CMPS 101 Programming assignment 2 Implementing a List ADT solution


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1 Introduction
Retailers like Amazon keep a lot of information on their customers. Amongst other things, this allows them to issue
recommendations of the form ”other customers buying that book also bought this other book”. This assignment will
build some of the groundwork for such an application.
The three goals of this assignment are:
• Further practice with ANSI C. For those of you less familiar with ANSI C, this will give you chance to get
practice with it.
• To implement a List ADT in the style of the ADT handout. Not only will this give you a better idea of how
ADTs work, but this List ADT should be something that will be useful in your future classes.
• To lay some groundwork for more interesting applications (like recommending books to customers).
These programming assignment is to be done in teams of two students. Students should rotate team members for
different assignments. Team members should collaborate actively on the assignment, working closely together and
ensuring that both team members understand why the program is being written the way it is. The resources directory
has a handout on pair programming that might be helpful.
This assignment is due in two weeks. To be on track, you should have almost all of the List ADT working after
one week.
Key Skills and concepts: pointers and pointer manipulations, malloc, free, assert, linked lists, ADTs and information
hiding, .h and .c and makefiles, pre- and post-conditions.
2 Assignment Description
In this assignment, you will implement a List ADT and use it to develop a simple data processing application. Please
read the ADT handout(ecommons→handouts) for more information on ADTs).
The mathematical set of objects associated with this ADT is a sequence of elements, where usually, but not always,
one of the elements is marked as the current element. In principle, the elements could be any type, but for this
assignment they are integers (use C type long to hold these integers as in the application they may be too large to fit
in standard int variables).
The various access operations you are to implement include: checking if the list is empty, checking if there is a
current element, and returning the value of the current element, and checking if the current element is the first or last
element of the list. The manipulation operations you are to implement include: adding an additional element to the
start or end of the list, inserting an element immediately after the current element, moving the mark so that a different
element becomes the current element in the sequence, and deleting the current element.
In the first part you will play the role of the ADT implementor and implement for the List ADT specified by the
operations given below. The list will need to be developed using a doubly linked list data structure (see section 10.2
of the text for an example doubly-linked list). The linked list should be defined in the .c file using a linked list header
and a node structure. The Node type should at minimum contain the following. You may add others element as per
your need.
typedef struct NodeStruct {
long data;
struct NodeStruct* next;
struct NodeStruct* prev;
} NodeStruct;
You may find it helpful to define a NodePtr type and use that instead of NodeStruct*.
The List header at the minimum should contain the following. You can define additional members for the structure
if you wish.
typedef struct ListStruct {
NodePtr first;
NodePtr last;
NodePtr current;
} ListStruct
The ListHndl type is the handle for the list, it should be a pointer to the ListSturct structures. Note that the list
handle ListHndl needs to be declared appropriately in the header file so clients can create variables to hold handles.
typedef struct ListStruct* ListHndl;
2.1 List ADT operations
The required operations for your ADT are as follows.
/*** Constructors-Destructors ***/
ListHndl newList( void );
void freeList(ListHndl* L); // Pre: L has been created with newList.
/* NOTE: all Access functions and Manipulation procedures also have the
precondition that L has been initialized by newList().
/*** Access functions ***/
int isEmpty(ListHndl L); // returns true is list is empty else returns false.
int offEnd(ListHndl L); // returns true is current == NULL
int atFirst(ListHndl L); // returns true if current == first and !offEnd()
int atLast(ListHndl L); // returns true if current == last and !offEnd()
long getFirst(ListHndl L); // return the first element; pre: !isEmpty()
long getLast(ListHndl L); // return the last element; pre: !isEmpty()
long getCurrent(ListHndl L); // return the current element pre: !offEnd()
/*** Manipulation procedures ***/
void makeEmpty(ListHndl L); // delete all elements from the list,
// making it empty. Post: isEmpty(), offEnd() are both true
void moveFirst(ListHndl L); // without changing list order, make the first element
// the current one. Pre: !isEmpty(); Post: !offEnd()
void moveLast(ListHndl L); // without changing list order, make the last element
// the current one. Pre: !isEmpty(); Post: !offEnd()
void movePrev(ListHndl L); // move the current marker one element earlier in the list
// Pre: !offEnd(); Post: offEnd() only if atFirst() was true
void moveNext(ListHndl L); // move the current marker one element later in the list.
// Pre: !offEnd(); Post: offEnd() only if atLast() was true
void insertAtFront(ListHndl L, long data); // Inserts new element before first
// Post: !isEmpty(); doesn’t change current element
void insertAtBack(ListHndl L, long data); // Inserts new element after last one
// Post: !isEmpty(); doesn’t change current element
void insertBeforeCurrent(ListHndl L, long data); // Inserts new element before current one
// Pre: !offEnd(); Post: !isEmpty(), !offEnd(), !atFirst()
void deleteFirst(ListHndl L); // delete the first element. Pre: !isEmpty()
void deleteLast(ListHndl L); // delete the last element. Pre: !isEmpty()
void deleteCurrent(ListHndl L); // delete the current element.
// Pre: !isEmpty(), !offEnd(); Post: offEnd()
/*** Other operations ***/
void printList(FILE* out, ListHndl L); // prints out the list with the
// current element marked, helpful for debugging
You can “mark” the current element in printList by surrounding it with some kind of parens or brackets (like [17])
or follow it with a special symbol (like 17*).
Feel free to support additional functions with your list ADT like insertAfterCurrent(ListHndl L,
long data) if you want.
I hope the meaning of the operations is clear from the descriptions. For example, if list L is 11, 222, 7, 4 where
underlining indicates the current element, then the call insertBeforeCurrent(L, 5) would result in L getting
the state 11, 222, 5, 7, 4. Then a call to moveNext(L) would change the state of L to 11, 222, 5, 7 , 4. Another
call to moveNext(L) would make L be 11, 222, 5, 7, 4, with no current element, so offEnd(L) would become true.
You will need to implement the List ADT as a Module. The implementation details should be in List.c. The
interfaces listed above should be exported for public use through a header file, List.h. (Read carefully the ADT
handout to understand the role of header files).
When implementing the ADT you can use the other ADT functions when helpful, and it can be very useful to add
“helper functions” that are defined and used by the implementer in the ADT .c file, but not in exported to the ADT’s
As described in lecture, you should incrementally construct a driver program, Listdr.c, which should test out
the List functions as you implement them. The ADT has a lot to implement, but each function should be manageable
if they are taken one at a time.
2.2 Application of List ADT
The application you will need to develop is as follows. There are n customers who purchase various books from a
website. The customers are identified by a unique customer ID and books by a unique book ID (ISBN number or
something similar to that). Your program should prompt for and accept a file name from standard input. That data
file will contain which books were purchased by which customers as described below. The first line of the data file is
n, the number of customers in the system, and the second line is the number of book purchases. After that each line
contains two numbers: a customer ID (between 1 and n) and a book ID representing a purchase for that customer. The
numbers on a line are separated by white space. You can consider that this information is produced ”on-line” so that
customers can buy books in any order.
An example input file is
3 // number of customers
9 // number of purchases
2 3453
1 3453
1 234443
2 41
1 30
3 11323
3 2
1 11323
3 24339
The book IDs may be quite long (Universal product codes are 13 digits, and to big to fit into an int, so you should
use a ’long’ data type to hold book IDs). The customer IDs will range from 1 to the number of customers.
In addition to the List ADT you should write a store.c file containing the main program. This main program
should read the first two lines of the input file, create and initialize an array of linked lists indexed by customer ID.
The linked list for a customer should should store the books purchased by that customer. After reading the entire input
file (and storing all of the purchases), the main program should print out the purchases in condensed form using one
line for each customer as in the following output. If the program encounters bad input (like lines without the required
number of numbers, letters instead of numbers, or insufficient number of lines) then it should halt with a bad input
error message. Extra characters after the number(s) on a line, or extra lines should be ignored.
customer# books purchased
1 30 3453 11323 234443
2 41 3453
3 2 11323 24339
Note that the following output printed out the books in sorted order. To output the books in sorted order you should
use insertion sort to insert the new purchase in the correct place in the list. For the basic assignment you can print out
the books in any order, but it is worth 1 point to print out the books in sorted order. I strongly suggest you get the
basic assignment working (and save your working code) before trying to output the books in sorted order, probably by
using insertion sort to insert new purchases into the customer’s list.
2.3 Submittal Information
You will need to submit the .c files, .h files, a makefile that correctly creates your store and driver programs, and a
README file which describes the contents of all files. You will need to make sure that the program compiles and
runs correctly on the UCSC unix systems. You will lose points for compile issues. Do not assume that graders will fix
compile issues. If the program does not compile, graders may choose to grade the code on non-execution aspects and
this will significantly cost your grade.
One partner should submit the entire assignment. That will include at least the following six files. List.c, List.h,
Listdr.c, store.c, makefile and a README. If your program needs other files to compile (like myIncludes.h) then they
must be submitted also. Each file should have a header comment indicating what the file is for and who wrote it (both
partner’s names and zip all the files together into a file named and
then submit this zip file through ecommons.
The other partner should submit the README file as a text file (not zip’ed), and the header comment in the
README file will identify the partner submitting the entire assignment. I suggest you watch you partner submit the
assignment to ensure that its submitted correctly and on time.
2.4 Grading Guide
15 points total:
• 1 point for submitting separate ADT Files with information hiding, good comments (including header comments
and pre and post conditions) and modularity
• 1 point for well organized, readable code and generally good style
• 1 point for good memory management (including free-ing the allocated storage for list nodes and list headers)
• 1 point for detecting incorrect input
• 10 points for correctly outputting the books purchased by each customer (assuming the List ADT and design
requirements are met)
• 1 point for outputting the books purchased by each customer in sorted order