The Problem
1. In Problem Set 3, you completed a state diagram for a DFA that recognized L2 = {w | every
odd position of w is a 1}. Call that DFA, D. Write a python program that simulates D. The
program is invoked from the Linux command line.
The program must have a function that accepts a formal definition of D as a tuple (Q, Σ, 𝛅, q0,
F) along with its input, w. This could either be a simple function, called, say, “simulate,” or the
constructor for a class called, say, “DFA.” The DFA will accept continuous input, printing
‘accept’ for each string if it is an element of L2, ‘reject’ if it is not. The DFA also rejects if a
symbol is not an element of sigma or if a state is not an element of Q.
The operative part of the DFA is a collection of delta transitions. One technique is to model
delta as a python dictionary that accepts a tuple (state,input) and returns a new state. This is
known as the Kilfoyle Model, after its inventor, Jeb Kilfoyle.
Here’s a pseudo-code sketch of a solution:
while (there are more strings to be tested)
enter a string, w or CTRL-C to quit
define a DFA: (Q, Σ, 𝛅, q0, F)
set the current state to q0
for symbol in w
if current state not in Q or symbol not in Σ, reject
current state = 𝛅(current state, symbol)
accept if current state is in F, else reject