You are required to implement three data structures: a dynamic stack, a dynamic queue, and a dynamic hash table. You are also required to create UML
diagrams for each of the classes that you implement. Finally, you have to provide the means to test your system by developing a menu program that allows
the user to manipulate your structures.
• A report that explains the design of your data structures.
• An implementation of a dynamic stack.
• An implementation of a dynamic queue.
• An implementation of a dynamic hash table.
• A menu program to test the implemented data structures.
1 Stack
In this part of the project, you need to implement one class, and create its
respective UML diagram. Your functions must meet the required running times
or no points will be granted.
1.1 Description
A stack stores elements in an ordered list and allows insertions and deletions at
one end of the list in O(1) time.
The elements in this stack are stored in an array. The size of the array may
be changed depending on the number of elements currently stored in the array,
according to the following two rules:
If an element is being inserted into a stack where the array is already full,
the size of the array is doubled. If, after removing an element from a stack
1.2 Data Members Stack, Queue, and Hash Table
where the number of elements is 1/4 the size of the array, then the size of the
array is halved. The size of the array may not be reduced below the initially
specified size.
1.2 Data Members
1. A pointer to an instance of type, Type *array, to be used as an array.
2. A counter int count.
3. The initial size of the array, int initialSize.
4. The current size of the array, int arraySize.
1.3 Member Functions
DynStack( int n = 13 ) (1 point) The constructor takes as an argument the
initial size of the array and allocates memory for that array. The default number
of entries is 13. If the argument is either 0 or a negative integer, set the initial
capacity of the array to 1. Other class members are assigned as appropriate.
∼DynStack() (2 points) The destructor deletes the memory allocated for the
Type top() const (1 point) Returns the object at the top of the stack.
It may throw a underflow exception. (O(1))
int size() const (1 point) Returns the number of elements currently
stored in the stack. (O(1))
bool empty() const (1 point) Returns true if the stack is empty, false
otherwise. (O(1))
int capacity() const (1 point) Returns the current size of the array.
int display() const (1 point) Prints the content of the stack. (O(n))
1.3 Member Functions Stack, Queue, and Hash Table
void push( Type const & data) (3 points) Inserts the new element at
the top of the stack. If the array is full, the size of the array is doubled. (O(1)
on average)
Type pop() (3 points) Removes the element at the top of the stack. If,
after the element is removed, the array is 1/4 full and the array size is greater
than the initial size, the size of the array is halved. This may throw a underflow
exception. (O(1) on average)
void clear() (3 points) Removes all the elements in the stack. The array
is resized to the initial size. (O(1))
int erase( Type const & data) (5 points) Removes the elements (from
the top) in the structure that contains the element equal to the argument (use
== to to test for equality with the retrieved element). If, after the element(s)
is/are removed, the array is 1/4 full and the array size is greater than the initial
size, the size of the array is halved. Return the number of elements that were
deleted. This may throw a underflow exception.
You must pop every element in the stack to compare with the argument.
You should use a temporary stack to hold the elements that are not equal to
the argument. After the main stack is empty, return the elements that are in
the temporary stack back to the main one. Calculate running time and include
it in your report.
This class has no friends.
Stack, Queue, and Hash Table
2 Queue
In this part of the project, you need to implement one class, and create its
respective UML diagram. Your functions must meet the required running times
or no points will be granted.
2.1 Description
A queue stores objects in an ordered list and allows insertions at one end and
deletions from the other end of the list in O(1) time.
The objects in this queue are stored in an array. The capacity of the array
may be changed depending on the number of objects currently stored in the
array, according to the following two rules:
If an object is being inserted into a queue where the array is already full, the
capacity of the array is doubled. If, after removing an object from a queue where
the number of objects is one-quarter (1/4) the capacity of the array, then the
capacity of the array is halved. The capacity of the array may not be reduced
below the initially specified capacity.
2.2 Data Members
1. A pointer to an instance of type, Type *array, to be used as an array.
2. A head index int ihead.
3. A tail index int itail.
4. A counter int count.
5. The initial size of the array, int initialSize.
6. The current size of the array, int arraySize.
2.3 Member Functions
DynQueue( int n = 13 ) (1 point) The constructor takes as an argument
the initial capacity of the array and allocates memory for that array. If the
argument is either 0 or a negative integer, set the initial capacity of the array
to 1. The default initial capacity of the array is 13. Other member variables
are assigned as appropriate.
∼DynQueue() (2 points) The destructor deletes the memory allocated for
the array.
2.3 Member Functions Stack, Queue, and Hash Table
Type front() const (1 point) Returns the object at the front of the
queue. It may throw a underflow exception. (O(1))
Type back() const (1 point) Returns the object at the back of the
queue. It may throw a underflow exception. (O(1))
int size() const (1 point) Returns the number of elements currently
stored in the queue. (O(1))
bool empty() const (1 point) Returns true if the queue is empty, false
otherwise. (O(1))
int capacity() const (1 point) Returns the current size of the array.
int display() const (1 point) Prints the content of the Queue. (O(n))
void enqueue( Type const & data) (3 points) Insert the new element
at the back of the queue. If the array is full, the size of the array is first doubled.
(O(1) on average)
Type dequeue() (3 points) Removes the element at the front of the
queue. If, after the element is removed, the array is 1/4 full and the array size
is greater than the initial size, the size of the array is halved. This may throw
a underflow exception. (O(1) on average)
void clear() (3 points) Removes all the elements in the queue. The array
is resized to the initial size. (O(1))
int erase( Type const & data) (5 points) Remove the elements (from
the front) in the structure that contains the element equal to the argument (use
== to to test for equality with the retrieved element). If, after the element(s)
is/are removed, the array is 1/4 full and the array size is greater than the initial
size, the size of the array is halved. Return the number of elements that were
deleted. This may throw a underflow exception.
You must dequeue every element in the queue to compare with the argument.
You should use a temporary queue to hold the elements that are not equal to
the argument. After the main queue is empty, return the elements that are in
the temporary queue back to the main one. Calculate running time and include
it in your report.
Stack, Queue, and Hash Table
This class has no friends.
3 Hash Table
Design a hash table that provides the following basic operations: search (2
points), insert(5 points), and delete (3 points). The insert operation must provide dynamic resizing based on a load factor criterion (a threshold). The load
factor is the ratio of the number of entries in the table and the number of
buckets. The table must also provide collision control through chaining.
3.1 Hash Table Design
You are required to calculate the running time for all of your member functions,
justify your hashing function (explain why you’re choosing it.), and create UML
diagrams for your class(es). The keys of the table can be: numbers (integers or
reals), characters, or strings. The values the table stores can be of any type.
You must use templates in your implementation. Finally, You need to document
your design in the project report.
Your class(es) may include the following parts.
1. Constructors.
2. Destructor.
3. Data members.
4. Accessors, Mutators.
5. Friends.
3.2 Deliverables
1. Class(es) with UML diagrams.
2. Hash function description. Explain why you chose it.
3. Running-time function analysis. Provide a brief description of the analysis
in the report.
Stack, Queue, and Hash Table
4 The Menu Program
In order to test your program, you are required to implement a menu program
that provides the means to run each of the functions in your classes. Please
choose the string data type to create your Queue and Stack. So, when asked to
create a Queue or a Stack, its array cells should hold string elements. Choose
the string data type to create your Hash Table. So, when asked to create a
Hash Table, both the keys and the table values must be strings. The TA will
choose one member of your group to defend the demo, and the same grade will
be assigned to all of the members of the group.
5 Rubric
This is how your project is going to be graded.
1. Report 40%.
2. Demo 60%. 20% for each structure. Stack (max score 22 points), Queue
(max score 23 points), Hash Table (max score 10 points).
6 The Project Report
You must include everything you consider relevant in your design. For the Stack
and Queue design, you should include UML diagrams and provide details of your
erase function. The majority of the report will be on your hash table (UML
diagrams, class(es), hash function, function running times.)
These are some of the questions you may have.
Do I have to implement input validation?
No, you do not. Whatever your program requests will be entered.
Is each member supposed to submit the project?
No, just one submission per group. Specify members in the project report and
in the submission box.
Can you give me an example of the menu program?
1. Stack.
2. Queue.
3. Hash Table.
0. Exit Select Option−− > 1 or 2 or 3 or 0.
Submenu 3.
0. Go back to previous menu.
1. Create table.
2. Insert.
3. Delete.
Stack, Queue, and Hash Table
4. Search.
… Select option−− > 1 or 0 or 2 or 3 or 4.
Do I need to create multiple instances of my structures?
No, you do not have to. You are only required to instantiate a stack, a queue,
and a table. If you create more is ok but that will not give you extra points for
it (just personal satisfaction).
8 Acknowledgment
This project was created based on the work shared by the University of Waterloo.