Programming Assignment 01 – Functional Programming using JavaScript solution


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(5 points) Start with an array called table. The array should have numbers between 1 and 10.

  1. (30 points) Use table to create the following: –
    1. Set of multiples of 5 between 1 and 51. Name it fiveTable
    2. Set of multiples of 10 between 1 and 101. Name it tenTable
    3. Set of squares of numbers in table. Name it squaresTable
  2. (10 points) Get the odd multiples of 5 between 1 and 100. 5, 15, …
  3. (20 points) Get the sum of even multiples of 7 between 1 and 100. 14 + 28+…
  4. (15 points) Use currying to rewrite the function below: –

function cylinder_volume(r, h){

var volume = 0.0;

volume = 3.14 * r * r * h;

return volume;


Use r = 5 and h = 10 to call your curried function.

  1. (15 points) Use the following code to take advantage of closure to wrap content with HTML tags, specifically show an HTML table consisting of a table row that has at least one table cell/element. You can use the console to output your results.

makeTag = function(beginTag, endTag){

return function(textcontent){

return beginTag +textcontent +endTag;



  1. (5 points) Following instructions
  2. (Extra credit) Do the generic version of questions 3 and 4 – first odd or even and then the number whose multiples (in range 1 to 100) you want.