1. Summary
The first project is regarding several important topics on process management. But instead of
developing it in kernel, we will do it in user space using a widely-used threads programming
interface, POSIX Threads (Pthreads). You should implement this in Linux, which supports Pthreads
as part of the GNU C library.
You should submit the required deliverable materials on BeachBoard by 11:55pm, February 21st,
2021 (Sunday).
2. Description
In this assignment, you will be working with the “threads”‘ subsystem of Linux. This is the part of
Linux that supports multiple concurrent activities within the kernel. In the exercises below, you
will write a simple program that creates multiple threads, you will demonstrate the problems that
arise when multiple threads perform unsynchronized access to shared data, and you will rectify
these problems by introducing synchronization (in the form of Pthreads mutex) into the code.
2.1 Environment Set Up
It’s recommendable to use Ubuntu as operating system to accomplish this project. Ubuntu is an
open source operating system software for computers. It is one of the distribution systems of Linux,
and is based on the Debian architecture. For those who don’t have Ubuntu installed in their
computers, it’s doable to use virtual machine and install the virtual Ubuntu in your Local operating
For virtual machine, it’s recommendable to use VirtualBox:
If you have Windows operating system installed with your computer, try to download “Windows
hosts”; if you use Mac, try to download “OS X hosts”.
After you download and install VirtualBox in your computer, next step is to download the .iso file
of Ubuntu from the official website (You can choose a new version):
When you finish downloading the .iso file of Ubuntu, then it’s time to install a virtual Ubuntu in
your virtual machine.
To do this, first you need to open VirtualBox, then click “New”:
In the configuration window, you need to set a name for your virtual Ubuntu, select “Linux” for
“Type”, and select “Ubuntu(64-bit)” for “Version”:
Select the amount of memory for your virtual Ubuntu.
Here we recommend 2GB:
In this window, select “Create a virtual hard disk now”, then click “Create”:
Click “Next” in this configuration window:
In this configuration window, you can select “Dynamically allocated”, which can make your
allocated storage of the virtual Ubuntu grows if it fills up (up to a size that you will configure in
the next step); or you can select “Fixed size” and then configure a size of storage for your virtual
Set a size for your virtual Ubuntu. Here we set 20GB, then “Create”:
At this point, we have finished the configuration. Now you can see your virtual Ubuntu has been
created in the left menu. Next you need to click “Start”:
After starting, VirtualBox will ask you to “select start-up disk”, which means you need to select
the .iso file of Ubuntu that you just download, then click “Start”:
Now it’s time to install Ubuntu in VirtualBox. Click “Install Ubuntu”:
Click “Continue”:
Click “Install Now” and then “Continue”:
Click “Continue” for both of them:
Set up your name, computer’s name, username and password for your virtual Ubuntu, then
After finishing installation, click “Restart Now”:
If you get a message “Please remove the medium and press ENTER”, just simply do so or shut
down your virtual machine and start it again.
Now you get your virtual Ubuntu installed, next you can continue working on this project with it.
2.2 Simple Multi-Thread Programming
The purpose of this exercise is for you to get some experience using the threads primitives provided
by Pthreads [1], and to demonstrate what happens if concurrently executing threads access shared
variables without proper synchronization. Then you will use the mutex synchronization primitives
in Pthreads to achieve proper synchronization.
Step 1: Simple Multi-Thread Programming without Synchronization
First, you need to write a C program using the Pthreads library that forks a few threads each
executes the loop in the SimpleThread function below. The number of threads is a command line
parameter of your program. All the threads modify a shared variable SharedVariable and display
its value within and after the loop.
Your program must validate the command line parameter to make sure that it is a number, not an
arbitrary string.
Your program must be able to run properly with any reasonable number of threads (e.g., 200).
Try your program with the command line parameter set to 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Analyze and explain
the results. Put your explanation in your project report.
Step 2: Simple Multi-Thread Programming with Proper Synchronization
Modify your program by introducing Pthreads mutex variables, so that accesses to the shared
variable are properly synchronized. Try your synchronized version with the command line
parameter set to 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Accesses to the shared variables are properly synchronized if (i)
each iteration of the loop in SimpleThread() increments the variable by exactly one and (ii)
each thread sees the same final value. It is necessary to use a Pthreads barrier [2] in order to allow
all threads to wait for the last to exit the loop.
You must surround all your synchronization-related changes with preprocessor commands, so that
we can easily compile and get the version of your program developed in Step 1. E.g.,
One acceptable output of your program is (assuming 4 threads):
*** thread 0 sees value 0
*** thread 0 sees value 1
*** thread 0 sees value 2
*** thread 0 sees value 3
*** thread 0 sees value 4
*** thread 1 sees value 5
*** thread 1 sees value 6
*** thread 1 sees value 7
*** thread 1 sees value 8
*** thread 1 sees value 9
*** thread 2 sees value 10
*** thread 2 sees value 11
*** thread 2 sees value 12
*** thread 3 sees value 13
*** thread 3 sees value 14
*** thread 3 sees value 15
*** thread 3 sees value 16
*** thread 3 sees value 17
*** thread 2 sees value 18
*** thread 2 sees value 19
Thread 0 sees final value 80
Thread 2 sees final value 80
Thread 1 sees final value 80
Thread 3 sees final value 80
Step 3: The Required Deliverable Materials
(1) A README file, which describes how we can compile and run your code.
(2) Your source code, must include a Makefile and be submitted in the required format.
(3) A recorded video shows the details of execution and outputs of your design (must have
screenshot of the outputs with your identification info (the current time or your computer ID)).
(3) Your report, which discusses the design of your program without Pthreads synchronization
and the one with Pthreads synchronization, as well as the reason for the difference; includes your
processing of design and why to implement in this way.
3. Submission Requirements
You need to strictly follow the instructions listed below:
1) This is a group project, please submit a .zip/.rar file that contains all files, only one submission
from one group.
2) The submission should include your source code and project report. Do not submit your binary
3) Make a video to record your code execution and outputs. The video should present your name
or time as identification.
4) Your code must be able to compile; otherwise, you will receive zero for the design part.
5) Your code should not produce anything else other than the required information in the output.
6) Your code must validate command line parameters to make sure that only numbers can be
7) If you code is partially completed, also explain in the report what has been completed and the
status of the missing parts.
8) Provide sufficient comments in your code to help the TA understand your code. This is
important for you to get at least partial credit in case your submitted code does not work properly.
Grading criteria:
Details Points
Submission follows the right formats 5 pts
Have a README file shows how to compile and test your submission 5 pts
Submitted code has proper comments to show the design 10 pts
Screen a video to record code execution and outputs 10 pts
Have a report (pdf or word) file explains the details of your entire design 20 pts
Report contains clearly individual contributions of your groupmates 10 pts
Code can be compiled and shows correct outputs 40 pts
4. Policies
1) Late submissions will be graded based on our policy discussed in the course syllabus.
2) We encourage high-level discussions among the groups to help each other understand the
concepts and principles. However, any code-level discussion is prohibited. We will use antiplagiarism tools to detect violations of this policy.
5. Resources
The Pthreads tutorials at and are good references to learn Pthreads
6. References
[1] POSIX Threads Programming:
[2] Pthreads Primer:
[3] POSIX thread (pthread) libraries: