CPSC 313 Lab 2: Count words in files: Map Reduce version solution


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You will create a single python code file named “mr_count_words.py” that takes a list of
files as input, and counts all the words in the list of files, printing out the list of words with
their counts. This time, however, you will use a basic map reduce class to distribute the
work. You are provided with the map reduce class in a file named “basicMR.py” attached to
this assignment.
This will use similar code to your lab1 implementation, though your implementation for
counting words will be much simpler as it’s applied through map reduce.
You should have the following constants & functions:
# stop words are words that don’t count – conjunctions, extensions, prepositions, etc. Use
this list to check each word you find, and if it’s in this list you ignore it.
[‘a’, ‘an’, ‘and’, ‘are’, ‘as’, ‘be’, ‘by’, ‘for’, ‘if’, ‘in’, ‘is’, ‘it’, ‘of’, ‘or’, ‘py’, ‘rst’, ‘that’, ‘the’, ‘to’, ‘wit
def find_words(file_name):
“”” take a file and return a list of lists where each sublist is a list with the word and the
number 1 for that file. Please note that you can use dictionaries instead of lists
This may look like: [[‘foo’, 1], [‘bar’, 1], [‘foo’, 1], …]
def count_words(item):
Take an item that is a list or tuple (or dictionary), get its word and count and return a
tuple (or list or dictionary) that is the word with it’s summed count.
This is a two line function, but it’s a bit counter-intuitive because you should use the
sum() function that takes an iterable. In the map reduce file you’ll notice that we can take a
list of iterators over tuples of the form [<’word1’, 1>, <’word2’, 1>, <’word1’, 1>, …] and
create a single iterable that gives you the entire chain of tuples. The sum function takes this
iterable and applies sum to the numbers (all or 1 for this exercise) to get the count.
def main():
main function: get the files from input (or *args) or just assume they or in an appropriate
directory and use all .txt files there. Iterate through the files counting words in each file,
then combine results from each
inside this main function you’ll start a timer using time.perf_counter (you’ll import the
time library), create the SimpleMapReduct class with the find_words and count_words
functions, call the objects __call__ method with the input files and a chunksize, sort the list
by count in reverse order (highest count first), end the timer with another call to
time.perf_counter(), calculate the time spent and you have the map_reduce
You should also call your previous implementation with the timer calls and then you can
compare the time taken to do a set of rather large files (> 1GB) using both approaches.
if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
• You should have a test file that tests both your original count_words functions and
the new map_reduce output to see that they match. This is in addition to your
individual unit tests for each implementation.
• I suggest you use pytest as your test framework, though any python test framework
is fine. Look up pytest to see how to use it, though it’s simple.
o Install pytest – in your terminal within vscode or in a powershell window:
▪ >> pip install pytest
o Make sure in your test file each function (or class) you use has “test” in the
name. As a convention, I tend to start each function with “test”. So if I’m
testing my word_count function, I’d have a “test_word_count” function in my
test file.
o To run the tests, just use the command “pytest” in your powershell or
• You must log relevant information from your working code into a log file:
o Use the Python “logging” library. To see how to use that library, search for
• You must compute the total time it takes to count all the words in all the files, and
output that clearly to the log file.
• You must follow the style guide (document is in Teams) with the following
o naming: Single letter variable or function names are NOT allowed.
▪ All names must be meaningful and descriptive. Instead of “for x in
list:” you may use “for loop_control in list” or something more
o You may use tabs instead of spaces, and your indentation is encouraged to be
tab or 4 spaces instead of 2 spaces.
• You can find test files by searching for “random word test file”
• For this assignment you ARE required to test large files. We will go over an easy way
to do this in class. Some hints:
o You can call a REST service (https://random-wordapi.herokuapp.com/word?number=1000) where you can use whatever
number of words you want that will return a list of random words from a
o That gives you a corpus of words, now you can randomly take words from
this list and add them to a file with a space as a separater until you reach the
file size you want
• Your python file (mr_count_words.py)
• Your test file (test_CW.py)
• A log file that shows the output of your test run and any log statements from the