COMP 2210 Lab 5: Measuring efficiency solution


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This lab focuses on empirically measuring a program’s running time. By completing this lab you should

  • Gain an ability to measure the running time of programs
  • Gain an understanding of factors that affect running time
  • Gain an ability to characterize a program’s time complexity

(This document is also available outside Canvas here.)


  1. Open the COMP2210/labs directory on your Engineering H: drive. (If you didn’t complete the previous lab where you created this directory structure, do so now.)
  2. Create the lab05 directory.
  3. Download the zip file associated with this lab, store it in the COMP2210/labs/lab05 directory, and unzip the file.
  4. Open jGRASP to the lab05 directory.

Measuring running time

Java provides two methods for measuring time: System.nanoTime() and System.currentTimeMillis(). We could use either for our purposes in this lab, but we will use nanoTime() since it is expressly designed to measure elapsed time. Note that the currentTimeMillis() method is designed to measure “wall-clock” time. For more information on these methods, see the following links.

To measure how long method foo takes to run we could do the following:

  long start = System.nanoTime();
  long elapsedTime = System.nanoTime() - start;

The value in elapsedTime represents the number of nanoseconds that method foo required, according to the JVM’s internal time source. (Of course nanoTime requires some time itself and the subtraction takes time, so elapsedTime isn’t strictly the running time of foo.) For a more useful display value we could provide this time estimate in seconds.

  double time = elapsedTime / 1_000_000_000d;
  System.out.printf("%4.3f", time); illustrates timing multiple runs of method foo and using an average value as its running time in seconds.

  1. Open in jGRASP and compile it.
  2. Run the program and observe the output.
  3. Interact with this code and make sure that you understand everything that it does and how you might apply it for your own purposes.

Improving performance: avoid unnecessary work

The crux of making code more efficient is avoiding unnecessary work. Sometimes this can mean being more careful in how the code is written; for example, making sure a search algorithm terminates as soon as the result of the search can be known.

The two search methods below illustrate this idea.

   // exits only after examining the entire list
   private static <T> boolean searchA(List<T> list, T target){
      boolean found = false;
      for (T element : list) {
         if (element.equals(target)) {
            found = true;
      return found;

   // exits as soon as it knows the status of the search
   private static <T> boolean searchB(List<T> list, T target){
      for (T element : list) {
         if (element.equals(target)) {
            return true;
      return false;

On average, we would expect searchB to perform better than searchA since it exits the loop and returns true as soon as target is found. This is an example of efficiency improvements we should always make, mainly because the code is just … better. That’s a subjective judgment, but I think most of us would agree that searchB is more efficient and more appealing.

Note that the worst-case performance of both searchA and searchB is the same – both will examine every element of the list before terminating. But on “average-case” searches we should see a performance difference.

The EarlyExit class demonstrates how you can measure this performance difference by building large arrays and repeatedly timing average-case searches.

  1. Open in jGRASP and compile it.
  2. Run this program and observe its output.
  3. Interact with this code and make sure that you understand everything that it does and how you might apply it for your own purposes.

Characterizing time complexity

More important that measuring running time per se is being able to characterize an algorithm’s time complexity. The time complexity of an algorithm dictates how scalable the algorithm is; that is, whether or not the algorithm’s running time will be practical as the problem size increases.

A concrete way to think about scalability is to ask the question “What happens to running time if the problem becomes twice as large as it currently is?” Is our algorithm still useful if the problem size we expect suddenly doubles? What if it doubles again? Characterizing the algorithm’s time complexity is the first step in understanding the algorithm’s scalability.

One approach to characterizing time complexity is to empirically answer the doubling questions above by timing the implemented algorithm on increasing problem sizes. By making observations of how the running time is affected by doubling the size of the input, we can predict what the algorithm’s time complexity is. (Strictly speaking, the notion of time makes sense for an implemented algorithm – a program – but not for an algorithm. We could perhaps speak in terms of the “work” or “computational steps” required by an algorithm, but “time” only makes sense when referring to a running program. Even so, the terms time complexity and time are used in the context of algorithms and we are expected to implicitly understand the distinction.)

The time complexity of many algorithms can described by a polynomial function. The running time of such an algorithm thus satisfies the relationship T(N)cf(N)T(N)∝c⋅f(N), where NN is a measure of the size of the problem the algorithm is solving, T(N)T(N) is a function that describes the time required by the algorithm for a given problem size, cc is a constant, and f(N)=Nkf(N)=Nk for some k>0k>0. The function ff is called the order of growth of the algorithm’s running time since the amount of time required by the algorithm as the problem size increases grows in proportion to the function ff.

Of course not all algorithms have polynomial time complexity. Common orders of growth that we will see in this course include logNlog⁡NNNNlogNNlog⁡NN2N2N3N32N2N, and N!N!. For the purposes of this lab, however, we will restrict ourselves to talking about algorithms with time complexity proportional to a polynomial.

Timing a such a program as its input increases by a factor of two allows us to generate data like the following.

NN T(N)T(N) RatioRatio
N0N0 T(N0)T(N0)
N1N1 T(N1)T(N1) T(N1) / T(N0)T(N1) / T(N0)
N2N2 T(N2)T(N2) T(N2) / T(N1)T(N2) / T(N1)
NiNi T(Ni)T(Ni) T(Ni) / T(Ni1)T(Ni) / T(Ni−1)
NmNm T(Nm)T(Nm) T(Nm) / T(Nm1)T(Nm) / T(Nm−1)

Since NiNi1=2NiNi−1=2 and T(N)cNkT(N)∝cNk, then


So by observing the value that the ratio of T(Ni) / T(Ni1)T(Ni) / T(Ni−1) converges toward, we can set this value equal to 2k2k and simply solve for kk, which is the power (order) of the polynomial that describes the time complexity of our algorithm. For example, the following table suggests that the underlying algorithm being timed has time complexity proportional to N2N2.

NN T(N)T(N) (sec.) RatioRatio
250 0.061
500 0.042 1.35
1000 0.112 2.67
2000 0.340 3.04
4000 1.298 3.82
8000 5.334 4.11
16000 21.880 4.10
32000 85.763 3.92
64000 345.634 4.03

The TimeComplexity class demonstrates how you can generate data that will allow you to characterize polynomial time complexity.

  1. Open in jGRASP and compile it.
  2. Run this program and observe its output.
  3. Interact with this code and make sure that you understand everything that it does and how you might apply it for your own purposes.