CSI 2110 Lab 9 Adjacency List Implementation of a Graph and DFS solution


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Download the archive Lab9.zip and extract the SimpleGraph application. The application reads an edgelist from a file and constructs a Graph. The Graph is stored as AdjacencyMapGraph. The application simply
prints all the vertices followed by all the edges. The archives also contain two graph files which you can
use as input for the application:
Presentation by your TA
Your TA will explain the recursive implementation of Depth First Search.
See Graph Traversals slides (for 2015 slides, this can be found in page 37 and examples from page 38­
New Graph
Define a new graph in a textfile and print it with the application.
Study the Goodrich et al. Implementation
Study the AdjacencyMapGraph implementation of the Graph ADT by Goodrich et al. Keep in mind the
structure discussed in class. Notice that the adjacency lists are implemented in the inner class MyVertex
and the references from the edges in the inner class MyEdge. The Graph ADT does not define any traversal
method. You are supposed to implement your own Depth­First Search inside the class SimpleGraph, in
order to print its vertices in a depth­first search manne (for the next part). These classes are all part of the
net.datastructures package which is contained in the zip archive for this lab.
Printing with Depth­First Search
(simple Depth First Search, more complex version to be seen in
The program SimpleGraph has a routine void printDFS( String vert ) that calls DFS(graph,v) which
currently does nothing. Please implement the method DFS(graph,v) with a recursive implementation of
Depth­first Search (page 37 of lecture notes in graph traversals). The routine should print the vertices as
they are visited by the traversal: once when they are first visited and a second time when a vertex is
finished. In order to do that, auxiliary methods startVisit(v) and finishVisit(v) are provided.