submit:
• Make sure you create the gzip file j–.tar.gz such that it only includes the source files and not the binaries, which
can be done on the terminal as follows:
$ cd $j /j —
$ ant clean
$ cd ..
$ tar – czvf j – -. tar . gz j – -/*
• Make sure your report uses the given template, isn’t too verbose, doesn’t contain lines that exceed 80 characters,
and doesn’t contain spelling mistakes
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CS451/651 Project 1 (Supporting Simple Operations) Swami Iyer
Appendix: Java Syntax
compilationUnit ::= [ package qualifiedIdentifier ; ]
{ import qualifiedIdentifier ; }
{ typeDeclaration }
qualifiedIdentifier ::= { . }
typeDeclaration ::= typeDeclarationModifiers ( classDeclaration | interfaceDeclaration )
| ;
typeDeclarationModifiers ::= { public | protected | private | static | abstract | final }
classDeclaration ::= class [ extends qualifiedIdentifier ]
[ implements qualifiedIdentifier { , qualifiedIdentifier } ]
interfaceDeclaration ::= interface // can’t be final
[ extends qualifiedIdentifier { , qualifiedIdentifier } ]
modifiers ::= { public | protected | private | static | abstract | final }
classBody ::= { { ;
| static block
| block
| modifiers memberDecl
interfaceBody ::= { { ;
| modifiers interfaceMemberDecl
memberDecl ::= // constructor
[ throws qualifiedIdentifier { , qualifiedIdentifier } ] block
| ( void | type ) // method
[ throws qualifiedIdentifier { , qualifiedIdentifier } ] ( block | ; )
| type variableDeclarators ; // fields
interfaceMemberDecl ::= ( void | type ) // method
[ throws qualifiedIdentifier { , qualifiedIdentifier } ] ;
| type variableDeclarators ; // fields; must have inits
block ::= { { blockStatemnt } }
blockStatement ::= localVariableDeclarationStatement
| statement
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CS451/651 Project 1 (Supporting Simple Operations) Swami Iyer
statement ::= block
| if parExpression statement [ else statement ]
| for ( [ forInit ] ; [ expression ] ; [ forUpdate ] ) statement
| while parExpression statement
| do statement while parExpression ;
| try block
{ catch ( formalParameter ) block }
[ finally block ] // must be present if no catches
| switch parExpression { { switchBlockStatementGroup } }
| return [ expression ] ;
| throw expression ;
| break [ ] ;
| continue [ ] ;
| ;
| : statement
| statementExpression ;
formalParameters ::= ( [ formalParameter { , formalParameter } ] )
formalParameter ::= [ final ] type
parExpression ::= ( expression )
forInit ::= statementExpression { , statementExpression }
| [ final ] type variableDeclarators
forUpdate ::= statementExpression { , statementExpression }
switchBlockStatementGroup ::= switchLabel { switchLabel } { blockStatement }
switchLabel ::= case expression : // must be constant
| default :
localVariableDeclarationStatement ::= [ final ] type variableDeclarators ;
variableDeclarators ::= variableDeclarator { , variableDeclarator }
variableDeclarator ::= [ = variableInitializer ]
variableInitializer ::= arrayInitializer | expression
arrayInitializer ::= { [ variableInitializer { , variableInitializer } ] }
arguments ::= ( [ expression { , expression } ] )
type ::= basicType | referenceType
basicType ::= boolean | byte | char | short | int | float | long | double
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CS451/651 Project 1 (Supporting Simple Operations) Swami Iyer
referenceType ::= basicType [ ] { [ ] }
| qualifiedIdentifier { [ ] }
statementExpression ::= expression // but must have side-effect, eg, i++
expression ::= assignmentExpression
assignmentExpression ::= conditionalExpression // must be a valid lhs
( =
| +=
| -=
| *=
| /=
| %=
| >>=
| >>>=
| <<=
| &=
| |=
| ^=
) assignmentExpression ]
conditionalExpression ::= conditionalOrExpression [ ? assignmentExpression : conditionalExpression ]
conditionalOrExpression ::= conditionalAndExpression { || conditionalAndExpression }
conditionalAndExpression ::= inclusiveOrExpression { && inclusiveOrExpression }
inclusiveOrExpression ::= exclusiveOrExpression { | exclusiveOrExpression }
exclusiveOrExpression ::= andExpression { ^ andExpression }
andExpression ::= equalityExpression { & equalityExpression }
equalityExpression ::= relationalExpression { ( == | != ) relationalExpression }
relationalExpression ::= shiftExpression ( { ( < | > | <= | >= ) shiftExpression } | instanceof referenceType )
shiftExpression ::= additiveExpression { ( << | >> | >>> ) additiveExpression }
additiveExpression ::= multiplicativeExpression { ( + | – ) multiplicativeExpression }
multiplicativeExpression ::= unaryExpression { ( * | / | % ) unaryExpression }
unaryExpression ::= ++ unaryExpression
| — unaryExpression
| ( + | – ) unaryExpression
| simpleUnaryExpression
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CS451/651 Project 1 (Supporting Simple Operations) Swami Iyer
simpleUnaryExpression ::= ~ unaryExpression
| ! unaryExpression
| ( basicType ) unaryExpression // basic cast
| ( referenceType ) simpleUnaryExpression // reference cast
| postfixExpression
postfixExpression ::= primary { selector } { ++ | — }
selector ::= . qualifiedIdentifier [ arguments ]
| [ expression ]
primary ::= parExpression
| this [ arguments ]
| supper ( arguments | . [ arguments ] )
| literal
| new creator
| qualifiedIdentifer [ arguments]
creator ::= ( basicType | qualifiedIdentifier )
( arguments
| [ ] { [ ] } [ arrayInitializer ]
| newArrayDeclarator
newArrayDeclarator ::= [ [ expression ] ] { [ [ expression ] ] }
literal ::= | | |
| | | true | false | null
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