CS4348 Project #1: Exploring Multiple Processes and IPC solved


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I. Project Organization
You should do the following pieces to complete your project. Each piece is explained below:
• Code 60 points
• Output 30 points
• Summary 10 points
Each piece is separately graded. A missing piece will result in losing all of the points for that piece.
The actual code of your program should be in this section. It should be nicely formatted with plenty of
comments. The code should be easy to read, properly indented, employ good naming standards, good
structure, etc.
Output will be graded by running your program on four sample programs posted on eLearning, plus one
that you have written. The one you write should be different from the samples and at least as complex.
Each is 6 points.
The summary section should discuss three things: (1) project purpose, (2) how the project was
implemented, and (3) your personal experience in doing the project. It should be at least one page in
length. A summary that is lacking will not receive full credit.
II. Project Description
The project must be written in C, C++, or Java.
If using C or C++, you must use a Unix fork to create processes and a Unix pipe for communication.
If using Java, you must use the Runtime exec method to create processes and streams for communication.
Your project will receive no credit if not using processes or if using threads instead of processes.
All code must run successfully on our cs1.utdallas.edu server or csgrads1.utdallas.edu server.
Any other method requires instructor approval.
Problem Overview
The project will simulate a simple computer system consisting of a CPU and Memory.
The CPU and Memory will be simulated by separate processes that communicate.
Memory will contain one program that the CPU will execute and then the simulation will end.
1) Learn how multiple processes can communicate and cooperate.
2) Understand low-level concepts important to an operating system.
a. Processor interaction with main memory.
b. Processor instruction behavior.
c. Role of registers.
d. Stack processing.
e. Procedure calls.
f. System calls.
g. Interrupt handling.
h. Memory protection.
i. I/O.
Problem Details
It will have these registers: PC, SP, IR, AC, X, Y.
It will support the instructions shown on the next page of this document.
It will run the user program at address 0.
Instructions are fetched into the IR from memory. The operand can be fetched into a local variable.
Each instruction should be executed before the next instruction is fetched.
The user stack resides at the end of user memory and grows down toward address 0.
The system stack resides at the end of system memory and grows down toward address 0.
There is no hardware enforcement of stack size.
The program ends when the End instruction is executed. The 2 processes should end at that time.
The user program cannot access system memory (exits with error message).

It will consist of 2000 integer entries, 0-999 for the user program, 1000-1999 for system code.
It will support two operations:
read(address) – returns the value at the address
write(address, data) – writes the data to the address
Memory will initialize itself by reading a program file.

A timer will interrupt the processor after every X instructions, where X is a command-line parameter.
Interrupt processing
There are two forms of interrupts: the timer and a system call using the int instruction.
In both cases the CPU should enter kernel mode.
The stack pointer should be switched to the system stack.
SP and PC registers should be saved on the system stack. (The handler may save additional registers).
A timer interrupt should cause execution at address 1000.
The int instruction should cause execution at address 1500.
Interrupts should be disabled during interrupt processing to avoid nested execution.
The iret instruction returns from an interrupt.
Instruction set
1 = Load value
2 = Load addr
3 = LoadInd addr

4 = LoadIdxX addr

5 = LoadIdxY addr
6 = LoadSpX
7 = Store addr
8 = Get
9 = Put port
10 = AddX
11 = AddY
12 = SubX
13 = SubY
14 = CopyToX
15 = CopyFromX
16 = CopyToY
17 = CopyFromY
18 = CopyToSp
19 = CopyFromSp
20 = Jump addr
21 = JumpIfEqual addr
22 = JumpIfNotEqual addr
23 = Call addr
24 = Ret
25 = IncX
26 = DecX
27 = Push
28 = Pop
29 = Int
30 = IRet
50 = End
Load the value into the AC
Load the value at the address into the AC
Load the value from the address found in the given address into the AC
(for example, if LoadInd 500, and 500 contains 100, then load from 100).
Load the value at (address+X) into the AC
(for example, if LoadIdxX 500, and X contains 10, then load from 510).
Load the value at (address+Y) into the AC
Load from (Sp+X) into the AC (if SP is 990, and X is 1, load from 991).
Store the value in the AC into the address
Gets a random int from 1 to 100 into the AC
If port=1, writes AC as an int to the screen
If port=2, writes AC as a char to the screen
Add the value in X to the AC
Add the value in Y to the AC
Subtract the value in X from the AC
Subtract the value in Y from the AC
Copy the value in the AC to X
Copy the value in X to the AC
Copy the value in the AC to Y
Copy the value in Y to the AC
Copy the value in AC to the SP
Copy the value in SP to the AC
Jump to the address
Jump to the address only if the value in the AC is zero
Jump to the address only if the value in the AC is not zero
Push return address onto stack, jump to the address
Pop return address from the stack, jump to the address
Increment the value in X
Decrement the value in X
Push AC onto stack
Pop from stack into AC
Perform system call
Return from system call
End execution

Input File Format
Each instruction is on a separate line, with its operand (if any) on the following line.
The instruction or operand may be followed by a comment which the loader will ignore.
Anything following an integer is a comment, whether or not it begins with //.
A line may be blank in which case the loader will skip it without advancing the load address.
A line may begin by a period followed by a number which causes the loader to change the load address.
Your program should run correctly with the any valid input files.
Sample Programs
The input program filename and timer interrupt value should be command line arguments, for example:
java Project1 program.txt 30
Here are two sample programs for illustration purposes:
This program gets 3 random integers and sums them, then prints the result.
Note that each line only has one number.
8 // Get
14 // CopyToX
8 // Get
16 // CopyToY
8 // Get
10 // AddX
11 // AddY
9 // Put 1
50 // End
This program prints HI followed by a newline to the screen. To demonstrate a procedure call, the newline
is printed by calling a procedure.
1 // Load 72=H
9 // Put 2
1 // Load 73=I
9 // Put 2
23 // Call 11
50 // End
1 // Load 10=newline
9 // Put 2
24 // Return
IV. Project Guidelines
Submit your project on eLearning. Include in your submission the following files:
1) A Word or text document for the summary.
2) Your source files.
3) The sample5.txt file you created.
4) A “readme” file listing your files, a description of each file, and how to compile and run your project.
Partial or Missing Submissions
It is your responsibility to upload all of the right files on time. It is recommended that you double-check
the files you upload to make sure they are the right ones. Once the deadline passes, changes to the
submission are not accepted without a late penalty.
Academic Honesty
This is an individual project. All work must be your own. Comparison software will be used to compare
the work of all students. Similar work will be reported to the Office of Judicial Affairs for investigation.
The written portions will be graded subjectively based on completeness and quality. The code will be
graded based on points allocated for each key part of the processing as determined by the instructor. The
output will be graded based on expected results for the input programs.
Examples were given in class and are available on eLearning. Code from these examples may be freely
used in your project. The web also has many good articles on this topic. You may also find information in
books on Unix or Linux programming.